Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Arab Jihad against Israel.

Fake Flotillas and the flotsam and jetsam of cultural Fascism.

by Ferdinand III

Fascist ideologies use all methods to subvert their enemy. The Nazis and Communists had a variety of 'charities' within and even external to, their occupied domains, which dispensed 'free' items, and of course the ideology they were promoting. Fascisms always set up parallel systems to those of the civil state they are trying to take over. We see this with Hizbollah in southern Lebanon, which is building a social-civil polity, replete with charities and job-creation programs, which are intended to supplant the normative Lebanese state and turn Lebanon, or at least the southern part of it, into Hizbollah-land.

The same is true of Gaza. It is run by Islamic fascists and thugs, Hamas, whose mandate is to wipe out Israel. Bizarrely this fascist entity is also the largest recipient of welfare in world history. Not one person in Gaza is starving to death. Gaza has plenty of food. In fact the average life expectancy is close to Western levels in the mid 70s. The Israelis pay for the health care of the 1.5 million Arabs. There is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza – so why the need for the flotilla which was funded by Turkey and Hamas, or rather international welfare dollars ?

The 'Gaza Flotilla' was a war-provocation. It was an attack on Israel's right to self-determination and the maintenance of its borders. There would not be an Egyptian-Israeli blockade if Islamic fascism and groups such as Hamas did not exist. There would not be a security perimeter around Gaza, if the Arabs accepted peace, and exchanged their guns and bombs, for civility and infrastructure development. Hamas and the Arabs are to blame for the blockade, not the Jews.

Much like the ruse organizations used by the Nazis and Communists, this flotilla was just another example of trying to use Orwellian word-smithing to hide the obvious. The Gaza-Flotilla never was a transshipment of aid and love. It was, much like the social clubs of the Nazis and Communists, a vehicle used to undermine a legitimate state; an attempt to weaken the Egyptian-Israeli blockade; and a method to connive international support. It was staffed by Jihadists. It was funded by Jihadists and Hamas. It's mandate was to confront Israel and then use the useful [or useless idiots] in the Western media to vilify the Jewish state.

So the Arabs are to blame not only for this flotilla-'massacre', but also for the dismal state of affairs within Gaza. It was the Arabs after all which created the refugee problem through their incessant warring with Israel; and it has been the UN which has propagated poverty, terror and Fascism, now firmly evidenced in Hamas rule in Gaza and the West Bank. UN and international aid with the exceptions of the Soviet Union during the 1940s; France in the 50s and 60s and the US from the 1970s to recently; has been uni-directional to the Arabs, eschewing the Jews. It is as if only the Arabs have 'rights' and 'demands' and the Jews are to be ignored, vilified and isolated. In such a milieu why is anyone surprised by the fact that the Israeli navy has to, and must, protect its borders ?

“In 1948 by contrast the UN did nothing to help the displaced Jew. There were no tears, camps or money for the ejected Jew. The Arab total of 300.000 so-called refugees was far less than the 900.000 Jews who were kicked out of various Middle Eastern countries post 1947 once Israel was officially created. This is something that the Arab lovers and UN supporters always ignore. 900.000 Jews had their money stolen, their property taken and were usually given only a few days to leave areas where they and their ancestors may have resided for hundreds if not thousands of years. Yet they received no UN money, no UN refugee protection and no UN protocols protecting their civil and legal rights. Only the Arabs received such succor. But of course the Useless Nations as we are constantly told, is all for the brotherhood of man, and the one-world nirvana of grinning cultural Marxists.”

Jew-hate is racism. As simple as that. This racist inclination infects the Arab-Muslim and UN world. The extent of this immorality is so pervasive that most Westerners accept the myth that Gazan Arabs are somehow `Palestinians` - a word created in the 1960s by Arafat and the fascist PLO. Palestinian Arabia is a myth designed to create an aura of historical legitimacy for a group of people who don't have any. It is the Arabs of course who are squatting on territory which was a part of the ancient Jewish kingdoms, which predate the Muslim invasions by some 1700 years. Yet most Arabs and Muslims know nothing about Islamic, Arab or Jewish history. One third to one-half of the Arab world is illiterate. No wonder the Meccan moon cult fascism is so highly prized.

“It can't be a surprise that today Mein Kampf is a best seller in Turkey and throughout the Arab world. The Arabs don't translate many books – about 1/5 of what Greece translates annually – but their selective reading list includes Hitler's Koranic-like volumes, and the Russian forgery 'The Protocols of Zion' – a set of lies parading as 'fact' developed in 1905 outlining how and why the Jews dominate the world. It took until 1921 or 3 years before Mein Kampf was penned, to debunk the forgery. Hitler references the book as a work of authenticity. It would be no surprise if most in the un-educated Arab world believed the Protocols to be fact, or Hitler's ravings to be coherent and premised on reality.”

In Gaza the Protocols are taught to school children as fact. Who then are the real fascists ? Most people don't even know what the word means. But one thing is clear. The Jews have a cult of life, imbedded in a secular, liberal and advanced nation state premised along values and ethics which extol the Golden Rule. The Arabs don't. The mission of death assumed by the Koranic cult; and the Arab culture of misery and violence will never construct anything as solid, moral, or as wealthy as Israel. Never.

The Arabs in Gaza are like children, ruled by fascist thugs, and unable to move from adolescence, Jew-hate, racism and Koranic supremacism, into adult-hood and the real world. They have done nothing to build a civil, modern state, with the 30 billions received over the past 15 years in international aid. Their rather pathetic attempts to renew the Jihad against Israel, through the ruse of an aid-flotilla should be dismissed and denounced for what it is – puerile, fascistic minds busy with propagating war.