Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Radical Muslim fascism growing, alive and well in North America.

Muslim groups with nice names are fronts for Islamic terror.

by Ferdinand III

The fountainhead organisation of the modern Islamic-fascist movement is of course the Muslim Brotherhood. The MB was a group originally formed in 1928 dedicated to restore the Islamic pan-empire and defeat the 'Crusaders'. It is a fascist organisation in the true sense of the word – intolerant, fundamentalist, fanatical, immune to rationality, with a deep hatred of the modern world, Jews and the West. It allied itself first with the Nazis and than of course with its fellow-travellers the Russian fascists or commnists. Today the Muslim Brotherhood and its offspring probably have some 2 million members in North America and 5 million in Europe – yet few lay people know anything about this radical Islamic fascist organisation and its importance.

Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hizbollah and virtually every Muslim terrorist organization has its roots in the Muslim Brotherhood. The philosophy of the MB informs for example Bin Laden's stated objective to restore a Muslim Caliphate which would dominate the Mediterranean basin and central Asia. The concept is to have a 'pure' Islamic state, unsullied by Europeans, Americans, Christians, Jews, Greeks or the 'other'.

This goal is replicated and mimicked across Europe and North America with many Muslim groups in Europe calling for an Islamic state in place of the European Union, and CAIR [Centre for Arabi-Islamic Relations] and the Nation of Islam [a Black Muslim group which wants all Whites and Jews killed in the US and the creation of a Black Muslim state to follow]; believing that the Islamicization of the US will happen over time and in degrees and as the founder of CAIR once stated [Ibrahim Hooper], hopefully 'peacefully'.

As Ryan Mauro an investigative journalist has written [see his archive ], in the past 20 years the Saudis have spent at least $80 billion, Wahhabism and radical Islam around the world. The Saudis have funded at least 1500 mosques and 210 Islamic centers in the West. Add to this the various curricula, books and web propaganda and we have a sustained and enormous effort with huge cultural and political repercussions for the West.

The Saudi brand of Wahabbism is the core ethos of the Muslim Brotherhood. Wahabbism is a fundamentalist view of Islam developed in the early 19th century as a reaction against Western imperialism. It adjures that the Muslim faithful go back to basics, to the Koran, and to the literal word of Allah, the moon-cult deity of Mecca. Wahabbism informs Al Qaeda and every Islamic fascist group in the world. It denies humanism, individuality, modernity, and anything to do with Western history and culture. It demands a world-wide Umma under an intolerant Muslim regime.

Saudi money has also bought off a large part of the US political elite. It is no surprise that Hillary Clinton is running the State department. Her husband mades $2-10 million from Saudi and Arab sources. There is simply too much invested by many in and outside of the US government with Arab states not to have 'normalised' relations with the Saudi Royal family and the other oligarchs running Arab states. Saudi and Arab money runs deep within US politics – a fact that should not be forgotten when analysing US actions and support of their 'Arab allies', or framing the Prophet's Obamed's apologetic-speech in Cairo, or the US demands for a 'Palestinian' state. Arab money will accept nothing less.

Saudi money has made the Muslim Brotherhood a force in US and European culture. Fuelled with petro-dollars the MB began creating a complex array of front organizations in the United States during the 1960s. These begat more groups creating a series of interlocked organisations all closely following the plan of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is clear from US government sources, the FBI and internal Muslim Brotherhood documents [brought up during various legal cases against the group], that the International Institute for Islamic Thought, Muslim Students Association, Islamic Circle of North America, Islamic Society of North America, Muslim Students Association, and North American Islamic Trust are al Muslim Brotherhood groups. And there are many others.

These Muslim groups are the artful practitioners of Janus-faced double-talk, appearing to be moderate while still supporting terror and Islamic fascism.

MB funded and run groups falsely portray themselves as the representatives of the Muslim community. This gives them 'leadership' gravitas with the media and academic world. Muslim Brotherhood speakers and organisations are very aggressive in their campaigning and media-educational manipulation. Most of the texts used in schools in North America and Europe pertaining to Islam, are created and disseminated by MB groups. These texts are of course little more than Arab-Islamic propaganda.

These radical MB organisations have displaced other Islamic voices from more moderate groups which do not support a fascist Islamic movement and who see the need for widespread Islamic reforms. Groups such as the Islamic Supreme Council of America, the Free Muslim Coalition, the American-Islamic Forum for Democracy, and the American-Islamic Congress are largely marginalised by the MB and have even suffered attacks both physical and verbal from MB affiliated goons and intolerants.

The Muslim Brotherhood is thus more than just an existential threat to Western interests. It is a large and prosperous affilation network, one oiled with a lot of money and ideological fanaticism. In just over 30 years the Muslim Brotherhood and its spawn have gone from a comparatively minor radical network, to one encompassing millions of devotees with a firm grip on the Western media and even elected officials.

The Muslim Brotherhood is simply a 5th column and it is in the ascendant. What is remarkable is the general media and public disavowal of this internal threat. The MB and its affiliates have done a remarkable job in changing the Western ethos and culture to one that is now tolerant and even protective of Islam and its predations. As Gramsci knew to defeat the West you had to change the culture and control the commanding heights of education and the media. This cultural Marxist lesson is one that the Muslims have learned very well indeed.