We are told by the Marxists, Secularists, and cult worshippers of the state, the warm [weather fascists], the homosexual, the feminists, and sundry other worthies, that Islam and perforce all Moslems are pro-Christian 'extremists', spending most of their day eagerly kissing, embracing and loving their 'brothers' and co-equal 'people of the book'. The big – brains would have us believe that Moslems love Christians more than themselves – a difficult proposition for a cult that is so egotistically self-absorbed that badly drawn cartoons about Muhammad spark riots and death. In the real world, we have seen how historically for 1400 years, Christians have been enslaved, slaughtered, raped, and confined to second-class dhimmitude status within the Moslem world. Does the Koran promote this hatred of Christians ? Is there Koranic Christianophobia? Curious minds would like to know.
Number of verses in Sura 2: 286
Number of verses in the first part of Sura 2: 120
Number of verses in the second part of Sura 2: 166
Number of verses of Christianophobia in the first part of Sura 2: 39
% of Christianophobic verses in the first part of Sura 2 of the total: 33 %
Number of verses of Christianophobia in the second part of Sura 2: 23
% of Christianophobic verses in the second part of Sura 2 of the total: 15 %
[Much of this Sura is also Anti-Semitic of course]
Sura 2 or the Heifer is one of the last 'revelatory' chapters given by the archangel Gabriel to Muhammad, on behalf of the former family deity and moon idol Hub'Al, recast by Muhammad as the monotheistic Al-Lah or 'The One'. Fully half of this Sura is Christianophobic and Judeo-ophobic. Quite an amount from a cult dedicated, as the one-world wonders inform us, to love and tolerance.
Jihad (holy fighting in Allah's Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know. |
And fight in the Way of Allah and know that Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower. |
How many Moslems actually dislike Jihad ? Many, most, the majority ? seem to support it. The most important duty a pious Moslem has is Jihad:
They ask you concerning fighting in the Sacred Months (i.e. 1st, 7th, 11th and 12th months of the Islamic calendar). Say, "Fighting therein is a great (transgression) but a greater (transgression) with Allah is to prevent mankind from following the Way of Allah, to disbelieve in Him, to prevent access to Al-Masjid-al-Haram (at Makkah), and to drive out its inhabitants, and Al-Fitnah is worse than killing. And they will never cease fighting you until they turn you back from your religion (Islamic Monotheism) if they can. And whosoever of you turns back from his religion and dies as a disbeliever, then his deeds will be lost in this life and in the Hereafter, and they will be the dwellers of the Fire. They will abide therein forever." |
Rather clear.
In the second part of Sura 2, after the appropriate 'warnings' to the Christian 'polytheist criminals' that one reads in the first part of the Sura, we find explicit violence preached against Christians. Apparently violence is not tolerance, love, humility, acceptance or the Golden Rule, though Moslems and cultural Marxist 'justice' warriors, will beg to differ.
And fight in the Way of Allah those who fight you, but transgress not the limits. Truly, Allah likes not the transgressors. [This Verse is the first one that was revealed in connection with Jihad, but it was supplemented by another (V.9:36)]. |
And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah is worse than killing. And fight not with them at Al-Masjid-al-Haram (the sanctuary at Makkah), unless they (first) fight you there. But if they attack you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers. |
And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah) and (all and every kind of) worship is for Allah (Alone). But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.) |
Charming. Moslems will stop killing Christians once Christians [polytheists] convert to Islam.
The Koran also clearly states that on pain of death and torment, Christians must bow down to the cult of Al-Lah or Hub'Al, 'The One', or they go to hell. In other words submit to Islam, and worship only the Al-Lah thing, not Christ:
Verily, those who conceal the clear proofs, evidences and the guidance, which We have sent down, after We have made it clear for the people in the Book, they are the ones cursed by Allah and cursed by the cursers. |
Verily, those who disbelieve, and die while they are disbelievers, it is they on whom is the Curse of Allah and of the angels and of mankind, combined. |
They will abide therein (under the curse in Hell), their punishment will neither be lightened, nor will they be reprieved. |
And your Ilah (God) is One Ilah (God - Allah), La ilaha illa Huwa (there is none who has the right to be worshipped but He), the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful |
The Al-Lah thing is apparently not benevolent to Christian polytheists who worship the Trinity and who reject his 'rule', or who dare to criticize or deviate from the word of his 'Messenger', the inventor of Al-Lah monotheism, Muhammad. Christians must accept Muhammad as their leader, eschew Christ and babble Koranic theology that Muhammad was 'prophesized' in the Torah and Gospels:
Those to whom We gave the Scripture (Jews and Christians) recognise him (Muhammad SAW or the Ka'bah at Makkah) as they recongise their sons. But verily, a party of them conceal the truth while they know it - [i.e. the qualities of Muhammad SAW which are written in the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)]. |
Christians are also eternally damned if they don't accept the Koran as the 'only truth', negating their own gospels, beliefs, traditions, and liturgy:
Verily, those who conceal what Allah has sent down of the Book, and purchase a small gain therewith (of worldly things), they eat into their bellies nothing but fire. Allah will not speak to them on the Day of Resurrection, nor purify them, and theirs will be a painful torment. |
Those are they who have purchased error at the price of Guidance, and torment at the price of Forgiveness. So how bold they are (for evil deeds which will push them) to the Fire. |
That is because Allah has sent down the Book (the Qur'an) in truth. And verily, those who disputed as regards the Book are far away in opposition. |
Beautified is the life of this world for those who disbelieve, and they mock at those who believe. But those who obey Allah's Orders and keep away from what He has forbidden, will be above them on the Day of Resurrection. And Allah gives (of His Bounty, Blessings, Favours, Honours, etc. on the Day of Resurrection) to whom He wills without limit. |
The above is clear. Don't argue about the Koran, dispute it, or criticize it. Like a dumb brute, just simply prostrate your worthless self to its theology and accept it. Maybe the Al-Lah thing will reward you in the next life.
Moslems should not marry Christians, how friendly:
And do not marry Al-Mushrikat (idolatresses, etc.) till they believe (worship Allah Alone). And indeed a slave woman who believes is better than a (free) Mushrikah (idolatress, etc.), even though she pleases you. And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al-Mushrikun till they believe (in Allah Alone) and verily, a believing slave is better than a (free) Mushrik (idolater, etc.), even though he pleases you. Those (Al-Mushrikun) invite you to the Fire, but Allah invites (you) to Paradise and Forgiveness by His Leave, and makes His Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) clear to mankind that they may remember. |
This Sura contains verse 256, which is of course one of the favourites of the multi-cult-Moslemophile crowd. 256 claims, 'there is no compulsion' in religion, except when there is, and except when Islam demands that you be verily 'compulsed' to accepting the Allah cult and Muhammad's leadership. For sentient readers [unlike cultural Marxist nitwits], if you read the entire corpus of verses 256-286, or to the end of this Sura, you will notice quite a lot of compulsion, including giving the cult of Allah money for Jihad, fighting and killing Unbelievers:
There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower. |
Allah is the Wali (Protector or Guardian) of those who believe. He brings them out from darkness into light. But as for those who disbelieve, their Auliya (supporters and helpers) are Taghut [false deities and false leaders, etc.], they bring them out from light into darkness. Those are the dwellers of the Fire, and they will abide therein forever. |
Have you not looked at him who disputed with Ibrahim (Abraham) about his Lord (Allah), because Allah had given him the kingdom? When Ibrahim (Abraham) said (to him): "My Lord (Allah) is He Who gives life and causes death." He said, "I give life and cause death." Ibrahim (Abraham) said, "Verily! Allah causes the sun to rise from the east; then cause it you to rise from the west." So the disbeliever was utterly defeated. And Allah guides not the people, who are Zalimun (wrong-doers, etc.). |
Not upon you (Muhammad SAW) is their guidance, but Allah guides whom He wills. And whatever you spend in good, it is for yourselves, when you spend not except seeking Allah's Countenance. And whatever you spend in good, it will be repaid to you in full, and you shall not be wronged. |
Those who spend their wealth (in Allah's Cause) by night and day, in secret and in public, they shall have their reward with their Lord. On them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. |
Allah will destroy Riba (usury) and will give increase for Sadaqat (deeds of charity, alms, etc.) And Allah likes not the disbelievers, sinners. |
Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope. He gets reward for that (good) which he has earned, and he is punished for that (evil) which he has earned. "Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into error, our Lord! Lay not on us a burden like that which You did lay on those before us (Jews and Christians); our Lord! Put not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Pardon us and grant us Forgiveness. Have mercy on us. You are our Maula (Patron, Suppor-ter and Protector, etc.) and give us victory over the disbelieving people." |
There is plenty of compulsion, Jihad, killing and hatred of Christians in this Sura. Only cults entertain and promote such anti-civilizational, and immoral programs. Islam is about as much of a religion as Nazism.
Christianophobia within Sura 2 verses 121:286: 23 or 15 %
146, 159, 161-163, 174-176, 190-191, 193, 212, 216, 217, 221, 244, 256-258, 272, 274, 276, 286