Monday, May 31, 2010

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Fregosi and Islam's endless Jihad.

Facts don't lie. Neither do the tenets of Islamic imperialism.

by Ferdinand III

Paul Fregosi is a French writer who left the caring embrace of Mommy-state Islamifying France, for the austere hug of Orwellian Islamifying Britain. His study on the Islamic Jihad against Europe, is one of the few published accounts of Islam's rather horrifying and unending 1400 year assault. Many publishers refused, in good Dhimmitude fashion, to publish his account for fear of offending those ever-so sensitive practitioners of tolerance and the Golden Rule, the Muslim cult from Mecca. Sounds pretty familiar. So too does the litany of unending war, predation, slavery and destruction visited upon Europe by the Islamic cult. As the founder of Islam swore to his followers, “'The sword is the key to heaven and hell.' [p. 22]  The Trinity of Islam - the sword, Allah and war.

The facts of Islamic Jihad are rarely taught in European schools, ignored by the media, never uttered by 'mainstream' [aka Marxist and Socialist] politicians; and are not even understood by Muslims themselves. In fact it is no exaggeration to state that Muslims en masse, are entirely ignorant about the origins, realities and Jihadic impulse of their moon-cult. Islam is not a religion in the Western-Christian sense. There is no Golden Rule and no book of Matthew. There is rampant racism, supremacism and intolerance within the Koran. Jihad is Islam, and Jihad means war, destruction and conversion or death for the hated non-Muslim 'infidel', or stinking 'Kufar'.

“The Encyclopedia of Islam, published in Leyden in 1913, is quite explicit: 'Islam must be completely made over before the Jihad is eliminated.” But the elimination of the Jihad is nowhere in sight. On the contrary, it is probably more deeply imbedded in the Muslim mind that at any time in the past two centuries, and its elimination seems very far off indeed.” [p. 21]

Every European should read Fregosi's book. Islam has always coveted the fall of Europe to armies of the Meccan moon cult. One of Mohammed's last commands was to take Rome. Many Muslims follow the words of Mohammed, as being those of 'God'. The Koran is the expression of Mohammed's doctrine and the theology of 'Allah' or the Meccan moon deity, which is peculiarly claimed by the Islamic cult to be a universal 'God'. The Koran is explicit that the entire globe, including that of the 'Roman' or Western European empire, must become Islamic. One cannot discount the feeling amongst 'moderate' Muslims [or so they are wrongly called], that the planet must be Islamic, under the watchful benevolent gaze of the moon deity Allah – wrongly associated and conflated with the Christian God. Jihad for Allah has been the animating force, along with sex slavery, plunder and the lust for gold, for Islam, for 1400 years. You don't know what beats in the breast or what electrical impulses surge through the brains of these mythical 'moderate' Muslims. They after all are the heirs to the most vicious assaults over 1400 years, and the most terrible of wars committed by man in history. Some 300 million dead scattered across the globe testify to that black and white fact:

“Many of those [European] lands were occupied by the Muslims, in some cases by Arabs and Moors, in others by the Ottoman Turks, usually for hundreds of years: Spain 800 years, Portugal 600 years, Greece 500 years, Sicily 300 years, Serbia 400 years, Bulgaria 500 years Rumania 400 years, and Hungary 150 years. By comparison the European occupation of the Muslim countries of the Near and Middle East and of North Africa lasted less than a century and a half.” [p. 24]

Europe is a target for Muslim Jihad and always has been. It will be until it falls and comes under the command of the Meccan cult. Most Hungarians for example would be surprised to know that the Turkish Moslem forces, after conquering the Hungarian state, carried off some 3 million white Hungarian captives to be dispersed as slaves throughout the Ottoman empire, a fact outlined at some length by Fregosi. No doubt young Hungarian students are being told by teachers with both hands on their hips, that Islam is peace, love and gentleness and any Islamic war was initiated by the debased intolerant white Christians.

Most Frenchmen would be surprised at the extent of Muslim pillage and conquest of France during the 8th and 9th centuries. The Arabs and their North African allies were defeated twice by Charles Martel in 732 AD and again in 737 AD, but that did not expel them from Frankish soil. They had conquered and kept vast tracts of southern Francia and were only ejected through war [not UN declarations if such a body had existed at the time, pious pleas, or multi-lateral conferences], during the period of Charles the Great's rule, around the start of the 9th century.

“From their original bastion at Fraxinetum, the Muslims had spread all over southeastern France and over much of Italy and Switzerland. An Arab army corps was stationed in Nice, Grenoble was also in their hands, and in the Switzerland they reached the town of Saint Gall, near Lake Constance, and from there they may have spread into what is now Germany.” [p. 138]

How many contemporary Europeans know any of the above ? How would they ? They are not taught it in school. Do the Swiss children in today's Saint Gall, understand that their once Christian city and walled town, was at the outer marches of the Islamic empire ? Were the Muslims there spreading hope and change, or love and commitment ? Or were they there, enslaving, killing, demanding tribute or conversions to the moon cult ?

“The conquered populations were given three choices: Islam, the sword, or tribute.” [p. 75]

And so it remains today. In the real world of the 5 senses it is clear that the repetitive march of Islam against Europe will not stop. It might take different forms but Jihad is the animating principle behind the Meccan moon cult. It was not spread to encompass 1.6 billion people through love, harmony, singing and group therapy.

Muslim Jihad today finds its expression in the guise of immigration and cultural Marxism, not marching North African Almohads or Almoravids hordes moving into Spain, or the screeching Janissaries of Turkish imperialism, laying waste to Central Europe. It finds its outlet in Jew-hate, Iranian, Turkish, Syrian and Saudi Arabian fundamentalism, and in Pakistani and Afghani terror and violence. Islam has never been a political program of merriment and love. It is a warring theology of Jihad, bent on conquest or extirpation of the infidel. Fregosi's work, written in 1998, should be read by every European. The revisitation of Muslim-Jihadic history upon Europe, is already occurring.