Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Robert R. Reilly, 'The Closing of the Muslim Mind'. The Communal Fascism of Islam.

Private property, free will and rationality – all rejected by theological Islam.

by Ferdinand III


Reilly's irrefutable theological explanation for the closing of the collective Muslim mind, and the imposition by the 11th century of Asharite Islam, in which free-will, rationality and reason were obliterated is reviewed here. No Muslim or multi-culturalist lover of the cult named 'Submission' can refute what Reilly so lucidly and plainly states. Islam is a system of total control which consciously sought out the eradication of reason, free-will and inquiry. It mandates submission to the impersonal, unknowable thing called Allah, which has no connections whatsoever to Judaic-Christian ideals of an anthropomorphic divine essence, who demanded that reason and faith be conjoined, and that true knowledge can only be acquired by the interstition of science, rationality, and individual responsibility. This is all laid out very clearly in the Book of Matthew. As Reilly declares, Islam is at its very core, incompatible with Western ideals:

The primacy of reason, theologically and philosophically understood, is the prerequisite for democracy. Otherwise, what could serve as its legitimizing source? Along with it must come metaphysical support for natural law, which provides the foundations not only for modern science but also for the development of constitutional government. Therein lies the source for 'the laws of Nature and of Nature's God,' on which constitutional edifices are built.”

There is nothing within Islam which remotely supports natural law rights, reason, an immanent Golden Rule applicable to hated Kufars, or the proclamations one can find in the Torah or Bible advocating reason and responsibility. Nowhere do these ideals exist within Islam. In fact they are completely anti-thetical to Islam.

As Reilly states, destroying reason and free will are always the first prerogative of cults, especially ones like Islam which are obsessed about the 'infidel', the destruction of Kufars and death. It is well known to any who have studied Islamic liturgy and history that Koranic 'law', [or more appropriately rituals to be followed], is decidedly against property ownership, wealth accumulation, and market systems. This is unsurprising since Islam is a totalitarian communal project. The ejection of reason from its theological underpinnings must be fastened to a complete dismissal of free will which one founds in markets, supply and demand interactions and private property accumulation. Islamic theology is statist. Only Allah owns things, much as only Allah can will things. In this regard the Umma or community under the guidance of Allah owns all wealth and property. You the worthless, useless, supine individual own nothing. Reilly thankfully states the obvious:

In The Closed Circle, David Pryce-Jones gets closer by suggesting that 'Nazism and Arab power challenging had in common the belief that life is an unending struggle in which the victor works his will upon the loser by virtue of his victory.' The fuller answer is that they [Arab culture and Islam] were naturally drawn to fascism and communism as more compatible with what they already believed because these models are based upon the primacy of the will and the denigration of reason.”

This is entirely true and obvious to anyone who has taken the time to study Nazism, Communism and Islam. The programs are remarkably similar. Socialists, Marxists and Multi-cultists have spent an extraordinary amount of time, and showing an unending appetite for ignorance in so doing, trying to conflate Nazism or Fascism in general with so-called 'Right Wing' ideas. Such pronouncements can only be emitted by the feeble minded. Nazism was a socialist-statist project in which the state ruled over the lives of its subjects, nullifying individual free-will and replacing it with the will of the cult and the state. The cult owns everything – the economy, education, health care, 'charities', the political process. Fascism as Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf is a Marxist-Socialist solution to the ills of the modern world, and when combined with state power and military coercion, the embodiment of a communal nirvana which can be implemented only when the decadent modern world of the hated bourgeoisie class is erased.

Islam's aspirations are exactly the same as Nazism or atheistic Communism. The Koran demands the subjugation of the world for Allah. Allah denies free will and demands submission to the cult of Mohammed. What differences exist between this program and say that of Hitler or Stalin and their theological cults premised on the will to power, and the destruction of reason and modernity? Reilly points out the obvious:

Neither communism nor fascism has worked for the Arabs – because they have not worked for anyone – but the Islamists have ingested their totalitarian programs and mixed them with their Asharite interpretation of Islam. That is why one can compare the features of these ideologies and even some of the language they use almost exactly.....one will immediately see the nearly complete ideological affinity among them...”

Muslims or at least a good proportion of them who are now called 'Islamists' or fundamentalist followers of Al Ghazali and literal Islam, desire a world-wide Umma submitted to Allah, and following the 11th century code of Sharia ritualization. The Islamic cult by definition desires, “....the transformation of reality into the alternative reality is, as in all ideologies, total control based upon absolute power, excercised to annihilate the old order. Qutb said that, 'only a radical transformation with the complete destruction of old systems could guarantee the flourishing of the ideal society under God's suzerainty.'”

Qutb was the Marxist-Islamist 'thinker' who resurrected Al Ghazali's 11th century Asharite codification of what Islam was supposed to be, and who advocated a general Jihad against all Western states, and in particular against Israel and the USA. He also commanded the institutionalisation of communism and the outlawing of private property and wealth ownership. Qutb was the Muslim Brotherhood's most profound 'intellectual', and an inspiration to the Taliban and Bin Laden. The fact that his works read as if they were written by a ranting mental midget who was high on opiates was lost on his adoring followers. Again, the replacement of reason with fantasy. The Islamists or Muslim fundamentalists will believe what they want to believe, reality be damned. To get to that make-believe world of Umma domination war is vital – Qutb demanded a never ending war to cleanse the earth of the Kufar:

Like both the communists and the Nazis, Islamists also see force as necessary to effect the transformation that they desire. Reason is impotent; therefore, force is the only instrument for fundamental change. A God without reason sets the theological foundations for violence.”

That my friends is the key message that Reilly delivers. When you efface reason from your cult's program, violence, death, murder, destruction necessarily follow. If you can't name the Muslim cult for what it is, you can't fight it properly. If we conflate Islam with 'religion' and accord it a place as a 'faith' and make up nonsense about its non-existent glorious civilization [it squatted on richer empires]; and ignore the 300 million dead around the world piled up in the course of Jihad over 1400 years including some 100 million Buddhists and Hindus; the 11-15 million Blacks, excluding those currently murdered in Darfur, who were slave traded and ultimately killed over 1300 years; or or the 10-15 million White Europeans taken in bondage and either worked to death, killed or simply used up and tossed aside after some time; if we remain ignorant about all of this and what Islam's theological and historical premises truly are, than we deserve our fate. Reilly's book is yet another clarion call which can't be refuted and should not be ignored.