Thursday, August 18, 2022

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Salman Rushdie and the intolerant cult of Muhammad

Only a deranged cult views itself as above criticism.

by Ferdinand III


Douglas Murray on Salman Rushdie: This Time, Britain Must Stand Behind Him

The illness, mental, psychological, societal, and cultural of Muhammad’s cult named Submission or Islam.  A cult which cannot laugh at itself, does not allow art or iconography, and strikes out like a ravenous, blind, partially lame animal at any who dare to criticise, mock, or even mildly inquire about the cult and its doctrines.  Salmon Rushdie some 34 years ago penned a hard-to-read-critique of the pagan cult (celestial, moon, or fertility take your pick as to what the Al Lah or Lord of Mecca was and is), named the Satanic Verses, which is an elucidation of Muhammad’s ‘error’ in allowing pagan idols such as the Sun, Venus or fertility icons to be worshipped alongside the Al Lah or Lord of Mecca.  This political trade-off was agreed to by Muhammad in order to secure some peace for his cult.  In Muslim lore however, the verses were Satanic in their origin with the devil tricking Muhammad into such a concession.  Hence, they were removed from the Koran, Hadiths and Muslim theology. 

A fatwa or death sentence issued by Iran and other Muslims, has been open on Rushdie ever since he dared to mildly criticise the Muhammad cult.  In Buffalo recently he was attacked by a paid Muslim assassin and knifed on stage at a literary event.  The lack of a reaction from Western ‘intellectuals’ (a derogatory term) and the media (fake), is sufficient to show that Muslim violence does work.  Catholics won’t murder you for critiquing the Old or New Testaments or calling into question the Nicene creed or offering that perhaps Pelagianism was not such a bad compromise on the nature of Christ, grace and free-will (viewed as heretical by the Catholic Church).  You won’t be knifed, beheaded, or shot up for investigating Catholic doctrine or history.  But not so with the Muhammadans.  Even a whisper of suspicion against the Koran, Muhammad’s life as a war-leader and murderer, or some concern about child-bride marriages, the massacring of Christians in various Muslim countries every year, or the various Jihad attacks since 9-11, is likely to result in threats against your person, and in some ‘Western’ countries, imprisonment for hate speech.

Writer Douglas Murray in The Telegraph states the obvious.

The attack in New York on Salman Rushdie has brought back sharply into focus the fact that the Booker-winning novelist has been a target for Islamists for over three decades, ever since the publication of his novel The Satanic Verses in 1988. After that novel’s publication the Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran issued a fatwa against Rushdie. Encouraged by British Muslims, the Iranian leader accused Rushdie of blasphemy and put a bounty on his head. For many years Rushdie lived in hiding, protected by the British state.

Rushdie described those bewildering, terrifying, heroic years living in hiding in his 2012 memoir Joseph Anton. It is quite a work, detailing every demoralising corner of the affair. It includes accounts of the politicians of both left and right who failed to support the novelist, as well as the writers, artists and other public figures who pretended that the Ayatollah had committed an offence, but so had the author of the novel. And of course the crowds of Muslims in Bradford and other cities who burned copies of the book and were allowed to call for Rushdie´s murder on British streets and television.

Muslims screaming on the streets of England for Rushdie to be murdered.  Imagine the fake news and ‘expert’ reaction if Catholics or Christians took to the streets demanding that the mosques be torn down after a Muslim Jihad attack, or in solidarity with the thousands of Christians slaughtered and enslaved every year by Muslims in Muslim states.  But when Muslims are the ones demonstrating an intolerant, violent and supremacist dogma, the usual array of experts, intellectuals and the science, say nothing.