Monday, March 1, 2010

Book Review; M. A. Khan “Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery”

A must read.

by Ferdinand III

How true Khan's book title is. The never told story of Islamic expansion through jihad or holy war, with all the splendid aspects that a pagan Fascism from the wastes of Arabia can bestow on mankind. Totalitarian oppression. Death. Devastation. Slave trading. Unrivaled imperialism. Koranic submission. Khan's gift is your blessing. A former Indian Muslim who saw the light whilst in the United States, Khan ran from Islam and embraced the virtues of Western civilization. His well sourced book details in some depth the barbarity of Islamic expansion and Koranic imperialism across the world. He wrote to counter attack the 'really smart people's' gibberish that Islam is peace. Islam is the incarnation of war and fascism. Khan outlines why.

The book is divided into eight chapters. Khan recounts the ongoing, often-contradictory, debates surrounding the true nature of Jihad and what Muslims fundamentally believe about their creed in the first two chapters. In Chapter 3 the book establishes the ideal paradigm of Jihad with compelling references from the Quran (Mohammed's family moon deity Ali-ilah substituting for the Jewish-Christian idea of 'God' – how absurd).  Khan uses impeccably sourced material to show how the mad-man Muhammad or Mohammed, applied those 'divine' and overtly fascistic commands of Jihad. With great insights and analysis, this book makes it crystal clear that the paradigmatic model of Jihad is overwhelmingly violent; and that it lies at the heart of Islam, as it says, “Violent Jihad is the heart of Islam; without it, Islam would, most likely, have died a natural death in the seventh century itself” (p. 79). That statement is an undeniable fact.

Khan spends the rest of the book exposing and detailing in a rational manner, the three major strands of Jihadi actions, namely forced conversion, imperialism and slavery—all of which are commanded by the moon guy Allah and practiced by his supposed mouth-piece and representative the illiterate Muhammad. In accordance with the Muslim belief that the command of the Quran and actions of the fascistic, jihading Muhammad are eternal in nature, it goes on to demonstrate in subsequent chapters (Chapter 4–7) with compelling historical documentation, that Jihad was perpetuated by later Muslim holy warriors and rulers; and that this practice continues to this day. Jihad, war and imperialism are Islam and they make up by far the greatest portion of the Koran.

Khan gives a clear outline of the Quranic commands of forced conversion, imperialism and slavery and their ideal models set by the originator of Islam the politician and war-leader Muhammad. Thereafter, each chapter goes on to anotate extensive historical examples of these practices exercised by Muslim invaders and rulers over the centuries. The tales recounted in these chapters entail mindless brutality perpetrated, in the name of Jihad, by Muslim invaders, which involved mass-slaughter of the vanquished, their mass-conversion at the point of the sword, the enslavement of mainly women and children in their hundreds of millions, and the imposition of brutal imperial rule involving crushing economic exploitations and horrible persecution of non-Muslim subjects.

The chapter on Islamic imperialism also recounts how Muslim invaders have deliberately destroyed the vibrant cultural heritage of many great civilizations of the pre-Islamic days as their moon deity-ordained duty that “the vestiges of the pre-Islamic jahiliyah age must be replaced by the perfect religious, political and cultural civilization of Islam” (p. 164). The practice continues today, such as the destruction of Bamyan Buddha statues by the Taliban and attacks on similar structures of pre-Islamic heritage by fundamentalist Muslims in many Islamic countries.

The stories related mostly from Islamic sources are harrowing, heart-wrenching, jaw-dropping. Muslims from all over the world must read this book. They will be shocked by the scale of brutality their ancestors suffered at the hands of Islamic invaders—opposed to their false notion that Islam came to liberate them from tyranny, oppression and sinful religious practices. They will feel remorse and pain for the sufferings of their ancestors. No less pain would be felt by non-Muslim readers—say, those from India—whose forefathers suffered much more for their refusal to embrace Islam.

Muslim or Non-Muslim, everybody from India to Central Asia, to the Middle East, West Asia, Africa, Eurasia, Europe and even the United States will quickly able to realize how Islam had affected—nay, terribly brutalized—their ancestors by the instruments of forced conversion, imperialism and slavery, which they may be unaware of.

These ideal practices, enshrined in the doctrines of Jihad, were practised well into the 20th century. Most interestingly and convincingly, this book makes it very clear that those Jihadi commands of Islam are not dead; Muslims still practiced them in one form or another—one may look the treatment of minorities in Muslim countries, say in Saudi Arabia. In Malaysia, non-Muslims are taxed as they were in the days of old with the head tax or jiyza, and the wealth tax or kharaj.

The latter typically extorts 50% of more of a non-Muslims wealth.

The former is done to humiliate the non-Muslim as they are made to humble themselves whilst giving the poll tax, acknowledging Muslim superiority.

Both have been in existence since the founding of Islam with as Khan rightly states, the jiyza being applied to all non-Muslims by Mohammed and the kharaj being enacted against the 4 main Jewish tribes that Mohammed warred against, destroyed and whose property and women he simply stole. The remnants were told to give the Muslim rulers 75% of all trade and produce – or else face exile or death.

One of Khan`s most insightful themes is the horrendous reality that Islam was spread in large part, through forced coercion and slavery. Hundreds of millions of people were enslaved or compelled to accept the moon cult as their organizing principle. This created a monstrously effective demographic impulse and power. The more sex slaves, the more concubines the more Muslim warriors which could be produced. The more terrifying the Islamic rule, the greater the chasm between dhimmi or non-Muslim slave, and the Islamic elite, the more likely the chance of conversion. Avoiding tax, societal humiliation or death, will provoke even the most devout non-Muslim to reconsider his or her options. Islam literally grew from the bondage children produced by those who converted to avoid death, or who were enslaved and whose children became, under Islamic `law`, Muslims.

Another key aspect to this book is Khan`s well researched and intelligent analysis of how Islam was spread through India and South East Asia. The really smart people in the West, and their Islamic allies, maintain that it was the peaceful Sufi sect of preachers which converted hundreds of millions to the ideology of the moon cult. Khan demolishes this. He shows that it was endless war, jihad, extermination and slave trading which took the small Muslim footholds in places like Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines and turned the region into a Muslim dominated geography. The Islamicization of much of Asia was achieved through Koranic inspired holy-war, the lust for wealth, slavery and forced conversion.

This is a book everyone—Muslim and non-Muslim—must read, as the topic discussed profoundly affects everyone. There is without question, a resilience inherent in the doctrines of Jihad, which inform and construct Islam, and which will lead to another resurgence of Islamic violence, terror, and expansionism. This is Khan`s main theme – the days of Islamic terror and war are just beginning. We are entering a new cycle for the fight for civilization. The Koran, Mohammed, and all Islamic leaders make it clear that Islam must dominate the world. It is writtern throughout all of the Islamic trilogy of books which forms Muslim theology. There is nowhere, the ideas of compassion, gratitude, the Golden Rule or co-existence in any of the Islamic writings – none.

Huntington made a shocking statement in his Civilization Clash thesis in saying that “Civilization seems in many respects to be yielding to barbarism… a global Dark Age possibly descending on humanity”. Huntington puts multiple civilizations at fault for this likely downfall of the civilized humanity. Surging radical Jihadism, which lies very much at the heart of Islam, would most likely make his prediction a reality. Khan`s book will tell you why.