Thursday, October 29, 2009

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Unfettered Muslim immigration ensures destruction.

Islam is totally incompatible with anything deemed 'Western'.

by Ferdinand III

Greg Sheridan is the foreign editor of The Australian newspaper and a realist when it comes to Islam. Muslim mass migrations not only threaten Europe, the Volga region; and the major urban centers of North America; they will also radically deform entities such as Australia and New Zealand. The multi-cultural fetish for all things non-Western; non-European and the relativist zeal and inane belief that 'Islam means not submission but peace' can only end in disaster. It will make the slow decay and long decline and crash of Rome look mild by comparison. Islam is an ideology of war, conversion, intolerance and fascism in its true and correct definition.

As Sheridan writes in his article in Real Clear Politics []:

 “In one of history's countless ironies, Muslim immigrants benefited from the legacy of the Jewish Holocaust. The determination initially to extirpate anti-Semitism didn't help many European Jews because they were almost all gone, but it offered a template for Muslim immigrants to find and exploit an ethnic victim status. This set up profoundly destructive dynamics and, in another irony, reintroduced serious anti-Semitism to Europe, carried with the Muslim arrivals.”

Ironic indeed. The Continent which birthed the holocaust is now blindly anti-semitic; anti-Israel, and in open alliance with Greater Arabia. How disturbing it must be to be part of the European socialist 'nirvana'. Are Europeans en-masse that blind and ignorant that they truly believe a historically unprecedented influx of Muslims – now numbering 40 million in Europe or 10% of its population – will produce benefices, modernity and absolve Europeans of their supposed White-guilt past ? [Itself a disturbed and sick Marxist-Internationalist obsession which selectively rewrites history and elevates the primitive over the advanced].

Europe long ago became theologically and ideologically, divorced from reality.   20th century European fascism – evident in Germanic militarism pre-1914 -- was of course a Marxist-socialist phenomenon. Hitler's National Socialism was the unification of Marxist state ownership of all important societal factors, with social Darwinism and blood-racism. It differed from Leninism only in the replacement by the Russian fascists, of German racialism with the inanity of Communist inspired 'class-warfare'. In all other respects the Marxist variants of Hitlerism and Leninism were similar. Both were also premised on over 100 years of 'intellectual'; social and cultural distortions. Hegel, Marx, Rousseau, Saint Simon, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Bismarck, Lueger in Vienna – all these politically and culturally important characters amongst a host of others, were instrumental in detaching Europe from both morality and reality.

The long European civil war from 1914 to 1989 was in effect a conflict between the vestiges of European Judeo Christian civilization premised on ancient Greek and Roman ideals; against Marxist theocracy embedded in the destruction of the individual and the elevation of state worship. Without US military power Europe and Britain would have succumbed to either the Nazi hordes; or the goose stepping Russian fascist baboons.  It was and is that simple.

So now we the unwashed mass, can view the Europeans and other major nation states, abetted by politically nescient weaklings and the class of feminists; marxists; one-worlders; and cultural relativists; enacting policies which will ensure that a next great civil war  will occur. This time it will be between the fascist incantations of the Meccan male moon cult and the family deity of Mohammed; against the modern world. Islam is universalist, dedicated to world domination and entirely intolerant.  Huntington's bloody borders are a reality - wherever Islam is situated there is violence, war, slavery, cruelty and death.

Is it not remarkable than to behold the political and social orthodoxy that an Arabian paganism based on moon worship, is now exalted as a 'religion' and conflated with Western ideals and mores ? Is it not even more remarkable that such an ideology based on a truely fascist book, one which is racist, supremacist and insane, is given the multicultural blessing of being a 'holy book' ? So too than was Mein Kampf I suppose. There is nothing moderate in either the Koran or within Islam.

As Sheridan asks:

How did this mass immigration of people with few relevant job or language skills, and a culture deeply alien to Europe, come about? .....the post-World War II period saw a radical disjuncture in European attitudes. Europe had just been wrecked by an enemy, the Nazis, who were avowedly racist. The unimaginable disaster of the Holocaust haunted every discussion of morality or policy. Europe was in the throes of decolonisation and felt guilty about its relations with non-white people.

This made an ideology of anti-racism - which itself became extreme and distorted, detached from reality and in many cases downright intolerant - the more or less official state religion of Europe. This had little to do with really combating racism.”

And so the Europeans erected the 'caring and compassionate' multicultural welfare state. They embraced relativity. They rewrote history. They denigrated the modern world and the Western experience and legacy. They embraced an alliance with Islam and the Arabian cult – forces which had sided with the Nazis and Communists. And this gibberish has found its way into North America and Australia and is now official state policy and is deemed 'progressive' and 'intelligent'.

States collapse from many factors, but one constant in history is that unchecked migration flows from alien cultures will naturally destroy or at the very least radically change the host society once they attain a certain demographic size. Many urban areas of Europe will be majority Muslim by 2040. The same is true of quite a few conurbations in North America and Australia. At this point the 'West' will cease to exist. But that is quite the point for the Marxist-multicultural fanatics who run our nation states. Unfettered Muslim immigration will be a catastrophe which will make the fall of Rome look mild - but will be embraced as the apogee of man's history by the self-proclaimed 'progressive' and 'intelligent' class.