Monday, December 20, 2021

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Corona, Fascism, the Great Reset and our destruction

Archbishop Vigano is a light in the darkness of evil

by Ferdinand III



The Great Reset and Fascism.  There is no pandemic, there never has been.  A pandemic is when 200 out of 1000 people are ill and dying of a very contagious plague.  A plague is when people die at home, the office, in the street, or engaged in some normal activity.  With Corona, no one has died at home, just in the hospitals or the old age homes, yet the hospitals can service no more than 2 beds per 1000 population and the care homes a similar volume. Corona by definition cannot be a plague or a pandemic and is perhaps at best, a natural, mand-made, or simply a made up flu.  Real plagues are those such as the 'Justinian Plague' of the 6th century which killed about 30% of the entire Mediterranean population in 4 years, or the Black Death event of 1347-1350 where in 3 short years, almost half of Europe died of the buboes.  Corona by definition is neither a plague nor a pandemic.  The very word pandemic has been corrupted to suit the interests of evil.  


Corona has a death rate of 0.15%, with an average age of death of 82, which is above the average life expectancy, and most who die from Corona are obese and, or, have pre-existing conditions.  Dying with Corona is not the same as dying with a Fake PCR test which picks up DNA detritus from colds and flus.  PCRs do not identify ‘Corona’ DNA or its ‘variants’.  There is no ‘test’ for Corona which is accurate.  This means that dying from Corona may constitute no more than 8% of the total death counts published by criminal governments and criminal fraudulent media outlets.  One can confirm this by simply requesting from the government statistics body, under an FOI request, the death counts of those who died only from, not with, Corona.  It will be a fraction of what is reported. 


Some other facts:

-Masks and Lockdowns are proven to be anti-science, anti-medicine, neither work, the mask forces the wearer to breathe in bacteria, and reduce oxygen and health, whilst doing nothing against a 0.1 micron sized virus particle

-Lockdowns murdered thousands in every country they were imposed, with most of the dead and injured declared as victims of Corona (some 30.000 to 50.000 died in the UK from lockdowns, including 20.000 or more murdered by Midazolam and end of life respiratory drugs)

-The jabbinations have killed and injured millions worldwide.  In the EU alone, the EUdra database lists 31.000 dead post-jab and 3 million injured.  This system may report on 10% or fewer of the actual dead and wounded post jabbination.  In every country it is the same story.  80% of those ‘infected’ by the current ‘Omicron’ variant, an anagram for MORONIC, which is no worse than a cold, are jabbed.  It is simply untrue that healthy people are suffering from MORONIC.  The jabs are reducing and violating immune systems, causing ancillary damage and rendering the imbiber prone to more injury and viral infection. 


It is now clear, one year after the coercive jab programmes were started, that the jabs are poisons and genetic therapy.  The dead and injured are never mentioned by government or the media.  The criminal pharmaceutical companies, with a 60-year criminal history, are indemnified from prosecution on dead and injured from their vaccine poisons; and governments will never admit to any damage, bought and bribed as they are by the pharmaceutical industry, which could lead to a loss of public trust, court cases or worse.  We have a criminal governance structure, and a system of medical Nazism, against a minor 0.15% IFR flu, paid for by the criminal pharmaceutical industry.


This is as much a spiritual battle as it is a physical contest. 

For Christians and non-Christians, the strength of faith and hope may be the best recourse to reject the Great Reset and tear down the walls of Medical Nazism which are being built around us.  Archbishop Vigano, an ardent critic of the useless, globalist Pope Francis, and the utter rot and corruption that has become the Catholic Church is a man to listen to, understand and follow.  His Christmas message is redacted and summarised below.  Resist the Great Reset.  Corona and the vaccinations have nothing to do with health or a flu.  It is about power, control, and a dystopian fascistic one-world governance. 


Archbishop Vigano 2021 Christmas message

The pandemic was created by those in power to: reduce the world population, make those who survive chronically ill, and impose forms of control that violate the fundamental rights and natural liberties of citizens.


It is a criminal plan hatched by the World Economic Forum, the UN, the WHO, and a galaxy of organizations and foundations that are anti-human and – this needs to be said clearly – anti-Christian.


They had to steal the election from President Trump to make this happen. The Democrat Party & the Pope are accomplices in this betrayal against God's children.


You must be determined and courageous be a work of truth, bringing to light the lies and deceptions of the New World Order. You must coordinate and organize together to make a firm but peaceful resistance.


Be proud of your identity as patriots and of the Faith that must animate your life. Do not allow anyone to make you feel inferior just because you love your homeland, because you are honest at work, because you want to protect your family and raise your children with healthy values, because you respect the elderly, because you protect life from conception to its natural end.


Do not be intimidated or seduced by those who propagate a dystopian world in which a faceless power imposes on you, a contempt for the Law of God, presents sin and vice as licit and desirable, despises righteousness and Morality, destroys the natural family and promotes the worst perversions, plans the death of defenceless and weak creatures, and exploits humanity for its own profit or to preserve power.


 “Come, Lord. Because in these two years of pandemic madness, we have understood that Hell does not consist so much in the suffering of the body but in the desperation of knowing You are far away, in Your silence, in letting ourselves sink into the deaf horror of Your absence.”