Witness Muslims killing other Muslims
May 30 2005
Iraq was a decimated fascist managed state for 50 years in which nothing functioned normally, and freedom and individual expression meant death. Two years after pulling down one of the most odious regimes in modern memory, the Western media expects Iraq to not only be subdued, quiet, but loving, caring, and prosperous with its children attending prep schools, and with wage levels comparable to San Francisco. The media apparently is impatient for Iraq to behave normally though for much of the past 50 years the media had ignored the butchers of Baghdad. You don’t rebuild a failed society in 2,3, 5 or even 10 years. Biased media reporting and constant negativity does not help.
It is clear that each car bomb, which kills innocents, shows the face of this past and now defunct fascist regime. The terror in Iraq is directed against Iraqi civilians and police, attempting to frightened people into submission and accept a Sunni-led fascist governance. It is not clear what the terrorists hope to gain by blowing up innocents. They offer nothing credible to replace the democratically elected Iraqi government. Hussein’s remnants are much like Hitler’s followers – when the war is lost the goal is to destroy as much as possible to show your rejection of reality. The fascists in Iraq will fight until they are killed. Remember that 300.000 Russians lost their lives taking a flattened Berlin when it was obvious that Hitler had lost the war. It is hard to comprehend such fanaticism.
Islamic terrorists in Iraq, using the same barbaric methods as their Islamic friends in Palestine and Israel, are now blowing up Iraqi civilians by the dozens using car bombs and homicide bombers. These are truly desperate and ‘Oriental’ acts. Nothing signals more clearly that the terrorist revolt is in desperation, then the use of primitive bombing methods. Though some explosions and murders are caused by high tech gadgetry [cell phones detonating car bombs etc.], the great majority of attacks are simple car and human detonations. Such cowardly violence is all too redolent of Oriental violence – eschew the direct battle, and kill using hit and run methods.
Even amongst the piles of dead, there is still good reason to expect that the terrorists will be crushed during 2005 and 2006. This does not mean that attacks will cease any time soon. But it does mean that more parts of Iraq will be stabilized. The US military is training its Iraqi partners at a fast rate and Iraqis are now leading the attacks against the insurgency and more ground can thus be covered. This gives the Iraqi government credibility and gives the general population less reason to feel that the US is occupying their country and more reason to view the US as a security force. Tactically the US and Iraqi’s are also using better armored vehicles and have developed methods to protect large areas of the country from car and suicide bombers. However, it is obvious that the terrorist insurgency will take some time to quell – and as history teaches us – it will only be quieted when the terrorists and their leaders are dead.
Since the taking of Fallujah which is south of Bagdhad, where 1200 terrorists were killed and 2000 captured, the terrorist attacks have moved to Baghdad and north west through Al Anbar province. The terrorists have suffered major reverses not only in Fallujah, but also in Samarra, Najaf and even Mosul. However, the US is reporting increased use of RPG [rocket propelled grenades], and IEDs [improvised explosive devices], and the number of insurgents is still at the 5-10.000 level, meaning that the US and Iraqi government are having limited success in actually destroying the movement.
So why is the terrorist insurgency strong ? In short, the terrorists have money, external non-Iraqi aid, and Sunni loyalty to the former fascist Baathist regime. Hussein had acquired billions from the ‘Oil-for-Food-Scam’ and most of it was spirited away to Syria. This money has financed the insurgency. In al-Anbar province, $200 is given to anyone who attacks the Iraqi government or US military. This equals six months’ salary. Many of the terrorist insurgents are probably part-timers, getting involved to make some easy money or fulfill some tribal oath, pledge or vent anger against the perceived heathen US occupiers. The hard core group of full time terrorist murderers is estimated at about 5.000 but hit and run tactics and lack of concrete intelligence makes hunting and killing these men a time consuming and difficult affair.
Equally disturbing for the Americans and Iraqis is that this fascist group is a death cult – much like the cults of Lenin and Hitler. Lenin’s philosophy in war was that “worse is better.” For the terrorists in Iraq their goal is to make Iraq ungovernable, and perhaps get the chance to regain power. In this regard they don’t fear death and under the Islamic cult they will be rewarded for defying the infidel and dying in battle. Most fundamentally the terrorists seek to sever and disrupt a functioning society by eliminating trust. American officers describe having Iraqi police officers who would talk to them candidly only if they were in a room without any other Iraqis. Thus the terror is aimed at the public – create fear, mistrust and hopefully an opportunity to seize power.
For the terrorists to succeed they must ensure that civil society fails. This is what allowed Hitler and Lenin to seize power – the failure of liberal and democratic states after the first world war to deliver public goods, jobs, welfare and services. As the US General Dempsey, commander of Baghdad stated,
“Imagine a non-functioning city the size of Detroit. We found that the electricity infrastructure was incapable of meeting the needs of the city long before we arrived. At no time in the recent past did Baghdad have enough electricity to go 24 hours,” he says. And: “The sewers were never running at more than 75 percent capacity. When we got there most of the sewage ran into the Tigris through the storm drains.” And: “Trash was a huge problem. Imagine a city of 6 million where the trash system shuts down for a month.” And there was no one else around to try to fix it.
The terrorists in Iraq want to destabilize a newly created democracy and somehow, inexplicably, turn the people towards fascism, Baathism and strong man rule as their savior. If the US or Western civilization runs away from this challenge then a power vacuum will arise that could allow fascism to take root and grow. Things in Iraq are not great, but they are going about as fast and as well, as one could expect. Most importantly long years of hard work at totally eliminating the fascist terrorists still lie ahead. The key is not to cut and run but fight it out.
A good report on the Terrorist insurgency:
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