Sunday, February 21, 2021

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Re-interpreting Muhammadanism? Rewrite Mein Koran first.

You can't rewrite Jihad, lying and hate.

by Ferdinand III



The call to Jihad, war, violence and terror comes strictly from the Koran, the Hadiths or sayings of Mohammed and the Sunnah or biography of the mad founder of Islam. Muslim holy-war and acts of terror come from these foundational sources.  They cannot be ‘re-interpreted’ by Western half-wits including academics, ‘experts’, or the Vatican to mean what they don’t mean.  The act of Jihad is (according to Muhammad), the ‘2nd pillar’ of his cult.  Jihad is war.  Muhammadanism was spread by war.  It really is that simple.


Further, the Muslim world is Manichean.  The world of the Dhimmi, Infidel or non-Muslim is inferior and enslaved to that, of the Muslim, the pure, the pious, the world which follows the practices of Muhammad the war-leader, slave owner, sex slave proprietor, brigand and totalitarian.  This dichotomy is enshrined in Sharia barbarism (called law by Western dhimmis).  Sharia barbarism reduces women, non-Muslims and less-than-pious-Muslims to the status of animals.  They have no rights. 


Sharia law was firmly in place no later than the end of the 7th century; immutable Muslim clerical law based on the Sharia barbarism was firmly established by the 11th; with the Koran and Hadiths as canonical texts by the 10th century.  


It is of course the Koran and the life of Mohammed which gives Muslims the impetus to terror and war. It is the call to Jihad, the 6th pillar and after submission to Baal (Al Lah) and Muhammad the second most important act of a Muslim.  This pillar of Islam not only 'approves' of violence against the unbelievers, but it also demands it.  It is the actions of Mohammed himself, who created Islam from brigandage, pillage, war, and intimidation which gives Muslims the example of terror, perpetrated by their 'prophet' and approved by their moon-cult deity 'Allah'.


The Western world’s modern-day assignation of Jihad, manifested in terror, war, beheadings, rape, public attacks, and even in demography and ‘births of the ghazi’ within Western states, as ‘mis-interpretations’ of a text which so boldly and fascistically demands either the surrender (submission) of the Infidel, their enslavement or death, is incomparably insipid and even psychotic.  It leads inevitably to the destruction of the Western world.


Most Westerners ingesting fake news, or fake education, know nothing about the Arab-Muslim ‘law’ to lie.  Taqqiya or Arab deceit is an important part of Islamic theology. Taqiyya mandates trickery and lying to forward the goals of Islam. This includes breaking contracts, ignoring obligations, and telling stories when you see fit. As long as the position of 'Allah' is improved, and Muslims benefit it is okay to engage in duplicity and falsehood.  The entire ethos and culture of Muhammadanism is heavily corrupted and skewed by the expectation of lying to, cheating and deceiving non-Muslims.  The Koran adjures the use of deceit towards non-Muslims 3:28, 3:54, 8:30, 10:21.  Lying is a central preoccupation in Muhammadan culture.


Mohammed's ruthless, murderous career was full of Taqiya, the breaking of contracts, agreements, peace treaties and accords. As Mohammed said in one battle, 'For war is deceit.' He famously broke many treaties in his bloodthirsty expansion of his family's cult and his moon cult ideology.  The Koran and Islamic scholarly writing make it clear that Taqiya is a part of war; and since Islam must either subjugate or exterminate non-believers through jihad, Taqiya as deception is mandatory.


There is nothing about Islam which is moderate of course.  It is one long screed, akin to Mein Kampf, against non-Muslims. There is no Golden Rule, no call to reason, no tolerance, no charity to non-Muslims and no frameworks in which one can see the cultural attitudes which created a modern world system. Nothing but violence and hate. The unbelievers are targeted in the Koran, in the life of Mohammed and in his sayings, for destruction.


The last 3 wishes of Mohammed were clear; kill or expel all the Jews and Christians in Arabia; destroy Persia, Byzantium and Rome; and make Islam the only ideology of the Arab tribes. The Koran is thus the opposite of what the Bible preaches. It is naturally Jihadic.  Some scholars such as Bill Warner have even counted the ‘nice words’ that Mein Koran offers to non-Muslims.  2.6% of the words in the Muslim handbook of hate are ‘nice’ to non-Muslims.  However, even the 2.6% vanishes under the threatened violence if Kaffirs don't accept Islam's offer of goodness. Violence and suffering are promised to 100% of those who do not believe in Mohammed.


The world of the 5 senses is black and white, not grey. Arab and Muslim trickery and deceit are common. In reading the history of the Crusades one will be struck by how many times the Muslims in battle offered the out-manned Christians a truce, promising to allow the Knights to leave in good order with their arms and anything they can carry if they would just stop fighting. As soon as the Crusaders agreed to this, and were disarmed, they were of course slaughtered on the spot. Taqqiya. Any lie will do to forward the imperialist venture of the moon cult. Contracts, your word, morality? All jettisoned if the position of Muslims is improved.


Reinterpreting Islam? How about this – rewrite the Koran so it looks and reads like the Bible. Then we can talk about an Islamic rebirth.