Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Qaradawi: 'We will conquer Europe and America.'

'The Project' lays out the plans for Islamic world domination.

by Ferdinand III

Sounds moderate? The words come from a so-called 'moderate' European Muslim leader, the leader of a pan-EU Muslim group, and the spiritual leader of the 'not so extremist' Muslim Brotherhood. He is one of those mythical 'moderate' Muslim creatures one hears so much about [like the unicorn I suppose]. His name is Imam Qaradawi, and he stated in 1995 that Europe and America will be conquered by Islam. The Egyptian-born, European residing Iman has repeated this assertion many times since and called for violence to overthrow non-Muslim 'tyranny'. He is now of course in Egypt, demanding the return of the deformed Arab-Socialist state, to the halcyon days of the Fatimids, or the unified and very bloody Islamic state under Saladin. He is now trying to unravel a secular, democratic and pluralist uprising and channel it to create an Egyptian Sharia state.

But to the media, the spiritual leader of the radically fascist Muslim Brotherhood, which has spawned the intellectual justification for jihadic Islam, and by extension the actions of Al Qaida and other groups who have engaged in murder, slaughter and attacks against civilians, is a 'moderate'. He is regularly referred to in the European media as a calming, rational voice of reformist minded Islam. A man who wants to moderate Islam's development and mutation into something which can be integrated into Western society. Or so the media tells us.

Witness this fawning op-ed in the Guardian newspaper in the UK, in July 2004:

'The scholarly figure widely considered to be the world's chief proponent of moderate Islam is Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the Egyptian-born Islamic jurist who heads the European Council for Fatwa and Research. Mr Qaradawi's rulings are recognised by Muslims around the world as reflecting the balanced nature of Islamic law and its relevance to modern life. This is the recurrent theme of his programmes on Arab television channels, as well as the popular Islam Online website, for which he acts as patron.

When most Muslims look to Mr Qaradawi, they see a shining example of moderation: in its Islamic meaning. As the Guardian so affectionately published about his Qaradawi's message in 2004: 'To us, being a moderate Muslim means to practise the religion faithfully, according to its letter and its spirit."

It is of course a lie. Qaradawi is an extremist who believes that Islam will conquer the world.

This so-called moderate believes that decaying Europe and still vibrant America will fall, not in war, but in a demographic Muslim tidal wave, and through conversions of infidels to the Arabian cult. For Qaradawi and others, the march to Islamic world supremacy can be measured in generations and centuries, not in mere years. This is termed one supposes, a 'moderate' expression of Islamic supremacism.

Qaradawi manages and has written many books and articles on various topics related to Islamic theology, politics and culture. From his works, and his speeches and writings the following are the core tenets of Qaradawi's world-view:

Killing Muslims who have turned away from Islam (apostates)
• The execution of gay people in Islamic societies
• Suicide bombing of innocent Israeli civilians
• Female genital mutilation (female "circumcision")
• Compelling women to wear the hijab, even if they don't want to
• Violence against disobedient wives in certain circumstances
• Blaming rape victims who dress immodestly
• Flogging women who have sex outside marriage

References to his expression of these fascist, cultish and immoderate views can be found here.

Qaradawi's fascist mentality are on display in his own books such as 'The Lawful and Prohibited in Islam', and from quotes in his name on the website that he heads, Islamonline, in which he writes diatribes against non-Muslim, 'deviant' ideologies and sects. On Christianity this 'moderate' has stated for example:

'Secularism may be accepted in a Christian society but it can never enjoy a general acceptance in an Islamic society. Christianity is devoid of a shari`ah or a comprehensive system of life to which its adherents should be committed....Islam is a comprehensive system of worship (`ibadah) and legislation (Shari`ah), the acceptance of secularism means abandonment of Shari`ah, and the call for secularism among Muslims is atheism and a rejection of Islam. Its acceptance as a basis for rule in place of Shari`ah is downright riddah [apostasy].

Apostasy in Islam means death.

This 'moderate' also supports the 'Project', a Muslim design on conquering the West from within via demography and taking over cultural institutions – a desire they share with the wildly successful cultural marxists. An intrepid Swiss journalist, Sylvain Besson, uncovered 'The Project' and police seized the plan in a raid of a villa in Campione, Switzerland on November 7, 2001.

Included in the documents seized was a fourteen-page plan dated December 1, 1982, which outlined a twelve-point strategy for a flexible, multi-phased, long-term approach to the "cultural invasion" of the West. Among the strategies recommended were the following:

  • involving ideologically committed Muslims throughout institutions on all levels in the West;

  • including government, NGOs, private organizations;

  • utilizing existing Western institutions until they can be put into service of Islam; and

  • instituting alliances with Western "progressive" organizations that share similar goals.

Sylvain Besson and Scott Burgess provide extensive comparisons between Qaradawi's publication, Priorities of the Islamic Movement in the Coming Phase from 1990, and The Project. They have noted striking similarities between the two documents.

But don't forget Qaradawi is a 'moderate'. He is what the moderate had to say about the Project:

'...putting in place a watchdog system for monitoring the [Western] media to warn all Muslims of the dangers and international plots fomented against them.....put in place [among Muslims in the West] a parallel society where the group is above the individual, godly authority above human liberty, and the holy scripture above the laws.'

Qaradawi, who says that Islam will conquer the world, is not a moderate - though the media portrays him as such. He is another radical Muslim, a fascist, a man who truly believes that a pagan cult should control the world, and arrest civilisational development.

Yet this is the man the media routinely calls the most important moderate in the Islamic world. And this man is now demanding an Islamified Egypt. Nice.