Monday, March 7, 2011

Suffering through the Koran, Sura 75 'The Resurrection'.

Hating the human.

by Ferdinand III

The Koran, or recital, is a tiresome book to read. There is of course no organization to the work. One chapter crashes into another, with no links, no theme, no framework, and no relevancy. Repetitive injunctions, including calls to supremacism, violence and racism, litter almost every page. Plagiarism from the Bible and Torah are also mainstays of this Arab imperialist manual. It is not a surprise then, that there is a Sura titled, 'The Resurrection'. Mohammed, who is also Allah in the Koran, tries hard in this document to mimic as much as possible what one finds in Jewish-Christian liturgy. He and the Koran fail. They fail to impress, to convince, or even to evince an iota of the same doctrinal humanism one can find in the Old and New Testaments. Islam is a failure because the Koran is not only a failure, but a weapon against civilization and civilized man.

The hatred of man and of the human is a basis of all Koranic and Islamic teaching. Islam never elevates the person. It threatens them with violence and eternal hell-fire. The Muslim program is entirely negative. In 'The Resurrection' for instance, the Unbelievers are going to be tortured and have their bodies ripped apart because they did not follow the rituals prescribed by the Meccan moon idol cult. Degrading men in the eyes of some idol, makes it far easier to kill them in this world:

Does Man think that he will be left uncontrolled (without purpose)? Was he not a drop of sperm emitted (in lowly form)? Then he became a leech-like clot; then (Allah) made and fashioned (him) in due proportion.”[75:36-8]

Men must be controlled. They are sperm clots not thinking, rational, moral, and productive creatures touched by a divine genius. In the Jewish-Christian story-line, men and women [who are never mentioned in the Koran with anything other than contempt and derision]; are not dumb beasts, or clots of sperm ready to be molded by some moon idol or divine power. Men and women in Christian liturgy are proud creations, full of contradictions and even evil, but capable of intelligence, tolerance, caring and hopeful purpose. Not so in the Koran. Humans are low life forms, almost hated by Allah:

Does man think that We cannot assemble his bones: Nay, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers...He questions 'When is the Day of Resurrection?'....Before your Lord (alone) that Day will be he place of rest. That Day Man will be told (all) that he put forward, and all that he put back. Nay, man will be evidence against himself.” [75:3-14]

Allah's near-hatred of men is palpable and evil. Only 'We', we being one assumes Allah and Mohammed, can 'assemble his bones'. Men are worthless constructs. Only Allah and Mohammed have the power to make or unmake them. Only Allah and Mohammed have the right and the imperative to judge them according to their rules. Only Allah and Mohammed are perfect. Men for these two gods are simply a collection of 'self reproaching spirit[s]' [75:2] and contemptible.

And what of 'men' who eschew the program of the Allah thing and its imperious standard-bearer Mohammed?

And some faces, that Day, will be sad and dismal. In the thought that some back-breaking calamity was about to be inflicted on them; Yes, when (the soul) reaches to the collar-bone (in its exist), And there will be a cry, 'Who is a magician (to restore him)?'....And one leg will be joined with another: That Day the Drive will be (all) to your Lord!...But on the contrary he rejected Truth and turned away!...Woe to you, (O man!) yes, woe!” [75:25-25]

The Unbeliever will be tortured with 'some back-breaking calamity', as his soul is sucked into the great void of nothingness by the Allah-thing. How charitable and tolerant. Anyone who did not 'pray' [75:31] will be eviscerated by the Allah force. Those that did pray and follow the rituals of the Koran might be rewarded, since as Mohammed reminds the reader, the Allah idol can assemble and reassemble humans at will:

And of him He made two sexes, male and female. Has He not, (the same), the power to give life to the dead?” [75:39-40]

Follow Mohammed and his alter-ego Allah, and you might receive everlasting life. Immortality has always been a potent force within pagan cults and religions. This Sura is rather clear. You need to follow the 'recital' or Koran and acknowledge that Allah [or Mohammed] is the only power which can grant life, death and which can take a useless drop of sperm and make it into a man. A 'man' is defined in the Koran as a follower of Allah. 'Men' do not include Unbelievers or women. In Christian theology the woman is liberated from subservience and the patriarchal society. Not so in Islam. This Sura for example is very specific. It deals only with men who will be tortured and those who might be 'resurrected' by the grace of the dialectical force Allah. It says nothing about women.

Religions liberate. Cults enslave. There is no corollary anywhere within Christian literature of the hate for men, or the vicious dichotomy made between Believers and UnBelievers. This Sura is a seething rage against humans in general and impious men in particular. It is barren of anything intelligent, or interesting. It just simply conforms to the Koranic principles of violence and hate.

[Note: This sura is taken from 'The Holy Quran', translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, reprinted in 1995, Goodword Books. Regarded as one of the best translations from Arabic to English of the Koran.]