Friday, August 24, 2012

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Holy Koran and Slavery ! Slaves – obey the Al-Lah idol or else ! Sura 68

Obey and enslave yourself.

by Ferdinand III


In Sura 68 or 'The Nun', the book of Recital displays hate speech in only, 19 out of 52 verses. This is deemed moderation by the multi-cult lovers of all things Moslem. The Nun is an odd appellation for a chapter since Nuns do not exist in Islam and no mention of Nun or Nuns exists in this Sura. Women – many of them for each man – are put on the earth by Muhammad's 'Lord' or ilah to breed. Manufacturing Ghazi or Muhammadan warriors is the only point of female existence. Apparently being a chaste nun does not comport itself with this fact of cult reality and expectation.


From this chapter we can infer that Moslems or the cult of Muhamammad truly detest Infidels, especially those who reject Muhammad and call him 'crazy': 'You are not, by the grace of your Lord, mad or possessed' [68:2]. Muhammad most certainly was both. This chapter characterizes Infidels in the following manner:


-Sinful/evil [68:12]

-Deniers [68:8]

-Transgressors [68:31]

-Liars [68:9-11]

-Mad [68:6]

-Criminals [68:35]

-Cruel [68:13]


Due to this list of abominable traits these Infidels should be destroyed and tortured in both this life and the next [68:33, 42-44]. Moslems should not associate with Christians who assign 'partners' with Al-Lah, namely the Holy Trinity [68:41, 18]. Such is the world of Moslem tolerance and vaunted inter-faith flexibility we hear so much about.


The other theme of 'The Nun' is the demand that you follow the will of the thing Allah, or Hub'Al, the moon deity of Mecca and Muhammad's family idol which they took care of at the Kabaa shrine [wouldn't it be nice if your 'idol' spoke to you and give you divine power and guidance?].


68:17-18 “Verily We have tried them [the Jews and Christians] as We tried the People of the Garden...But made no reservations, ('if it be Allah's Will').


No one knows what is meant by the people of the Garden. It could be a specific reference to enemies of Islam who were slaughtered in some battle in a garden. Or it could reference enemies of the Moslem state who had once gathered in a garden and declaimed against the madness of Muhammad. Who knows. The important fact is the parenthesis about Allah's Will. This is the crux of the Koran. Only the Allah thing has will. This will negates human free-will. Allah's will determines all, and if this creature Allah demands that you follow only Muhammad, and that you recite, memorize and implement only the Koran, so be it. Your destiny is to be his or its slave. That is all.


Nothing is less than a message to all the worlds.” 68:52.


Allah's message, given through Muhammad and recorded in the Koran is the only important fact of history and existence. If you don't follow it you are doomed. Be a good slave and you might prosper.


Then leave Me alone with such as reject this Message: by degrees shall We punish them from directions they do not perceive.” 68:44


Allah and Moslems have the divine right to 'punish' with ignominy and complete force any who are not a part of Muhammad's cult. This is the diktat of a cult, not a religion. Kill those who oppose us, the cult states. Cast into hell those who do not follow our books the cult screams. Obey with utter credulity and irrationality the 'prophet', the cult demands. Slavery is irreligious.