Thursday, September 29, 2011

Book Review: Bynum's 'Allah is Dead'

An excellent book. A must read.

by Ferdinand III

Rebecca Bynum who is a managing editor of the excellent New English Review wrote a dynamic and comprehensive synopsis of why Allah is not 'God' and why Islam is a cult and not a religion. Her book 'Allah is Dead', is sure to send cultural Marxists, 'centrists', 'moderates' and mainline Socialists into apoplexies of twisted indignation, suffused with hate speech and ringing declarations against such 'right wing' 'divisiveness' even if Bynum is just simply telling the truth. For Moslems and their shrill champions plain truths are not self-evident since in Islam and in Socialist theology, the truth is entirely relative and there is no clear division between fantasy and reality. As Orwell commented the truth thus becomes optional, and for Marxists as well as for Moslems, a fantasy world is preferable to the world of the 5 senses. Just ask Allah [or Muhammad, since both are the same], or the great men of Socialist-materialist discourse. We don't need the real world.

Opposing what Winston Churchill called, 'Christianity's opposite creed', is proving too much for many who wish to either hold on to the secularist view that 'religion is irrelevant' or to buy into the new prevailing myth that 'all religion is good' instead. It seems they are actually attempting to absolve themselves of the necessity of moral choice.”

Cultural relativity and hypocrisy. For many self-hating Westerners, Islam is the best ever theology because it is non-White, it unifies the church and state and it is violent. Of course these same people rant about the iniquity and evil of Judeo-Christianity and the mythical 'Dark ages'; and whine about loving the children's future, and are full of bromides about freedom and free-speech. They don't even see the raving madness of their hypocrisy in supporting a theology in which Moslem girls are murdered, women beaten, free speech curtailed and the children's future mired in ignorance, poverty and Koranic memorisation. Such ideals and fatuity are now termed a 'centrist' approach to the political-economy of course.

Bynum's insight is that Islam has nothing whatsoever to do with religious ideals. In fact, as we have written extensively on this site, Islam is as Bynum proves, both irreligious and pagan. Fusing the church and state to serve the unknowable Allah [or Muhammad] negates of course the dynamic forces which create and nurture a civilized state namely; free-will, individuality, rationality and progress. That much is just plain common sense. As Bynum explains:

Islam is set squarely in opposition to living, changing intangible reality and is also overwhelmingly hostile to natural human affections, for at bottom, it denies the value of love. For Muslims, Islam itself is the highest value, love is hardly considered; and much less consideration is given to the concepts of truth, beauty and goodness which, as transcendent values, are quite simply absent from Islamic theological scene”

Islam is irrational and opposed to natural law rights – both of which can only be found in Christian theology:

God can be approached through the mind – by our decisions first to know goodness and to then be good. In Islam, on the contrary, the bridge to God through the reasoning mind is cut. Allah demands unquestioning obedience and total sacrifice, including the sacrifice of the ability to distinguish good from evil as an individual, private matter. The will of Allah is not a personal experience.”


..Allah is not limited by natural law, or by reason, or even by goodness and truth. Said Pope Benedict XVI in his Regensburg address of Sept 12, 2006:

As opposed to this, the faith of the Church has always insisted that between God and us, between his eternal Creator Spirit and our created reason...God does not become more divine when we push him away from us in a sheer, impenetrable voluntarism; rather, the truly divine God is the God who has revealed himself as logos, has acted and continues to act lovingly on our behalf.”

Islam is a communal project in which the individual's free will is completely destroyed and the person becomes simply a cult-communal member, whose only purpose in life is to spread the cult of Muhammad-Allah and to enslave all humans;

On the other hand, Islam denies individual spiritual communion in favor of communal doctrinal adherence. The Islamic doctrine has completely usurped the divine prerogative. Islam has effectively replaced God. Since for Muslims the only allowable method of finding God's will is obedience to Islam, for all intents and purposes, Islam is God.”

Islam is so illogical, so violent, so pagan and fascistic in the true sense of that mis-used term; that any application of logic to Islamic theology will destroy it:

Reason cannot compromise with unreason without destroying the basis for its existence. By the same token, unreason cannot become unreasonable without destroying itself as well. There is simply no way the hoped-for 'reform' of Islam by way of reason would not end in Islam's ultimate destruction, but this is not an outcome to be feared. It should be welcomed.”

Islam's implosion and self-destruction would indeed be welcomed. 1.7 billion misguided, irrational acolytes and slaves would be freed. Allah would be dead, Muhammad as well. Such a result seems far-fetched, but then so too did the collapse of Communism, descried by academics and sundry experts as 'superior' to the JC-Western tradition.

Bynum's work leads to another obvious conclusion. Islam is an anti-Christian doctrine, a pagan-fascism which is entirely political and social in its desire to control the human. Natural law rights, the golden rule, free-will, rationality, and a belief in both the goodness of life and of a life-giver, is absent. Islam is a neo-lithic construct with much in common with Chinghis Khan's Sky God and other Oriental mysticism's which submerge the person into the communal. No wonder Herr Hitler and friends were so enamoured of Islam. As Bynum states;

Furthermore, according to Winston Churchill, the Muslim belief in predestination engenders a 'fearful, fatalistic apathy' which 'paralyses the social development of those who follow it' for Allah's will is fixed in a one-size-fits-all pattern and is not unique to the individual believer. The individual's relationship to Allah is bound completely by the believer's obedience to Islam.....Allah's will is so transcendent as to be incomprehensible.”

Predestination. Irrational slavery and devotion to the Allah thing. No Golden Rule. No free-will. No respect for human and non-Moslem life. And Islam is a religion? Why?