Sunday, November 5, 2023

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The Palestinian Delusion, by Robert Spencer

A great book that completely upends the fake news narrative

by Ferdinand III





Is there a more prescient book than this one?  4 years before the latest Muslim Jihad against Israel, funded directly by Iran and indirectly by the DisUnited States of Biden and his handlers, Spencer wrote a detailed volume on why violence will reappear in the Holy Land.  In the fake news, fake science world we live in, ‘Palestinians’ which have never existed now replace Muslims.  And Palestine which has never existed replaces the 3000 year old history of Jews in Israel as the ‘native people. 


In this vein the Jews are ‘occupiers’ and the Muslim Arabs terrorised victims.  The stupidity of clown world never ceases to amaze and the evolutionary lie that all species and functions improve can hardly be more easily disproven than the widespread stupidity of humanity in thrall to ‘science’ and whatever the ‘experts’ eject on their idiot boxes.  So, it goes with the made-up state and name of ‘Palestine’.  Let’s forget that they are Muslims on Jihad and let’s forget their racism and Judeo-Christophobia. 


What is Spencer’s theme with this book?  He proves that the Palestinian ‘fight’ for self-determination has nothing to with land, history or reality.  Palestinians are Muslims fighting the Jihad and as 100.000 Muslims every week for the past month have demonstrated just in London UK alone, they want to eliminate every Jew from ‘the river (Jordan) to the sea (Mediterranean)’.  Apparently, this is not a ‘hate crime’ and when you threaten an entire people and state with extermination you have not apparently contravened ‘hate speech laws’. 


These Muslim Arabs do not want the land so they can establish Palestine; they want the land so they can erase Israel.  Hamas is a Muslim terrorist and Jihadist group.  Hizbollah, Palestinian Jihad and many other groups in and around Israel are also Muslim terrorist and Jihad groups.  They have waged war against Israel in various Jihadic disguises, using low-level terror and outright war and invasion since 1947.  Why?  Mein Koran mandates the extermination of Jews and also of Christians – a fact that most people don’t have a clue about.  Christophobia is just as palpable within Muhammad’s moon cult, as Judeophobia. 


Land for Peace?  You must be an idiot

Muslims demand land from Israel to eventually enclose it, strangle it and kill it.  Giving ‘land for peace’ is about as intelligence as imbibing pharma poisons for a non-existent virus.  The Muslims holed up in Gaza are there not as victims but part of the greater Jihad, the 2nd most important pillar in Islam.  They seek to expand to eliminate the Jewish communities in the area.  For the Jews Gaza is not only about greater security for Israel’s southern communities, it is about confining these Muslims to a smaller area and limiting the encirclement.   


The general lesson from Spencer’s book is that the main-stream fake news narrative is as usual junk science and junk politics.


In Spencer’s terms, delusion upon delusion is thrown onto the ridiculous ‘peace process’ which is not a process to establish a permanent peace, but simply a series of Muslim demands to extract more land from the Israeli state, so that one day, it will be so constrained and fragile an all-out war using Arab state power can eliminate it before the bankrupt Americans arrive. 


The fake news claim of ‘refugee’ status is entirely risible as Spencer shows.  The Muslims in Gaza are refugees of their own making.  No Arab state wants them as it was recently declared by Saudi Arabia and Egypt.  They squat in squalor and use their self-inflicted poverty and illiteracy as excuses to wage Jihad against the ‘oppressor’ state of Israel, a state which sends them welfare, medical aid, medicines, food and energy. 


What is to be done?

After the October 7 2023 Jihad massacre of 1400 Jews including babies and mothers, the Israel state needs to completely deconstruct Gaza and ship the Muslims to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, or Syria.  The Israeli state will not survive surrounded by Muslim Jihadists some 300 million of them, baying for Jew blood.  Piece by piece key land bridges such as Gaza must be reclaimed.  It is a defensive imperative.  The Gaza land strip must be incorporated into Israel and those Gazans screaming for Jewish extermination, deported.  The 3.5 million Muslims in Gaza, aggrieved as they are can surely find some housing and employment in Muslim states many of them of large geographic spread.  According to the fake news, fake quackademia, all is a golden age paradise in a Muhammadan state, sure the Jew hating Muslim Gazans would want to share that nirvana?  It might even be sensible for Israel to finance the migration of the Gazan Muslims to other states.  If they don’t accept the cash, then forcibly deport them.   


You won’t hear a Western quackademic or fake news presenter quote from this book or interview Spencer for his insights.  Neither will they go through the proper history of the Muslim Jihad and its Jew hate and bile since 1947.  These idiots will simply replace Muslim with Palestinian and Jihad with victimisation.  Spencer’s books are too intelligent, well researched, factual and elegantly presented for anyone in the narrative-bubble to read them, yet alone pursue their logic and reasoning.