Friday, September 2, 2011

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Muhammad's family and Baal

Worshipped by his grandfather.

by Ferdinand III


"Will ye cry unto Baal and forsake the Best of creators, Allah, your Lord and Lord of your forefathers?" [S. 37:125-126 Pickthall]

"And lo! Elias was of those sent (to warn), When he said unto his folk : Will ye not ward off (evil)? Will ye cry unto Baal and forsake the Best of creators, Allah, your Lord and Lord of your forefathers? But they denied him, so they surely will be haled forth (to the doom) Save single-minded slaves of Allah. And we left for him among the later folk (the salutation): Peace be unto Elias! Lo! thus do We reward the good. Lo! he is one of our believing slaves.' [ibid S. 37:123-132 Pickthall]

Ah yes. A cult of slaves is now a religion. A cult of Baal and Hubal is now 'superior' to any other theological system. A cult is now the new ideal of perfection and morality....

"There are stories in the sira of pagan Meccans praying to Allah while standing besides the image of Hubal" [Watt, Mohammed's Mecca, p.39]

We know that Allah is Baal. Part of the proof is that the 'religion' or more appropriately the cult of Muhammad's grandfather, was the religion of Hubal or Baal the ancient Babylonian moon deity. There is little to deny this fact. Muhammad's family were prostrate to the moon idol of Mecca, named 'ilah' or the 'one'. The inconvenient fact for Moslems and their delirious supporters is that the idol of pre-Islam which dominated the Kabaa shrine, and which was its 'Lord' [Sin in Babylonian], was of course the Hubal idol or Baal.

When the 'great man' [sorry not Obama but Muhammad] was born in 571 AD his grandfather, who was the keeper of the Kaaba, did this in front of Hubal:

"After his [Mohammed's] birth his mother sent to tell his grandfather Abd al-Muttalib that she gave birth to a boy...It is alleged that Abd al-Muttalib took him before (the idol) Hubal in the middle of the Kaaba, where he stood and prayed to Allah, thanking him for his gift."
[Guillaume, A. The Life of Muhammad, pp.66-68; see also F.E. Peters, A Reader of Classical Islam, p.45].

It is not a surprise to note that Mohammed's father was called "Abdullah," meaning "the slave of Allah." Now if Mohammed's grandfather was a worshipper of Hubal, and its 'keeper'; and named his son after his own form of worship – namely that of Hubal – it only stands to reason that the 'one' or ilah is of course Hubal. I wonder if Moslems can follow this logic.

Muhammad's Grandfather worshipped the Hubal idol >> He has a son > He names the baby the slave of ilah or the 'one' >> The one must therefore depict Hubal.

Historian Moshay writes this about the great man's birth::

"In this revealing incident in the life of Mohammed's grandfather. Who was 'the Lord'? Was it Allah? What about Hubal?...From Ibn Ishaq's account here, praying to Allah was the same thing as praying to Hubal. ...As Ha-Baal or Hu-Baal means 'the Lord' so Al-ilah' or 'Allah' means 'the god'''[Moshay, Who is this Allah, p.136].

Payne presents another citing:

"For two years Muhammad remained in his [grandfather's] house overlooking the Kaaba, while the old man taught him the ceremonies attached to the worship of the moon god, [Hubal] and told him the legends of the place: [Robert Payne, The History of Islam, p.11].

Hubal is Allah. There is not much to argue against it. The pathetic defense of the Karen Armstrong-Islam is Peace crowd, is that Allah magically appears to Muhammad and announces that he is the 'greatest amongst the Gods'. Allahu Akhbar means Allah is the greatest. It does not mean God is great. But surely it is more reasonable to assume that the greatest amongst the gods is the 'lord' or the 'one' namely, the ilah who is now conflated with monotheism. The name Allah is simply another name for Hubal.

If one understands that the cultural practices of the pagan Arabs centred around astral worship and in particular, homage to the moon deity, the picture of the unknowable, unreachable, untouchable thing called the one or 'ilah' becomes a little clearer. Allah is as different from the Christian ideal of a 'god' as Chinghis Khan's sky god is from Protestant practices. Allah has so many similarities with Hubal, that even if Moslems are right [and they are not], that this thing Allah is 'different' than Hubal it matters not. The two are twinned in characteristics, their 3 daughters, their pagan practices, their unthinking rituals, and in their prayers.

Allah is Hubal. A main point is – would this fact change the minds of Moslems about what exactly they are worshipping?