Saturday, January 17, 2015

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Pope Frank criticizes criticism of the Meccan moon cult. Ignorance is just ignorance Frank.

Not bliss.

by Ferdinand III

Pope Frank from the failed Latino-Caudillo state of Argentina, a Statist-corruptocracy with no culture to speak of; believes that criticizing a moon cult from Mecca, where Baal [or Allah] is the chief God [Allahu Akhbar]; should be made illegal. Pope Frank's and the Vatican Curia's ignorance of the Meccan cult is not only perplexing, but imminently dangerous. It was the Catholic Church which saved Europe from Islam during the Medieval era. Under the leadership of such faineants and cowards such as Pope Frank, it will not be the Catholic Church which saves Europe this time from the interminable fascistic Jihad of Islam. Though I understand from huge brains that Moslem actions have nothing to do with Islam....

Frank is so eloquent: “One cannot react violently, but if [someone] says something bad about my mother, he can expect a punch. It’s to be expected,” the pontiff said. “There are a lot of people who speak badly about other religions. They make fun of them. What happens is what happens with my friend [who insults my mother]. There is a limit.”

What are the limits dear Pope? Who sets and polices them? Are you the possessor of all the rules and definitions about 'limits'? When Moslems parade around screaming that Jews and Christians must die is that okay ? When I read 1600 verses of Kufar-hate speech in Mein Koran does that pass the limit? Of course not. Frank means that non Moslems have no right to criticize the cult of Mecca. He states this while under a heavy guard to protect himself from Moslems:

The pope made the comments during an in-flight news conference from Sri Lanka to Manila...Some fear an attempt on the pope’s life by al-Qaeda-linked Islamic militants active in the south of the country. Authorities are also concerned that the huge crowds—a Mass on Sunday could draw as many as six million people—could rush the hugely popular pontiff. He was surrounded by bodyguards at his arrival at the airport, and security forces jammed cellular networks.”

Pope Frank also believes that plant food causes weather; and that pollution is linked to the climate. Obviously Frank is a scientist and should be awarded various Phds post-haste:

The Argentinean-born pontiff has frequently warned against the despoiling of the planet and has expressed concern over the impact of rising tides and natural catastrophes on poor countries. As a result, some expect him to endorse the idea that human activity is a cause of global warming. If so, the Catholic Church could give a major boost those who believe human activity has caused climate change..”

Globaloneywarming. The cult of the truly deranged. Co2 is 4/100 of 1 % and follows climate. Trace chemicals do not generate primal forces of causation. Grade 9 science used to teach that.

Pope Frank is just another leftist Catholic, who with limited reason, discernment and courage, simply imbibes the unscientific narratives of popular culture and imbues them into Catholic dogma, including mud-to-men or Evolution, which Frank says is quite likely true.

How did such a fool become Pope?