Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Islam demands that France conform to the Moon cult

A glowing tribute to the Multi-cult fetish.....

by Ferdinand III


There are at least 8 million legal and illegal Muslims in France out of a total population of 55 million. The government lies for obvious reasons when it estimates the number at only 5 million. With Muslim birthrates of 3-4 children per women [in comparison with 1.2 for non-Muslim women]; and Muslim immigration of more than 100.000 per annum, fully 40% of France will be Islamified by 2050. We will then be able to view the fruits of the moribund, nescient and uninformed policy called 'multi-culturalism', in which all cultures except the French in this case, are to be supported and coddled. Even at 15 % of the total Les Musulmans feel themselves empowered enough to start demanding French submission to the Meccan moon cult project:

PARIS (Reuters)Muslim pupils and parents in France are increasingly making religious demands on the state school system that teachers should rebuff by explaining the country's secular principles, according to an official report.

The High Council for Integration (HCI) reported growing problems with pupils of immigrant backgrounds who object to courses about the Holocaust, the Crusades or evolution, demand halal meals and "reject French culture and its values."

"It is becoming difficult for teachers to resist religious pressures," said the report, published in draft form by the newspaper Journal du Dimanche over the weekend. The final report will be presented to the government next month.

What do you expect when the multi-cult fetish expressly denigrates the host state's culture and history? When you rewrite history with pathological lies on topics such as 'The Dark Ages' [a myth]; 'the barbarity of the Crusades'; 'Islam preserved learning'; 'the Koran is holy'; and that 'Islam means peace'; it is a short step away to just handing over your entire 2000 year Western legacy to an inferior and quite morbid expression of swaggering pagan Fascism. But as usual the French get it wrong:

"We should now reaffirm secularism and train teachers how to deal with specific problems linked to the respect for this principle," it said.

France's strict separation of church and state relegates religion to the private sphere, an approach challenged by a growing Islamic identity among some of the five million Muslims in the country's 65 million population.

The obvious problem mes amis, is not your separation of church and state – something that does not exist in Islam – but your 250 year program of rejecting the essentials elements of Western and French legacies. The rot is in the core of the culture, not just the school system. The French state has fostered a Muslim separateness, allowing Islam to develop its own ghettos; a Millett-system of entitlement [where majority Muslims in an area are ceded land title due to demography]; public expression of Koranic racism and intolerance; and recourse to state monies to build mosques, schools and organizations:

"Teachers regularly find that Muslim parents refuse to have their children learn about Christianity," it said. "Some think it amounts to evangelization."

"Anti-Semitism ... surfaces during courses about the Holocaust, such as inappropriate jokes and refusals to watch films" about Nazi concentration camps, it said. "Tensions often come from pupils who identify themselves as Muslims."

Teachers found they could discuss the transatlantic slave trade but met criticism from pupils when they brought up the history of slavery within Africa or in the Middle East.

Muslims enslaved some 10 million Whites and 11-15 million Blacks over 1200 years. These are facts. The White enslavement and transhipment of Blacks was around 10 million with 400.000 being shipped to the US; 4 million to the West Indies and over 5 million to Brazil and Ecuador. There is a large and dynamic Black culture in all of these areas today – but not within Islam. We can deduce from this that the Black slaves within Islamic states and empires were killed off. No other explanation exists to explain the disappearance of 11 million or more Blacks within Muslim geographies.

Even science is questioned by Muslims in France's school systems:

Reflecting the promotion of anti-Darwinist thinking in Muslim countries, "evolution is challenged by pupils who posit divine or creationist action without any argument for it."

Islam's irrationality on full display. But what will the French do? They will try to emphasize 'secularism' of course. But what is secularist theology? Do you really believe that a culture, like that of France, which has engaged since the time of Rousseau in the mid 18th century, through to the post-modernism of Derrida and Foucault in the 1960s; will now reassert itself against a theology called 'Submission' in which ritual, memorization, supremacy and of course racism are its main tenets?

Good luck with that.

The report said French schools must insist on co-education, equal rights and mutual respect. "Being a French citizen means accepting challenges to one's opinions ... this is the price to pay for the freedom of opinion and expression.

"Must we recall that the crime of blasphemy has not existed in France since the French Revolution?" it asked.

"The principle of secularism leads to a profound gelatinization of religion. This is a philosophical upheaval that religions only consent to with difficulty," it said.

Islam is not a religion. It is a political and social construct. Until our elitist authorities come to terms with that reality, we will witness in every single Western state what the French are now going through – the demands to Islamify our own culture and society and to accede to Muslim demands.