Wednesday, April 15, 2009

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Somalia – another failed Islamic state.

But no worries – we can all blame Whitey, Imperialism and the Jews !

by Ferdinand III

Somalia - another failed Islamic state. A pre-modern hellhole in fact. Another vicious failure and part of the bloc of 57 states which form the Arab-Islamic cabal inside the relativist, and globalist group at the UN [or Useless Nattering Organisation]. Since independence from Britain and Italy in 1960, the Somalians have succeeded in reducing their strategically placed country to ruins, all in the name of Islam, terror, and corrupted fundamentalist irrationality. There is no 'other' side to this tragedy – it is simply the story of another failed Islamic state, saturated in mendacity, murder, aggression and pre-modern barbarity.

Somalia has a population of 9 million – most of them now desperate and desperately poor, hence the increase in terrorism, piracy and civil violence. Such a nation cannot be ignored. Not only is the country a lawless territory governed by gangs and thugs, it has mutated quite quickly to become an international Islamic-jihad threat. Somalia is now home to the largest area of unabashed Islamic terror support outside of the Afghanistan-Pakistan borderlands. It is thus a country with an important and malevolent international impact.

It has been an Islamic state with increasing regimentation and fundamentalist aspirations since its 1960 declaration of independence. Pre 1960 and outside of World War II, Somalia was an imperialist backwater – peaceful but with increasing prosperity under its European tutelage. Post 1960 that changed dramatically. In that year northern British Somaliland voted to join southern Italian Somaliland to create a new and bigger, Somalia. Somalia was suppose to be the new-agers great African hope – homogeneous population, European legacies, a vibrant agriculture sector, lots of trading possibilities. None of it of course worked out.

As soon as the British along with their police, military and proximate navy left, a civil war exploded which ended in a military dictatorship. 'Civil' society which had developed under British legal procedures was eradicated. In 1991 there was a clan based revolt against the dictatorship which effectively destroyed the central government. Since 1991 Somalia has been without a national government. UN – or more accurately – largely American efforts from 1992 to 1995 to stop clan fighting failed. It took an Ethiopian invasion in 2006 which ended this year, to halt the carrying of Somalia's jihad to Ethiopia and beyond. But the problem still remains.

Clan fighting, which is something the Western media focuses upon, is an important issue of course. But it is tied to a radical Islamic ideology. Somalia is a gang state, and the gangs impose their rule through military and social conformity. Islam is ridigified within Somalia. It is more Talibanic than Moroccan. This is the more salient issue. Not only do clans within the homogeneous Somalian tribe make the country almost impossible to govern, but when allied with a jihadic fundamentalism, it makes the country an international menace.

Ali Soufan was an FBI supervisory special agent in East Africa, from 1997 to 2005, and worked in Somalia. He was a former Muslim. In a recent op-ed piece he made the following observation about the country he knows well highlighting the danger of Islamic jihad being exported out of the failed Somalian state:

“Al Qaeda has had a relationship with Somali extremists since the early 1990s when Osama bin Laden was based in Sudan. During my time as an FBI agent targeting the al Qaeda network, I interviewed several operatives in the late '90s and '00s who told me how bin Laden established a base in Nairobi to facilitate the group's Somali operations under the cover of a nonprofit group called Help Africa.
Bin Laden himself has described al-Shabab [a Somalian Islamic terror group], as "one of the most important armies in the Mujahid Islamic battalion." And in a recording last February, bin Laden's deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, devoted the bulk of his message to praising al Shabab in Somalia, calling their recent activities "a step on the path of the victory of Islam."
All of this is important because the freedom of radical extremists to operate in Somalia is a direct threat to America and the West. The lawlessness in Somalia and along its coastlines, combined with its porous border with Kenya, allows terrorists to easily travel in and out of Somalia to Somali communities across the world. Cities such as Minneapolis, Stockholm, Cardiff and Dubai, all have large Somali populations, as do neighboring countries like Yemen, Kenya and Ethiopia.”

Somalia is in short an Islamic terror state and one which can export the Jihad not only through an alliance with Al Qaeda, but through its expatriate population numbering in the many millions, spread throughout Europe and North America.

The failed American expedition in 1993, to broker peace in the Somalia, was a failure of nerve and perspective. The US military and President Bill Clinton broke and ran from Somalia, rather than be engaged in what they viewed as an interminable civil war. Yet this fundamentalist Islamic state should never have been left unattended. The Americans could easily have subdued the country – the Ethiopians were to do so 14 years later – but they chose the path of ease and media appeasement. No latent US interests were thought to exist inside the imploding Somalian state – no oil, no weapons which can cross borders, no nuclear secrets, no uranium – hence the mad rush to the exits. As with the faineant 1991 decision not to topple Saddam Hussein in Iraq, nescient US policy in Somalia in 1993 simply delayed the inevitable.

Somalia is now of course a terror-pirate state directly affecting Western and American interests. Its people are literally being killed or starved to death. Running away from 1993 to 1995 only delayed the obvious necessity of imposing rule and legality on this failed territory. Someday America, with Ethiopian help, will need to conquer Somalia and eradicate its terror groups. Not to do so will endanger Western security.

Somalia represent many failures - all of which are held as truisms and 'facts' by the ideologically disturbed including socialists, internationalists and welfarists. First Somalia is yet another example of the rapid, and quite mad rush to de-colonisation in the 1960s. This is a factual failure which has cost literally hundreds of thousands of lives. Second, Somalia is of course yet another example of the failures of the post-modern multi-lateralist agenda. Aid, welfare transfers and pious speeches do not a free country make. Third, Somalia demonstrates the obvious fact that a radicalised Islamic regime can only be contained by military power. The Ethiopians needed to use brute force to first contain the cross-border Somalian jihad and then to enter the country to try to subdue it. Yet Ethiopia does not have the resources or singular capability to take over Somalia. It needs US and EU help. And that is what needs to happen. A Western takeover of yet another failed Islamic state.