Monday, June 1, 2015

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Sura 10, kill those who leave Muhammad's cult

Cults kill, they embrace death, not life.

by Ferdinand III

Sura 10 confirms, as if anyone should need convincing, that Islam is simply a cult. Part of a cult's doctrine is to wage Jihad against non-cult members. This includes those who leave the cult. Within Islam there is a large body of jurisprudence supporting the death of apostates. Apostasy from Muhammad's cult means death. We see this around the Moslem world, on a daily, monthly, yearly basis. This demand to kill any who leave the cult, originates from the mouth of Muhammad who clearly stated that any who joined and then left his cult must be killed.

'Scholars' view such claims as part of the Medina Koran. In actual fact Muhammad and his cult were always intolerant. Islamic and Moslem intolerance, based on a supremacist ideal, just takes different forms depending on how strong the cult is versus its competitors. When Muhammad's cult is weak, deceit and mendacity inform its activity. When strong, the supremacist fascism explodes into violence and death.

The crux of Sura 10 is in verse 37:

This Qur'an is not such as can be produced by other than Allah; on the contrary it is a confirmation of (revelations) that went before it, and a fuller explanation of the Book – wherein there is no doubt – from the Lord of the Worlds.”

In other words, supremacism. Verse 37 clearly states that the Jewish and Christian 'books' which precede the Koran are now eclipsed by it. The moon deity of Mecca or the ilah, gave the most important human in history, Muhammad, the 'fuller explanation of the Book'. This means that the Qur'an cannot be changed, amended, or ignored. It has to be followed in toto. This is why those who moan like Hirsi Ali and others, that Islam 'needs a reformation', are absolutely deluded. They have not read Mein Koran, or do not understand its intent. Mein Koran can never be altered.

Logically therefore, if verse 37 is true then all Infidels and non-Moslems must die in a tortured state, as evinced in this verse of tolerance and hope:

10:4 To Him is the return of all of you. The Promise of Allah is true. It is He Who begins the creation and then will repeat it, that He may reward with justice those who believed (in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism) and did deeds of righteousness. But those who disbelieved will have a drink of boiling fluids and painful torment because they used to disbelieve.


10:54 And if every person who had wronged (by disbelieving in Allah and by worshipping others besides Allah), possessed all that is on earth, and sought to ransom himself therewith (it will not be accepted), and they would feel in their hearts regret when they see the torment, and they will be judged with justice, and no wrong will be done unto them.

To sin in Islam is to disbelieve in Allah, Muhammad or the Koran. This is why apostasy is punished by death. Leave the cult and you will be killed. Criticize the moon cult and your life is forfeit. Death for apostates is a clear expression of an intolerant and quite insecure cult. It is not what a religion would offer.

More madness from Sura 10 here.