Sunday, December 9, 2007

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Palestinians a.ka. Arabs, praise Hitler [yet again]

But hey, ho! the Jews and the Bushitler Americans are the REAL fascists!

by Ferdinand III

Such a surprise! Arabs are once again expressing their love for their true leader, Herr Hitler. Not content with their past failed Nazi-alliance; their Nazified Baathism; or their dalliance with totalitarian Communism; the peaceful, educated and exalted Arabs are declaiming admiration for a deranged psychopath. In their lust for Jew eradication and Islamic supremacy the Arab masses are being 're-educated' to remember the greatness of der Fuehrer.

Palestinian i.e Arab radio recently launched broadcasts extolling the virtures of Hitlerism. Yes, yes of course, of course most Arabs are surely not Nazified fascist stooges. Or maybe they are. Who knows. The broadcast is part of the Palestinian territories endless recitation of Jew annihilation. It is doubtful that the majority of the Arab population disagrees with its premise – that the Jews are the fount of evil and their American benefactors are co-conspirators.

The radio address raged:

"His golden year was 1940, when his armies invaded Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Holland, and Belgium and defeated France ... By mid 1942, his country controlled the largest land area in Europe… He refused to surrender and continued to fight for two more years, but, his bitter end came in the spring of 1945 when he took his own life…. Who is he?" [From Voice of Palestine radio contest, Nov. 27, 2007]

Germany's absurd pagan fascism, the inevitability of a war which killed and wounded 70 million people, and the industrialised mass murder of the Holocaust are of course never mentioned. They are in fact the reasons why Hitler is so revered in the Arab-Islamic world. Mein Kampf is an Arab best seller – even today. Palestinian history and schoolbooks enthuse about Nazism's ideals; but ignore its genocidal and racist war mongering.

For Palestinian papers and text books, they are the new heirs of 'revolutionary concepts.' The Muslims and Arabs largely view Nazism as an experiment – a revolution which though valid, somehow failed. A 2006 Palestinian newspaper article outlined with great pride the ways in which different foreign leaders have identified the Palestinians [aka Arabs], as examples of ideal revolutionaries. The first such leader was of course der Fuehrer himself. [Al-Rissala (Hamas Weekly), May 18, 2006]

The official Palestinian Authority daily paper has also praised the rewriting of history and doing honor and "justice" to Hitler's reputation and historical import. The article written in 2000 says, 'There are elderly people, among them Arabs, who still carry the name Hitler since their fathers, who were charmed by him, linked them [their children] with his name." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), April 13, 2000]. Another official state article explained the phenomenon of naming Palestinians after Hitler and his Nazi General Rommel: 'Sometimes parents name their children with foreign names, due to the father's admiration to a foreign personality.' [Al-Ayyam, November 15, 2001 "Woman's Voice" supplement.] Hiter and Rommel are to be admired?

Many Arabs hold with pride the historically gross and disgusting fact that the Arab leader in British Palestine, the Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, was actively allied with Hitler during the 1930s and World War II. The numerous meetings between the Mufti and Hitler are well documented. Muslims fought alongside the SS. Hitler's determination to rid the world of Jewry was of course much appreciated and supported in the Arab world.

Arabs routinely show maps of the world with Israel missing or colored in Arab green and red. Textbooks, articles, and reference maps routinely ignore the Jewish state. A recent information video produced by the Palestinian Authority Central Bureau of Statistics and broadcast on state-controlled Palestinian television, shows a map in which Israel is painted in the colors of the Palestinian flag. For the Arabs, nothing less than the eradication of Israel is acceptable.

While the Palestinian Authority might give press conferences in English with a demand for a two-state solution, it tells a different story to its own people in Arabic. Israel in Arabic is defined simply as 'Palestine'. Arab propaganda endlessly recites forecasts of liberating 'Palestinian' i.e. Israeli cities and towns – all of them.

Israel has paid dearly for believing Arab English pronouncements about 'two-state' solutions and peace. In the past 10 years more than 1,000 Israelis have been killed and tens of thousands wounded in the Palestinian Authority-led terror war. Today's leader of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, was Arafat's main man and conniving partner. Like Arafat, and as with most Arabs, he cannot be trusted.

Thanks to Palestinian a.ka. Arab fascism, soon not only will Israel be under pressure to shrink and disappear, so too will the Christian population be eradicated. Whilst some Arabs are Christian most are of course Islamic. Even Christian Arabs will soon disappear in Gaza, and the West bank:

'....tens of thousands of Christian Arabs have left the Palestinian territories for a better life in the West…. The Palestinian Christian population has dipped to 1.5 percent of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, down from at least 15% a half century ago, according to some estimates.…Bethlehem, which fell under full Palestinian control last decade as part of the Oslo Accords . . . is now less than 20% Christian, after decades when Christians were the majority. Elsewhere in the Palestinian territories, only about 3,000 Christians, mostly Greek Orthodox, live in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip, out of a strongly conservative Muslim population of 1.4 million.'

In Israel proper there is of course religious freedom. Freedom which does not exist in the Arab and Muslim world. Israel safeguards sites, houses of worship and the holy places of Christian and Muslim citizens. Israel is the only state in the region in which the Christian Arab population has grown in real terms—from approximately 34,000 in 1948 to nearly 130,000 in 2005.

So we have Arabs praising Hitler. Arabs following a fascist ideology. Arabs engaged in racism and supremacism. Arabs denying freedoms to minorities and dissenters.

And yet it is the Jews and the Bushitler axis of evil who are the true fascists? Such an world view is not only idiotic, it is monumentally dangerous.

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