Sunday, January 24, 2021

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The Impact of Islam, by Emmet Scott (part two)

Islamophilia is the problem leading to ignorance and destruction.

by Ferdinand III


Part One here.

Emmet Scott rightly identifies the source books of Muhammad’s cult, to be the generators of 1400 years of war and Jihad.  Jihad is the ‘6th pillar’ of Islam, and according to Muhammad, the 2nd most important.  What pray tell would be the ‘1rst pillar’ of Muhammandanism and the most important one asks?  Well, it is to ‘obey the Al-Lah and his only prophet, Muhammad’.  Surprising. 


The 2 most important fundamentals of Muhammad’s cult is to obey the Al-Lah or Lord of Mecca (who at the time of Muhammad was Baal the moon deity) and Muhammad himself.  After that, to be truly pious, you needed to wage Jihad against the Kufar or unbelievers.  Jihad is not about a spiritual struggle.  That concept is confined to Sufism a small, insignificant Muslim sect of mystics, who have turned the verses of Jihad into metaphors for spiritual combat.  For mainstream Muhammadans, Jihad means war.


Indeed, the waging of jihad or holy war is fundamental to Islamic custom and belief: Since the first flush of victories in the seventh century, conquered infidels have been presented with a simple choice; either convert or pay a poll tax, known as jizya. But the important thing has always been to establish political control. This being the case it is clear that Islam is not a religion at all in the ordinary sense of the word, but a totalitarian political ideology with religious pretensions, a fact noted by Rebecca Bynam in her recent work, Allah is Dead: Why Islam is not a Religion.


Muhammad led the Jihad, in person, averaging 2 conflicts per year during the establishment of his totalitarian regime.  There has not been a single year in the past 1400 years, where Muslims, somewhere on the globe were not waging Jihad against non-Muslims.


Muhammad: He is said to have initiated sixty wars and raids and to have participated in at least twenty-seven of these. Many of these engagements involved massacres of unarmed men and boys. The Prophet of Islam is said to have ordered the killing of all the men and post-pubescent boys in the Jewish settlement of Banu Quraiza, and to have led a series of unprovoked attacks against other Jewish communities in Arabia. During his lifetime, almost all the Jews of Arabia were either killed or forced to convert to Islam. The Prophet is said furthermore to have ordered the assassination of political opponents and encouraged his followers to take up the sword in the propagation of the faith, declaring that a night spent in arms in the cause of Islam carried more merit than a lifetime of fasting, prayer and good works. Before he died, he is reported to have enjoined on his followers to “fight with the peoples” until the whole world should confess that there was no god but Allah.


it is doubtful if there has been a single year in which Muslims, in some part of the world, have not been fighting against infidels. In the history of relations between Europe and the House of Islam alone, there was continual and almost uninterrupted war between Muslims and Christians since the first attack on Sicily in 652 and on Constantinople in 674. In the great majority of these wars, the Muslims were the aggressors. And even the short periods of official peace were disturbed by the “unofficial” activities of corsairs and slave-traders. For centuries, Muslim pirates based in North Africa made large parts of the Mediterranean shore-line uninhabitable for Christians, and it is estimated that between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries alone they captured and enslaved something in excess of a million Europeans.


The only Muslim medieval ‘historian’ of note that Muslims and their many apologists can name is Khaldun.  Even this mis-represented figure stated that Jihad was an obligation.


Spain. A native of that country, Ibn Khaldun, gave, several centuries later, a very similar account to the one quoted above of Islam's attitude to war: In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united [in Islam], so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them [religion and politics] at the same time.


The Jihad and endless expansion fed the unlimited demand for Slaves.  25 million or more Whites (slave comes from Slav or Eastern European Whites) and 40-100 million Blacks were enslaved by Muslims over 1400 years.  Curiously various anti-White terrorist groups such as BLM do not mention the two over-riding aspects of Black Slavery:  1-Blacks sold other Blacks into Slavery and 2-Muslims were the greatest of the Black slave traders and imported 4-10 x more Black Slaves than were trans-shipped over the Atlantic. 


Historian Hugh Trevor-Roper explains how the enormous wealth accumulated by the caliphate in its expansion across Asia and Africa enabled it to purchase what it wanted from Europe. What the Muslims wanted, above all, was “eunuchs and slaves.” He continues: “It was one of the functions of the Vikings to supply these goods. Half traders, half pirates, they ranged over all northern Europe, and in their ranging, or through the method of piracy, they collected furs and kidnapped human beings. For preference they dealt in heathen Slavs, since Christian States had less compunction in handling a slave-trade in heathen bodies – they could always quote that useful text, Leviticus xxv, 44. So the Vikings fed both Byzantium and the rich new civilization of Islam with the goods which they demanded and for which they could pay.


In doing so they penetrated all the coasts and rivers of Europe.”  In the above quotation Trevor-Roper repeats the erroneous notion, prevalent until the last decades of the twentieth century, that Byzantium somehow escaped the ravages of the Saracens and that in her territory there continued to flourish an intact and prosperous branch of ancient Rome. Constantinople, he imagines, like Damascus, was a wealthy recipient of Russian slaves. Yet by the end of the seventh century, as I have shown in great detail in Mohammed and Charlemagne Revisited, the formerly great power of Eastern Rome was little more than an impoverished rump, cut off, just as surely as the West, from the wealth and learning of Asia.


Muslim conquests of lands around the Mediterranean, must have, as common sense and factual detail support, deranged, shrank, and neutered the Christian states in both the East and West.  This would have resulted in social-economic decay as trade routes were cut off, various raw materials and goods were diminished in trade, economic exchange was impoverished, and technological advances regionalised.  The impact would have been vast and from the 8th to the 10th centuries Christian and Christianising Europe, beset by Magyars, Muslims and Vikings would have been close to extinction. 


The Muhammadan Jihad has many facets and features:

1-War, and the elimination of the Infidel and the eradication of non-Muslim civilisation.

2-War, and the subjugation and taxation of ‘Dhimmis’, non-Muslims including the ‘Peoples of the Book’, wherein Muslims live off the Dhimmis and their taxable largesse.  This precludes the complete destruction of the Dhimmi-civilisation and is at odds with those within the cult who want to completely efface all non-Muslim cultural artifacts within the conquered states.

3-Cultural, where Muslims enshrine their cult as the apogee of societal development in conquered lands, usually using Dhimmis as slaves and providers of money and tax.

4-Sex slavery and the use of women as sex-chattel, and eunuchs as warriors, advisers, or slaves.


Jihad has nothing to do with a ‘spiritual struggle’.  It is about conquering the globe for Muhammad.  The exact nature of Muhammadan governance will vary on a scale from completely eradicating the non-Muslim culture, to using it for the purposes of tax-slavery, sex-slavery and abject Dhimmitude, thereby creating a façade of ‘tolerance’ which sends the Islamophiliacs into sighs of delight and delirium.  Ignorance is not bliss.  It is just ignorance.