In reading about the British liberation of Jerusalem in 1917, and the subsequent extension of mainly British imperial control over the Levant and Iraq, one will collide with a moderate Muslim ruler, in this case the British appointed regent of Iraq, 'King' Feisel. This Muslim ruler was indeed a moderate, a friend of Jews and Christians and a supporter of Western military, political and economic power in the region. Feisel knew that the British and their military-political capability, would be the only assurance of stability and development in the region. How different is the real world from the multi-cult historical revisionism. In today's putrid climes of cultural Marxism the British liberation of Jerusalem and the creation of Israel through the Balfour declaration of 1917; and Churchill's White Paper of 1922, not to mention 4 new Arab states Saudi, Syria, Iraq and one for the mythical Palestinians, called Jordan, all of which collectively are 65 times the land mass of Israel; is vilified as the 'root cause' of Arab-Muslim terrorism, regional unrest and the implacable poverty, barbarism, and illiteracy which mars Arab Muslim society in our own time. But that is what socialized media and education will grant you – the lowest possible denominator of quality.
Feisel is a largely unknown figure in the West, usually described as a 'lackey' of the British, a 'puppet', or a man with no 'nationalist scruples' who 'sold out' to the hated [even in England today] British imperialist demands, or worse – the Joos. In reality he was an educated, articulate and true internationalist, in the sense of viewing cults, theologies, people, tribes and states from a rational-utilitarian standpoint. He knew for example that the Arabs had plenty to gain from cooperation with a new Jewish state, and from increased linkages with Britain. Feisel is in many ways the most remarkable of 20th century Arab and Muslim leaders. He lived in reality. He eschewed the dogma and irrationality and embedded intolerance of Islam. He truly desired progress, improved living standards and a better future for the Arabs, knowing that Jewish and Western technology, finance and education was the only path to a better political-economy, one which rejected the cult of Mohammed and embraced the rational constitutionalism and progressive culture of Islam's 1400 year old 'enemies'.
We know the above is true from Feisel's actions and his letters to T. E. Lawrence and British officials. During the last 2 years of World War One, the Arabs were led by 'Emir' Feisel the leader of the Hejaz Arabs and son of the Grand Sharif of Mecca, supported by British guns and troops. Feisel was by necessity and inclination pro-British. As an Arab leader he knew first hand the poverty and despotic dislocations of Arab society and the penury of Arab culture. Outside capital, expertise, education and structures of governance were all necessary to reform Arab society. Conflict, Jew-hate, civil-war, and rejecting Western methods were not the cultural accouterments to enable the Arabs to enjoin the modern world society. Feisel knew all of this.
The Arabs and British ousted the Turks from the Levant, Iraq and Arabia. Turkey was forced to sue for peace in 1918. On June 4 1918 Feisel signed an agreement on behalf on the Arabs of Saudi which welcomed the Jews into Palestine and agreed to a Jewish state. Trans-Jordan would occupy 90% of the original 1917 Balfour mandate and would be a home to the Arabs of 'Palestine', the old Roman name for Israel and one which the Romans began to use after the 135 A.D. Maccabean rebellion in which the Romans for the 2nd time in 70 years had to wipe out a vicious Jewish revolt. The Romans not only crushed the Jews in 135 A.D. but dispersed most of the Jewish population into North Africa, razed Jerusalem and its temples and forbade the use of the word 'Israel'. In its place Palestinia was used a legacy that the Arabs picked up in the myth-making of the 'Palestinian Arab peoples'. There never was a Palestinian Arab tribe, state or people.
In any event Feisel and his cadre of forward looking Arab leaders were openly sympathetic to a restoration of a Jewish state and the imposition of a pax-Britannia across the Near East. On March 1 1919 he wrote a quite amazing letter to the leading American Zionist Felix Frankfurter which expressed all of the 'moderateness' that one never sees today amongst Arab or Muslim leaders and the mythical, rarely seen 'moderate' Muslim in Western society:
'We Arabs, especially the educated among us, look with the deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement....I hope the Arabs may soon be in a position to make the Jews some return for their kindness. We are working together for a reformed and revived Near East, and our two movements complete one another. The Jewish movement is national and not imperialistic: our movement is national and not imperialist, and there is room in Syria for both. Indeed I think that neither can be a real success without the other.' [printed in Martin Gilbert's The Story Of Israel, p. 13]
This sentiment from Feisel is real and utterly unique. 'There is enough room in Syria' for both the Jews and Arabs he wrote. This is true and effaces the 'root cause' argument used by the multi-cult and Muslim cults, to justify anti-Jewish racism and violence. Israel is tiny, the surrounding British created states of Syria, Jordan, Saudi, and Iraq, large and extensive. If the Arabs wanted peace with Israel, all they have to do is read and enact Feisel's remarkably clear-sighted intent expressed in his letter to Frankfurter which ends with another epiphany, long lost in the collective Arab-Muslim mind:
'I look forward, and the people with me look forward to a future in which we will help you and you will help us, so that the countries in which we are mutually interested may once again take their place in the comity of civilised peoples of the world.'
Feisel's intelligent hope has never been realized. Any society be it Arab or Muslim, which is so riven and degraded by Jew-hate can never hope to join the 'comity of civilised peoples of the world'. The irrational and perverted hatred of the Jew is simply a manifestation of deeper problems – social, educational, psychological, mental, economic, the political – which ensures the illiterate stupidity of their holder. Anti-semitic racism is just the surface expression of much deeper problems.
The British policy in the Near East post 1918 was almost exactly right. They created the basis for Israel, and installed Feisel in Iraq and his brother in Jordan. Military installations were set up in Iraq and across the Levant. The British Navy's presence in the Gulf and the eastern Mediterranean was robust and obvious. All of this is of course anathema to most of today's academics and chattering classes as well as to the isolationists. Why couldn't Britain just let the Arabs 'sort it out' themselves? Today we hear the same chant from both the so-called 'left' and 'right'. Why can't the Libyans, Egyptians and the other Arabs just 'sort out their own affairs'? The answers are so obvious that they hardly need restating.
Feisel's rule in Iraq was the only element of power and control which protected the country's 130.000 Jews and hundreds of thousands of Christians from Moslems and the Moslem mob. We know this because after 1932 when the British left and Feisel's rule was ended, the persecutions of both religions by the cult of Mohammed began in earnest. Thousands were killed. Tens of thousands had their properties appropriated. Hundreds of thousands left. Iraq of course became a military dictatorship post 1932 and allied itself with the pagan fascist cult of National Socialist Germany. Fascist birds of a feather do flock together.
A deeper historical look at Feisel is needed. If more Arabs and Moslems knew of his attitudes towards Jews and Christians, and of his modern, educated and pro-Western outlook, than perhaps more of them might choose his path towards modernization, instead of the quick descent into further pagan barbarism, hate, war, and racism. But perhaps the Arab Moslem culture of hating the Infidel, and of regarding all aspects of Western civilisation as the 'enemy' is too deeply embedded to expect any change whatsoever. One thing is certain, Moslems since the time of Mohammed have predicted the fall of both 'Rum' or Contantinople and Rome. One does not defeat an expansionist theology by UN declarations, appeasement and vapid multi-culturalism. You only defeat it through war both hot and cold. The British example post 1918 to about 1930 has much to teach us. So too does the faineance of British policy in the 1930s which scuttled the hard won gains of the previous 12 years and allowed the Arabs to 'govern themselves'. The result was a virulence of Arab National Socialism, pogroms, destruction and war.