Tuesday, June 30, 2015

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Pope Frank the illiterate. Terrified about Plant food. Ardent for Marxism. Ignorant about Islam.

It is the moon cult of Mecca which threatens to wipe out Christianity. Not plant food.

by Ferdinand III

Any who understand the 'real' Islam, meaning that Islam is indeed Islam, have no interest in the political and Marxist faineants who descry ISIS savagery stating that Islamic state is not Islamic, nor a state. Or, the witless worms who ardently believe that Islam is peace and love when 1400 years of Jihad have proved the opposite.

In this vein we can state that Pope Frank is one of the worst Popes in modern history. Dedicated to the non-science of warming and evolution, and excruciatingly ignorant about the Meccan moon cult named Submission, which has as one of its overriding objectives, the complete eradication of Christianity.

Frank apparently does not care that over 15.000 Christians were murdered by Moslems in 2014 alone. We should not forget the rapes and sex trafficking of young Christian girls. No one cares. The world yawns. Reality TV beckons.

Below is an excerpt from an excellent article criticizing Pope Frank, the Latino Relativist and cultural Marxist.

Raymond Ibrahim, questioning where is the Pope's emotional encyclical about Moslems mudering, crucifying, drowning, beheading, raping and exiling Christians ?


Pope Francis recently released a new encyclical.  Portions of it deal with environmentalism, global warming, and climate change.....

All this leads to the following question: Where is Pope Francis’ encyclical concerning the rampant persecution that Christians—including many Catholics—are experiencing around the world in general, the Islamic world in particular?

To be sure, the pope has acknowledged it.  On April 21, during mass held at Casa Santa Marta, Francis said that today’s church is a “church of martyrs.” He even referenced several of the recent attacks on Christians by Muslims (without of course mentioned the latter’s religious identity).

Said Pope Francis:

In these days how many Stephens [early Christian martyred in Book of Acts] there are in the world! Let us think of our brothers whose throats were slit on the beach in Libya [by the Islamic State]; let’s think of the young boy who was burnt alive by his [Pakistani Muslim] companions because he was a Christian; let us think of those migrants thrown from their boat into the open sea by other [African Muslim] migrants because they were Christians; let us think – just the day before yesterday – of those Ethiopians assassinated because they were Christians… and of many others. Many others of whom we do not even know and who are suffering in jails because they are Christians… The Church today is a Church of martyrs: they suffer, they give their lives and we receive the blessing of God for their witness.


Once enough people are familiar with the reality of Christian persecution, they could influence U.S. policymakers—for starters, to drop those policies that directly exacerbate the sufferings of Christian minorities in the Middle East.


Even in the West, statistics indicate that Islam is set to supersede Christianity, at least in numbers.

Yet no encyclical from Pope Francis on any of this.  Instead, Francis deems it more fit to issue a proclamation addressing the environment and climate change.


Yet here we are: if even the Catholic Pope does not deem the ongoing, systematic assault on Christianity and Christians a priority issue in need of its own encyclical, what can be expected from the average secular/atheistic politician in the West?

The answer is before us: brutal persecution and slaughter of Christians on the one hand, and absolute indifference from the West on the other.”

Christians are slaughtered, sold into sex slavery and have their churches pulled down by the Meccan moon cult. The Pope obsesses about plant food and Marxism.