One reason to read this book, [introduced here as well], is that common sense is not replaced by ablutions to Marxist and politically-correct ignorance. The Knights of Malta were indeed the Last of the Crusading Orders to survive, and one of their mandates was to wage war against the Moslem. Today of course Islam is advertised as peace, merriment and Golden Rule directed love and tolerance. In the real world, and during the early modern period, Europeans, including the Crusading Knights of Malta or St. John, saw Islam for what it was – simply a cult of Mohammed and completely divorced from faith, Christianity and progress. Some 5 million Western European whites were enslaved by Arabs, Turks and Black North African Moslems from 640 AD to 1850 AD. Without the Knights of St. John and their redoubtable navy operating first off of Rhodos and than Malta, the number would have been much higher – indeed if the Turkish attack on Malta had succeeded in 1565, the entire peninsula of Italy would have been enslaved and reduced.
Unlike Moslem rulers the Knights improved conditions on Malta, and indeed in any location they had controlled throughout their history. Only in Christianity can one find a 'Hospice' order dedicated to nursing the sick and wounded at no charge. Nothing like it ever existed within Islam, and certainly no institution within the Moslem world was as devoted to good hospital practice as the Knights' endeavor.
“ 1780 according to the Book of Councils of State for April 1781, 153,333 sick, more than the entire population of the island, had received treatment at the cost of about ten pence a head...Two hundred chickens were slaughtered daily to provide the broth [for the daily soup].....patients came overseas for operations for stone and cataract...”
I challenge anyone to provide any proof whatsoever of Muslim interest in the welfare of the sick on this scale, encompassing as well, care for the Kufar. Maltese hospitals were obliged to provide hospice for anyone of any creed, faith, ideology, or standing. This never existed in Islam. In fact Malta became during the 18th century, a 'medical tourist' destination, where the more affluent of Europe would go for complex surgeries. I doubt that anyone was flocking to Mosul, Baghdad, or Istanbul for the same. So much for the myth of Moslem medical prowess.
Malta and Europe were much better off with the Knights in existence. Yet there destruction was inevitable and as Cavaliero relates was hastened by two factors.
First, nationalism was the philosophy prima inter pares during the so-called 'Enlightenment', [which also birthed witch trials, public hangings and burnings, and the Inquisition]; and made an international order which reported to the Pope, entirely suspect and unreliable. In England for example, Henry VIII destroyed the Knightly Priory and banished or in some cases killed its members, whilst of course availing himself to their money and estates.
Second, secularism as an ideology, forced the separation of religion from governance, and many Maltese nobles who chafed under Knighly rule, were only too happy to try and install an irreligious governing structure. To do this they turned to France. Long dependent on a French alliance to maintain its independence and on Sicily which was basically a French satellite for its food, the island of Malta made a tempting target as a base of provisioning and a natural harbor for Napoleon in his madness to take Egypt and march on to India. Though reckless and ultimately a failure and lunatic, Napoleon did invest and take Malta – without a fight:
“..when Napoleon arrived in June 1798 he came to drive out an Order that had come near to making of Malta one of the more enlightened, more efficient and yet more Catholic states of Europe. That was the tragedy of its destruction....”
Cavaliero details why the Knights and the Maltese did not fight. Internal politics, a lack of man power, poor leadership, and treason all played their roles. When the French took over Malta, they did as one would expect of a despotic conquering power – they looted the churches, the treasuries, private accounts and the women. Within 3 years the French were ousted after a series of revolts and British intervention. So much for enlightened despotism.
Another little known fact told by Cavaliero is how close the Russians came to taking control of the island. When Napoleon ejected the Knights they moved to St. Petersburg and inveigled the Czar Paul, to became their new Grand Master. With this as an impetus and desiring to control the eastern Mediterranean, the Czar and his admirals during the Napoleonic confrontations became acutely interested in using Malta as a forward base to stop both French and British pretensions to furthering their empires and control of east-west trade. Through a combination of cowardice, misunderstandings and most likely a lack of sustainable naval power and money, the Russians did not seize their opportunity. That left a vacuum for the British to fill, which they did, making Malta a protectorate in 1814. Cavaliero's outline of British bumbling and indecision over Malta makes a most interesting read. History would be rather different if Malta had fallen to the Russians.
In any event by 1814 the Knightly Order of St. John was finished. In a world of nation states it was an anachronism. Cavaliero's work is the only one on the Knights which focuses on the last two centuries of the Order's existence. It is well sourced, detailed and entertaining. The Knight were without question one of Europe's most interesting and important organizations. It is a pity that more people don't know more about them.