Friday, December 17, 2010

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Obi's email. An example of Muslim understanding.

Deny reality.

by Ferdinand III


The emails one usually receives are hardly worth showing. Most are deranged. There are two general categories of hate mail. The first is from ardent Leftists, Communists, Marxists and Obama-worshippers, including supposed Christians who without knowing anything about the topic whine that Islam is peace and love and that to present any information contrary to that orthodoxy is heretical and nefarious. The second, and far more lurid, are the Muslim undertakings. Rife with lies, deceit, threats, and a fantastical ignorance about their cult, Islamic history or even what the Koran says. I often wonder if Muslims reading the Koran, actually read what it says, or just read what they want it to say.

So when the Koran says for example, that Jesus was a Muslim, any non-PC Marxist would probably point out that such a conflation of Jesus with Mohammedanism is ludicrous. Nowhere in Christ's teachings did he advocate what Mohammed espoused. Nowhere in Christ's life can one find the barbarity evinced and perpetrated by Mohammed. Islam's founder adjured submission; slavery; female sex concubinage; murder; hatred and murder of Jews and Christians; the division of the world into 'us' and 'them'; violence, war, and the coercive subjugation of pagans including Jews and Christians through war. Christ preached the exact opposite of Mohammed. Even an atheist reading the New Testament and suffering through a reading of the incomprehensible Koran would accept this fact. But not Muslims.

An example of Muslim delirium is below. Feel free to email Obi Wan [his moniker] at Obi apparently is a Muslim and an expert on the Koran and did not take too kindly to having the Koran repeated on a website. Obi's rage is that the Koran is actually represented as it is. When it says that Jesus was a Muslim, and that Christians turned away from his 'clear signals' [which in the Koran means nature, so ergo any natural occurrence including sunrise and sunset emanates from the impersonal thing Allah]. Due to this 'turning away' from the sharia or true path, Muslims must either force Christians 'back to Allah', or dominate them, and perhaps in the endless Jihad which the Koran and Mohammed demand, kill them.
    bro u are chatting bull, and u know u are, why dont u tell me this, in christianity its says not to associate partners with god. but are you not doing this by saying jesus is the son of god, come on speak up. also why dont u explain to me if jesus is god, who was he and his diciples praying to???? if jesus is god who was looking after the word when he had passed away???? i cant hear u????? also why dont u tell me where the terms christian/christianity and jew/judeism originated from. For the Quran to be the word of god, it must stand the test of time, something which it has, as for the bible and torah, corrupted by man.....truth hurts dont it!!!!!!

Thanks Obi. Obi makes two points. First, Islam is uncreated, perfect, God-given and so is the Koran. This is a mark of insanity. The Koran is certainly created and much of it pre-dates Mohammed. Whole tracts of the Koran are plagiarized from the Torah and New Testament [which gives Muslims the 'credibility' that it comes from the same 'God' which of course is a nonsense]. As i wrote before the Koran is a man made text, which rivals Mein Kampf in its illiteracy and racist supremacism:

In any event the Koran is like the Bible, a heterogeneous mixture of writers, languages, dialects, actors and points of view. It is a document not only of laws, ideas and perhaps Arab ethics, but a propaganda instrument. It purports to solve all of life's problems for the reader by laying out an indestructible plan for living. Follow the Koran and you will be saved. Don't follow it and you might be killed, exiled, or have your private property taken away.

Some say that the Koran which is a racist and fascist tract should be banned. I would say that the opposite is needed. The Koran needs to be analyzed and studied. The comparisons with Mein Kampf are valid and legion. The deconstruction of the Koran's from one of a divine and holy nature, to a political theology written over centuries to subjugate people, is mandatory. Only when the Koran is analyzed and evaluated and put into context will Muslims have a chance to reform their ideology. And this is the key point.

Reform the Koran? It will never happen, and that means that Islam will always be just another dialectical, free-will denying political project.

The second point raised by the excitable Obi is that Jesus is not the son of God. This is a Muslim belief. Islam demarks Christians as pagan, since many Christians are Trinitarians, which denotes in the Muslim mind, a polytheist. But consider how absurd this is. First of all Christ had nothing in common with Arab pagan Fascism of course. But further to the point, Muslims don't believe in Free Will. The thing Allah determines all. This massive dialectical power animates all events and all objects. By its own definition therefore Islam must be pagan and polytheistic.

Why is this? If Allah determines all, and Allah is behind all things, than logically, Allah is a force of unlimited energy and presence. It or he or that, must be everywhere all the time. Thus Allah is not the anthropomorphic 'God' of Christianity, but a completely different idea. Allah is a polydeity controlling not only people, but all of nature, general events, every interaction, all movements, thoughts, dreams, urges, contacts......Allah thus cannot be 'God' as we in the West define it.

So Obi and like-minded Muslims present two intractable problems which escape most really-smart-people, academics, media personalities and Christians. The first problem is that Muslims truly do believe that the Koran is the 'last word from God', and that both Islam and the Koran are superior to anything that the Jews and Christians developed including the Torah and Bible. This is called supremacism.

Second, many if not most Muslims dislike Christians because they are viewed as pagan polytheists, who worship a son of God. Muslims believe that the unknowable thing called Allah is 'God', which is the only divine source and power, and incapable of having a son. Thus again, the pagan nature of Christianity and the blasphemous claim that Jesus was begat from God. These are just two of the many beliefs held by most of Islam's adherents which make it impossible for Islam in toto, to accept Christianity, Christians or Western cultural traditions. This is not to say that individual Muslims might not be friendly to Christianity. But it is to say, and Islamic theology certainly supports this, that Islam rejects, will fight against, and mandates the extirpation of all pagans, including followers of Christ.

The result of this deranged cultural animus is of course Jihad, a war to exterminate polytheists as demanded by the Koran. Even friendship or understanding is forbidden. Sura 60 v13 is very clear on this point:


O you who believe! Do not turn (for friendship) to people on whom is the Wrath of Allah. Of the Hereafter they are already in despair, just as Unbelievers are in despair about those (buried) in graves.” [60v.13]

Clear enough for you ? No friendship with the pagans. Just dominate, humiliate and destroy them. Obi's email is thus not unique. Its denial of reality is all too common.