Thursday, April 9, 2015

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ISIS will implode like all failed Fascisms

Mein Islam leads to nothing but destruction.

by Ferdinand III

ISIS is just following the 1500+ verses of Kufar-hate in Mein Koran. Dominate, tax, control, slaughter, rape....all is justified for Baal the iLah of Mecca, or the moon god of Muhammad. In Mein Koran of course Muhammad is often-times conflated with, and confused with, the iLah or Lord. But, as with other communal fascisms such as National Socialism, or Communism, the annihilation of the individual, of rights, freedoms, free-speech, and religion all leads to the same penury, destruction and eradication of civilization. ISIS territory looks more like 1980 Moscow than a 'liberated' Moslem state.

[lines for food, consumer items....]

Doesn't anyone wonder why the Moslem world is such a mess ? 50% of marriages are 2nd or first cousins. Inbreeding does not lead to genetic improvement. Over half of females are illiterate. Little in the way of innovation or advancement can be traced back to Islam current or past. The modern Islamic world is a mess, why would the medieval Moslem world be any better ? Culture is King, and when your culture is shaped by the fascistic barbarity of Mein Koran under the leadership of Mein Muhammad, it stands to reason that you will create nothing but an impoverished, illiterate mess.

According to the document, Islamic State is enforcing the gruesome rules as it wants the population to fear God, in order for them to “enter into His mercy”. Earlier this year the UN reported that children are not exempt from IS’s torturous regime, but have been crucified or buried alive alongside adults when found guilty of crimes including refusal to convert to Islam. Young people with mental disabilities have been used as suicide bombers or as human shields during battle.” Link

Only the brain dead don't see Islam for what it really is.