Success in Iraq, fighting a war, and charging people with treason  

A great and humanizing mission in Iraq and Afghanistan fails to impress the media, the left, the socialists or the supposed ‘do-gooders’ in the soft and feminine countries. It is a nauseating sight.
September 4 2005

Don’t expect to see this article or editorials like it, in the mainstream media.


“As for the [Iraqi] war, a visit quickly makes plain that the latest "quagmire" panic in Washington is widely off the mark. True, the security situation in Baghdad remains a long way from what it should be; but neither do the insurgents control swaths of territory -- think Fallujah -- as they used to. What's more, the heavy lifting is increasingly being done by Iraqis. …. Iraqi security forces are far more visible, and with competent Iraqi leadership such success stories will multiply slowly but steadily. It will be, in Donald Rumsfeld's famous words, "a long, hard slog." But it should increasingly be an Iraqi slog. [WSJ, August 29th 2005 report]

Indeed the Iraqi war was 12 years late and entirely necessary. But even given the war’s success and the hard task of rebuilding a failed fascist state, the treasonous, venomous activity of left wing socialists and their supporters is beyond reproach. We need to start to charge people with treason. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom to hate, to commit treason, nor to lie.

The immorality and crass ignorance of the anti-war group is hard to understate. Here we have a group of people mired and covered in layers of dirty, unremediable hypocrisy, cozy in the comforts of a rich, market based, constitutionally democratic system, criticizing the liberation of 50 million people in Iraq and Afghanistan. Dripping in anti-semiticism and anti-Americanism the duplicitous, callow anti-war group, makes itself a mockery, steeped in lies, deceit and immoral double standards. This group truly believes that the fascist Sunni-Baath dictatorship, under Hussein, or the Islamic-fascist regime of the Taliban in Afghanistan was preferable to the liberation of 50 millions, and the long, hard, and extremely dangerous reconstruction of failed societies upon the Western constructs of human rights, constitutional powers and freedom. The obvious contradictions in their position should be enough to clarify the overwhelmingly littleness of their minds.

To secure our freedom we have to help those under Islamic fascism, change their regimes and embark on the road to civilization. We have indeed waited too long to do this. The debate in our world should center on how to do this, how to win, where to deploy our resources and what regimes to change. Yet this is not the debate. The socialists, leftists, and liberals don’t want a debate. They constantly scream that all war, all force, all military responses are evil, and indeed constitute war crimes. The utter lack of intelligence of the anti-war, socialist-liberal left is crushing.

Indeed the anti-war left and the socialist liberals – traitors in every sense of the word – would rather have Islamic fascists win. These traitors in our Western world make up all manners of rationale and stories as to why the Islamic or in their term ‘the oppressed world’, is right to use terror to kill US GI’s, Iraqi school children, Israeli mothers, or English tube riders. According to this group all deeds by the West are acts of aggression against older, superior, peaceful, cultures. Acts of Islamic or fascist terror, are no more than just payback for decades indeed centuries, of Western imperialism and exploitation. In this ignorant world view the Crusades, Bush’s mission for world conquest and the Jewish problem all legitimize Islamic fascist terror.

It times past the media would have ridiculed such stupidity. Cathy Sheehan, the grieving mother who lost her son in Iraq, would have been drawn and quartered in the media, in times past. Her obvious and long career in anti-war activism, her association with the extreme socialist-left, her incoherent remarks, her shrill irrational statements, her stuttering utterances, and her obvious lack of intellect, would have made her a laughingstock, an embarrassment in times past. Any personality that calls her own President a terrorist, and Iraqi terrorists ‘freedom fighters’, as they blow up civilians, Iraqi police forces and cut off the heads of foreigners [following the Quranic invocation to ‘smite the necks’ of the unbelievers], is so obviously dumb, it is painful. Yet she is a left-wing and media star.

So too with people like Sean Penn, Martin Sheen, Margot Kidder, Susan Sarandon, Ridley Scott in his political correct version of the Crusades [‘Kingdom of Heaven’, a historically inaccurate and sometimes inane movie], and the rest of HollyWeird in which rich, sometimes but not oftentimes talented actors, are suddenly military-political experts. Real news organizations would just dismiss these people as the gallivanting gadflys and ignoramuses that they are. But in today’s world they are sages, hero’s, and we must defend their right to freedom of speech, as we read yet another uninformed malicious diatribe against Western civilization.

It is difficult for example, to listen to someone as badly versed in reality and history as Bill Clinton telling an audience that the 1099 Crusader sack and takeover of Jerusalem, was the cause for 9-11, intoning during his speech that rivers of blood ran in the streets [a rhetorical exaggeration added on more than 40 years after the event by Arabic scholars who saw the propaganda value]. As if Muslims did not destroy dozens of cities [Antioch, Constantinople, Edessa…], kill millions of innocents or totally erase Christianity which was a plurality in most of the Middle East long before the Arabs came to conquer, by destroying the Assyrian-Nestorian church which had millions of adherents. No, according to Clinton and his friends it was only those nasty Frankish Barbarian crusaders who are to blame for the hatred between Islam and Christianity and indeed for 9-11. What piffle. Islam has always been an expansionist, warring and bloody ideology. But as illustrated by Clinton’s speech, the general historical revisionism of liberals is a heinous mix of historical ignorance and anti-Westernism that permeates our own self-hating society.

Civilization is premised solely upon Western norms and values. In Iraq and Afghanistan we now have 50 million free humans – thanks to US power. In Iraq alone 5.000 young children per month were dying or close to death during Hussein’s regime due to malnutrition and lack of access to medicines and hospitals [Unicef’s numbers]. That number is now close to zero. Literally hundreds of thousands of lives have been saved in both countries, and the restoration of civilization which will undoubtedly take at least a decade and more, is one of the great humanizing missions of our time. Yet the UNO, the EU, Canada and the Arab-Muslim states themselves do absolutely nothing to help out. Don’t count on Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter or other left wing dolts to support this mission either. This is immorality and hypocrisy at its finest.

Freedom of speech, along with natural rights, human rights, constitutional powers, open inquiry and debate, and Judeo-Christianity are the main pillars of our world and our success. Certainly people who are against a war should be able to voice their opinions, but these opinions must be based upon evidence, facts, common sense and perspective. There is a fine line between freedom of speech and immorality and treason. Actually allowing people to cheer for terrorism, for the victory of jihadists in Iraq or elsewhere against civilization, or to support fascist dictatorships that pose threats to our existence is new, and unnecessary. These people should be tried for treason. One of the gravest mistakes of the US in the Vietnam war was not to try Jane Fonda and other anti-war activists who openly sided with the enemy, for war crimes and treason, in a military court. Fonda’s example has spawned the stupidity of Michael More, Martin Sheen and Cindy Sheehan.

When you are fighting a war for civilization, you must fight those in your own society those who do not have the intelligence or the decency to engage in fair, open debate. It is high time to shut down the violent, treasonous anti-war left-socialist groups in our society. We need to go back to the days of World War II and beyond, when treason was dealt with, as treason should be dealt with.©
