Friday, April 29, 2011

The only Moderate Muslim is one at odds with Koranic teaching.

Update Muslim theology to prove your 'moderation'.

by Ferdinand III

You can find the 'real' Islam only by ignoring the theological and political Islam and locating in the 'real' Muslim elements of Western secularism and even without them knowing it, Judeo-Christianity. The 'real' Islam that the media and the elite drone on about, is of course the 'unreal' or false Islam. It is a projection of what they want to believe, not that which is actually true. The 'real' Islam is in the Koran, the Hadiths, the life of Mohammed [who is Allah in the Koran]; and Arab-Turkish-Mongol-Muslim imperialism. That is the real Islam. The modern, politically-correct version of the 'real' Islam is actually the anti-thesis of what the true theology of Mohammed states and demands. In other words, our political elite's 'real' Islam is the embracing by the individual Muslim of a Westernized and even secular ideal, which is of course the opposite of Islam, which merges the church and state into a fanatic mixture of intolerance, racism and supremacism, demands. Thus turns the world of Orwell. The 'real' Islam which can only be found in the individual Muslim, can only be recognized if he or she adopts un-Islamic attitudes and cognitive abilities.

'Moderate' Islam is thus a rejection of the corpus of Islamic theology.

You will meet moderate Muslims. But they cannot be followers of what the Koran teaches, since the Koran is precisely intolerant. Over 200 verses promise death, punishment, and eternal damnation for non-Muslim inferiors:

Muslim theologians are unanimous in declaring that no religious toleration was extended to the idolators of Arabia at the time of Muhammad. The only choice given them was death or the acceptance of Islam. Similarly, no tolerance is shown to atheists and unbelievers. The Koran is full of lurid descriptions of the punishments awaiting them. Surah XXII.9 states: "As for the unbelievers for them garments of fire shall be cut and there shall be poured over their heads boiling water whereby whatever is in their bowels and skins shall be dissolved and they will be punished with hooked iron rods."

The Koran also enjoins all Muslims to fight and kill nonbelievers: "When you meet the unbelievers, strike off their heads; then when you have made wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives" (Surah XLVII.4).

This is obviously true. Any Sura of any length discusses how to defeat non-Muslims. War, treason, deceit, terror, or ignoring them with the smug knowledge that the Allah-thing or moon deity who is Mohammed's alter-ego will 'get them in the end', permeates the Koran. No one who has read this book and the Hadiths or the real story of Mohammed's life can seriously deny that Islam is pagan, racist and fascist in the true sense of destroying the individual, creating and controlling the communal, and directing the energies of the cult towards Jihad, and world domination. No serious mind can dispute any of this.

So what then should we make of the 'moderate' Muslim in the West, this mythical creature we are regaled with by the great and good? There are two kinds of 'moderate' Muslims. The first are the 5th column Muslims, the pious believers in their cult. These people will simply tell you what you want to hear. No one can ever know what goes on in the 'hearts and minds' of Western Muslims, any more than you could have divined the 'root causes' which drove German elites and labourers into the Nazi cult – moderate though many of them might have been initially. The taqiyya or the mandate that Muslims must lie to further the cult, is a part of Islamic culture. When you are a minority, lie to the infidel, use him, take his welfare, his succour, abuse his system, and pretend that you are not interested in his destruction. Annihilate the West from within by obliterating its culture and forcing it to accept your cult as a 'religion' and more exalted 'civilisation'. Foment lies and myths about a Golden Age, tolerance, and inter-faith dialogue which has never existed in Islamic history. Tell the Dhimmi what he needs to hear. Demand separateness within Western society, and wear him down with your claims about victim-hood, racism, and Islamophobia. This is one group of 'moderate' Muslims. The stealth warriors of Mohammed. Just following their founder's dictum that war is deceit.

We even hear many conservatives [a big tent to be sure]; brand Muslim Imams running Western mosques as 'conservative'. This is interesting but delusional of course. A Muslim can only be moderate to the extent that he or she rejects Islamic theology and updates. It is highly unlikely that Imams are 'conservative'. It is more likely that they preach the basic Muslim tenet that you the pious follower are a Muslim first, and the citizen of the host infidel state second. The Muslim Umma rules. It is also commonsensical that Imams and the ruling caste within Islam, highlight their separateness, their superiority, and the rotted nature and morality of the Infidel. This is after all what the Koran teaches, and Imams must 'translate' the Koran to their followers. That is their main job.

The second group of 'moderate' Muslims are the individuals who are nominally Muslim but in practice and disposition Western. I have met many such Muslims. One thing I can say with certainty from this reasonably small statistical sample is this: they do not know much about the Koran, Islamic history or the story of Mohammed. When confronted with the evidence about the true nature of Islam, these Westernized Muslims are usually offended but curious. They are willing to investigate and criticize. This Western invention – critical thought and cognitive study – is central to their moderate nature. The more open-minded and intelligent of these Muslims are, the more moderate and less Muslim they become. This then is the great hope to creating a 'moderate' Islam. Infuse the cult of Mohammed with Westernized Muslims who can use Western attributes to drag the Koranic cult into the 21rst century.

It is a long shot to be sure. No one knows how many Muslims in the West are a part of this second group. Almost half of Muslims residing in the UK and Europe want Sharia Law. The percentage is probably lower in North America. But we don't know for sure.

One thing we can state is the obvious. The Koran needs to be rewritten. Racism within Islam needs to be outlawed. Misogyny, slave trading and sex-contracts parading as marriages stopped. The violence needs to be arrested. 'Moderate' Muslims need to parade in Western cities demanding an end to Muslim sponsored and Muslim inspired violence against Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, African Animists and all non-Muslims. Will 'moderate' Muslims do this ? If they advocate such measures, and publicly demonstrate in the name of reason, morality and the Golden Rule [which does not exist in Islam]; then perhaps they truly are 'moderate'. If on the other hand, Muslims demand that the Infidel accept Islam in-toto as it is, and moralize that we must denote Islam to be equal or even superior to our own culture; than we know that we are dealing with immoderates from the 7th century.

The true metric for Muslim moderation is this: how Westernized are you as a Muslim and how far removed are your attitudes from the Koranic cult? The more removed you are from being truly Muslim, the more 'moderate' you will be.