Tuesday, December 9, 2014

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Mein Hadith and Dhimmitude

Western elitists and many religious leaders are already Dhimmis.

by Ferdinand III

Jews and Christians are Dhimmis in Mein Hadith which support the Mein Koranic narrative that Moslems, as divinely ordained by Baal or Allah, are the ubermensch. Dhimmis, or 'Peoples of the Book', are to be the knaves, slaves, workers, sex-chattel, and wealth producers for Moslems. That is what 'Dhimmi' or Dhimmitude entails. They are untermensch. Therefore any priest, pastor, pope, cardinal, bishop, prelate or religious leader who does not condemn Moslem supremacism, violence and animus against Dhimmis, is not only a witless, mentally-ill irrelevancy; they are psychologically enchained into Dhimmitude, giving a mental and conscious subservience to Moslems, where none should exist. They are already slaves of Allah and as useless a group of chattering idiots as those who defend National Socialism or Communism.

Mein Hadith and Mein Koran make it very clear, that if the Dhimmis won't willingly submit to the might and power of Islam [submission], than the Allah moon deity has decreed that violence can be used. From Bukhari's Hadith, we have the destruction of the Jews at Khaybar and the imposition of the Dhimmi-contract:

Bukhari 5, 59, 512

During the night, just outside Khaybar [a Jewish village which possessed forts], Mohammed gave the Fajr Prayer and said, 'Allah is Great! Khaybar will be in ruins. When we attack a city that has been warned, those people are in for an evil morning.” As the people of Khaybar, fled the city, Mohammed ordered the men killed and the women and children enslaved.”

Moslems still today, taunt Jews with 'Remember Khaybar', a particular favorite of Arab Moslems living in Gaza on their occupied and once formerly Jewish land. Hundreds of men were slaughtered at Khaybar and Mohammed and his brigands had their sexual appetites sated with numerous sex slaves of any age. Only women who were pregnant or menstruating were exempted from being raped. Western liberal arts Phds state that this proves Islam respects women.

Khaybar was the first enactment of Dhimmitude. Property, wealth, gold and produce were appropriated and stolen by the Moslems. The Khaybar Jews were however, extremely productive and skilled farmers. The Arab Moslems of course knew nothing about farming. So a deal was struck. The Jews could continue to exist at the whim and pleasure of the Moslem ruling class, as long as they transferred 50% of all they produced to the Moslems. If this 'contract' was maintained the Jews might be exempted from further rapine and plunder.

Bukhari 3, 39, 521

Mohammed made an agreement with the Jews of Khaybar that allowed them to use the land in exchange for half of each harvest....”

The pact of Dhimmitude. Mohammed of course received his 'fair share' and 'equitable' division of 20 %. If he had conquered Khaybar without a fight, then he would have taken 100%, so said the Allah thing. Moslem Ghazi or warriors only received booty if there was conflict and battle. Otherwise the great man Mohammed would take all of the plunder......doesn't every 'prophet' do the same ?

Dhimmitude within the Church and Western ruling elite is already a fact. It remains to be seen what the consequences shall be.