Muhammad or Mohammed was no prophet of peace, tolerance, love, the Golden Rule and gratitude. He was the apocalyptic embodiment of the opposite. A murderer, sexually depraved, insane, and very Arab in his lust for blood, death, sex and power; Muhammad was of course the anti-thesis of Christ. Islam should be considered in-toto as the anti-Christ. Nothing makes this clearer then the Hitlerian-like career of its founder.
Trifkovic is a Phd researcher with a long history of inquiry and research into Islam. His books and writings are extraordinarily clear and well-sourced. What is of particular interest in 'The Sword of the Prophet', is the clarity of his depiction of an Arab military adventurer inventing a 'theology', to satisfy his quite disturbed lust for power and control. Mohammed was no more a prophet than Caesar, Pompey, Alexander or Hitler. He was unbalanced, psychologically stunted, hypocritical, and viciously insane.
What does it say about Muslims that they follow the example of a racist, murdering, warring, immoral and thieving rapist? How intelligent, cultured, 'progressive' or holy are Muslims if they prostrate themselves to the moon cult of Muhammad, chattering in a language they don't understand, ridiculing themselves in ritualized positions of inferiority? How clever and informed are such people?
“The dominant deity was the moon god in several variations, whose title was al-ilah – the chief among all gods – shortened by frequency of usage to Allah.” [p. 22]
Mohammed's tribe was known before his birth as the People of Allah or the Protected Neighbours of Allah. [p. 23-24]
Islam is not a religion. It is a Meccan moon cult. Only the blind and uneducated will not admit that. If the founder of this cult, ordained worship to Al-allah, how and why would anyone deny that Islam has nothing in common with Christianity, but is simply an Arabian paganism, whose male moon deity is erroneously conflated with 'God'. Al-Allah is no more a God, than was the exaltation of Lenin's figure during the reign of Stalin.
As Trifkovic asks – why does Islam kill, war, murder and rape on a scale never seen in history, outpacing the carnage of the Mongols, the Ch'in, the Nazis and modern day Socialists, Marxists and their brethren the Fascists: “Why in the last 20 years, have over 2 million people died in conflicts involving Muslim communities?”
Why in the past 1400 years have 300 million people been murdered by Muslims? Can anyone within the Islamic moon cult answer this?
Muhammad was a psychologically deranged and quite mad illiterate, who prompted by his older wife, and his innate insanity desired the complete control of Arabia. Political ambition married with an intolerant, racist and quite fascistic mind. We know this because of the existence of the Koran – the most unholy book created by illiterates in the history of man's development. Even his family knew Muhammad was mentally deficient:
“Muhammad's uncle – who genuinely believed that his nephew was insane – tried to convince his fellow citizens that this was indeed so, and that he should be pitied rather than persecuted.” [p. 32]
The Hadiths also confirm that Muhammad was mentally ill at the age of 40 – the same time he began to receive 'revelations' from the arch-angel Gabriel. Talking to angels? Probably a sure sign of mental imbalance.
When Muhammad was asked to leave his home city of Mecca and was exiled to Medina, the nature of the founder of Islam, and of Islamic teachings changed profoundly. The Koranic calls and pleas to the Meccans to 'leave the Muslims alone' and to worship what they wanted [see Sura 103 for example] were replaced by violence, hate, and 'revelations' of military victory over the Meccans and anyone else who dared to challenge Muhammad and Al-allah or the moon deity:
“It was only later, in Medina, when Muhammad's prophetic claims were rejected by Jews and Christians, that his position underwent complete change to uncompromising hostility and justification of violence.” [p. 33]
As the Muslims waged brigandage, war, exterminated the Jews, and eventually overcame Mecca by 630 AD, the entire ethos of Islam had become perverted and oriented not towards Christian ideals of gratitude, acceptance and tolerance for all; but to the goals and aims of subjugation, sex, plunder, booty, and power. The Koran is the expression of Arabic pagan culture, one dedicated to the enrichment of Muslims at the expense of the 'other'. There is no hint of the Golden Rule within Islam, nor is there any concept of accepting 'the other'. Infidels must be killed, converted, or enslaved.
“Muhammad's practice and constant encouragement of bloodshed are unique in the history of religions. Murder, pillage, rape, and more murder are in the Kuran and in the Traditions 'seem to have impressed his followers with a profound belief in the value of bloodshed as opening the gates of Paradise'.....'Kill, kill the unbelievers wherever you find them' is an injunction both unambiguous and powerful.” [p. 51]
Kill, kill, kill. This is the mainspring of Islamic imperialism. Kill a Jew and the moon-guy will reward you with everything you want in heaven – sexy babes, wine, water and delights aplenty. Spread Islam and your 'soul' will be guaranteed to live eternally in an environment of pure pleasure. Prostrate and humiliate yourself to the cult of Muhammad and you can enjoy the fruits of power in this life and the next.
Trifkovic quotes Abu Sufyan, who was Muhammad's uncle and Meccan politician on the rather unsurprising change from a preacher begging to be left alone - to a warrior demanding 'submission'. Somewhat ironically this 'doubting' Muslim convert and his family would give rise to the Umayyads, one of the greatest of Muslim dynasties, responsible in large part for the spread of Islam into the Near East and North Africa. Sufyan who had once denied and fought Muhammad, grudgingly converted to the moon-cult when Mecca was conquered. He made this rather obvious comment about the political intent of Islam and the hypocrisy of its founder:
“In the past, he had enumerated in the Kuran (3:12) the series of temptations which could enslave human beings: The passion for women, the desire for male children, the thirst for gold and silver, spirited horses, and the possession of cattle and land, in fact all the pleasures of life. Now the Prophet wanted to possess them.” [p. 45]
This is a pithy summary of the internal contradictions of the Kuran and the life of the military adventurer who reformed a moon-cult, into a monotheistic fascism. Muhammad created or re-created, the Al-Allah cult for his own benefit, and to satiate his own lusts. There are no religious teachings in the Kuran. There are no unique metaphysical, or ethical insights – in fact no doctrines which can be found in Zen Buddhism, Christianity or Judaism make an appearance anywhere in Islamic theology. The only nice words one might find in Islamic liturgy deal with other Muslims. Infidels and non-believers are to be treated as slaves, cattle, or women. They are to be used, owned, traded, or killed.
“St. Paul's “Let each be fully convinced in his own mind', could not apply to the conquering faith that depended on the power of the sword.” [p. 49]
Trifkovic's reminder that Christianity has entirely different attributes is a necessary antidote to the multi-cultural illiteracy that Islam is the same as the theology of the Christ. It isn't. The character of Islam's founder makes it clear that Islam is indeed the anti-Christian philosophy revelling in hate, racism, intolerance and death.
There is nothing religious about Islam. There can't be. It is a moon cult, premised on power, sex, and blood.