Even to suggest that the Bosnian Moslems be held to the same standards as the Serbs is to invite death threats from apoplectic tolerant- Moslems and their neo-Marxist/Fascist Western abettors. But the question is pertinent and real. Why of the 161 or so arrest warrants for atrocities committed during the 1990s Balkan Wars, are almost all of them for Serbs? Where are the arrests of Moslem leaders for the massacre of thousands of Serb innocents. Further why the certitude that the Serb leader Mladic, thug though he certainly is, killed 8.000 Moslems in Srebrenica ? No exact detailed proof of the 8.000 number has ever been offered. In fact the total is more likely less than 2.000, and many of those were killed by Moslems who had already been informed by the US Secretary of State Albright, that a 'general massacre' would speed up NATO involvement on the side of the Moslems. Even though Moslems had murdered thousands of Serb civilians in and around Srebrenica, along with hundreds if not thousands of their co-Moslem cult members, no indictment of Bosnian Moslem savagery has ever made its way into the mainstream media, the ICC, NATO, The UN or the US State department. The hysteria against Serbia and Serb 'war crimes' can only be described as fantastically bizarre and one-sided.
Any objective person would wonder why there is a focus on Serb war-crimes and a complete lack of interest on Bosnian Moslem criminality. Appeasing Islam? A belief that Moslem propaganda is actually truth? Western political optics and cultural Marxist 'sensitivity'? Whatever the myriad reasons are, it is nothing short of immoral and disgusting.
A great report on why NATO, The UN, the US State Department, and the media are so wrong about labelling the Serbs the 'aggressors' in the Balkans war [many local conflicts were started by Moslems]; and why the Moslems as usual, are getting a free pass in regards to 'war crimes'. An excerpt is below. This article has 54 reliable sources supporting it:
“With 8,000 executed and thousands killed in the fighting there should have been huge grave sites and satellite evidence of both executions, burials, and any body removals. But the body searches in the Srebrenica vicinity were painfully disappointing, with only some two thousand bodies found in searches through 1999, including bodies killed in action and possibly Serb bodies, some pre-dating July 1995.”
“Ethnic cleansing in Bosnia was by no means one-sided, and deaths by nationality were not far off from population proportionality; [60] the Serbs claim and have documented thousands of deaths at the hands of the Bosnian Muslims and their imported Mujahedin cadres, and by the Croatians, and they have their own group examining and trying to identify bodies at an estimated 73 mass graves. [61] This victimization has hardly been noticed by the Western media or ICTY—the distinguished Yugoslav forensic expert Dr. Zoran Stankovic observed back in 1996 that “the fact that his team had previously identified the bodies of 1,000 Bosnian Serbs in the [Srebrenica] region had not interested prosecutor Richard Goldstone.“ [62] Instead, there is a steady refrain about the Serbs tendency to whine, whereas Bosnian Muslim complaints are taken as those of true victims and are never designated whining.”
Goldstone again. He of the infamous report on Israeli aka Jewish slaughter of pious Arab Muslims in Gaza, which stoked a world wide anti-semitic frenzy. He later of course retracted his report and stated that the Arabs were mostly to blame for the 2005 Gazan war and resulting casualties. Goldstone is about as reliable as an Obama hope and change promise. In any event the media and the West in general seem to believe any and everything that Moslem Bosnians [and Moslems in general], utter. It is vapid.
Pamela Geller amongst many others has also questioned the disproportionate investigations of Serb leaders and as usual has reaped a whirl-wind of Leftist hate mongering. She is quoting a UN report which clearly stated that Moslems themselves killed many of those slaughtered at Srebrenica. This says nothing about the thousands of dead Serbs many of whom were beheaded by their Moslem murderers in the same area at around the same time.
Deutsche Presse-Agentur June 6, 1996 Senior official admits to secret U.N. report on Sarajevo massacre
For the first time, a senior U.N. official has admitted the existence of a secret U.N. report that blames the Bosnian Moslems for the February 1994 massacre of Moslems at a Sarajevo market.
Yasushi Akashi, the Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and the former head of the U.N. mission in Bosnia, told the German Press Agency dpa that the secret report is "no secret."
An international outcry over the massacre, in which 68 civilians perished at Markale marketplace, led directly to a toughening of Western policy towards the Serbs, who were widely blamed for the incident.
But there have been persistent rumours at the United Nations ever since that a U.N. report clearly blamed the Moslems for firing on their own people in order to create international sympathy and get the West to fight on their side against the Serbs.
A fair minded person would at least admit that we have a problem. The UN, NATO, the media, and sundry politicians have at best hidden large tracts of the truth about what really went on in the Balkans in the 1990s. It was of course Europe's bloodiest war since 1945. It is laudable that certain elements in our world want to 'protect' the 'minority', or the 'weak'. But it is ignorance based on a lack of historical understanding to blame only Serbia for wars and crimes against Moslem humanity in the Balkans. Moslems in Bosnia were not the minority in many areas, neither were they weak and unarmed. The Bosnian Moslem militia were very well armed, prepared and had a deep pedigree during the 20th century pushing out the Serbs from Serbian land.
There is of course an incredibly long history of Moslem aggression and Jihad in the Serb lands stretching back to 1389, but also including Moslem violence against Serbs and their villages in the 1980s and 1990s that needs to be taken into account and reckoned with. Dismissing Moslem atrocity against Serbs is as mentally impoverished as turning a blind eye to acts of atrocity committed by Serb and Croat forces. Yet that is what the Western elite has chosen to do. No balance. Believe Moslems. Blame the Serbs.