Friday, September 21, 2012

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Holy Koran and Slavery ! Slaves – obey the Al-Lah idol or else ! Sura 80

Frowning Moslems, Doomed Infidels.

by Ferdinand III


Some 10-15% of the Koran, or well over 600 verses discusses slavery. It is an odd obsession for a 'religion', but a normal observance for a cult inspired by late Bronze, and early Iron age ideals. Cults demand slaves for obvious reasons. The name 'Submission' or Islam, is not an accident. Submit to the Allah-Muhammad nexus of totalitarian control. Fight those who disbelieve. Enslave women and infidels. Have unlimited numbers of sex-slaves. Reward the piety of true Moslems with earthly success and paradise. Neo-Babylonian influence, including the veneration of Hub'Al who is the i-lah or the 'Lord', is unmistakeably present in Islam.


Sura 80 is yet another sad screed against non-Moslems, with the usual demand that a good Moslem is a good slave of the Allah-thing. 25% of the Sura named 'He [Muhammad] Frowned', is hate-speech against the Infidel. The rest demands complete submission to the Allah cult. Some gems of intolerance include:



And other faces, that Day, will be dust-stained;


Darkness will cover them,


Such will be the Kafarah (disbelievers in Allah, in His Oneness, and in His Messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him), etc.), the Fajarah (wicked evil doers).


The Kafarah, the Fajarah, or wicked criminals meaning non-Moslems, will be destroyed. They can try to run, hide and seek forgiveness, but nothing will avail them or save them. The disbelieving man is simply cursed [80:17]. His doom inevitable. Your only duty as a worthless human, is to follow the admonitions in the Koran:



Nay, (do not do like this), indeed it (these Verses of this Qur'an) are an admonition,


So whoever wills, let him pay attention to it.


(It is) in Records held (greatly) in honour (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz).


Allah created the Koran. He expects you to follow only the Koran. Pay attention to it. If you do not you will be destroyed.


There is no linkage here of paradise with a set of ethical and religious commandments. The injunction is far simpler and sinister. Obey Muhammad, and the Koran, fear Allah, and then perhaps you might be saved on Judgement Day. If you resist Islam you are damned. Such a theme informs a poli-theocratic cult, not a religion.