Number of verses in Sura 15: 99
Number of verses of Christianophobia in Sura 15: 26
% of Christianophobic verses in Sura 15 of the total: 25 %
Islam must dominate, so says the Al-Lah thing:
15:2 Again and again will those who disbelieve, wish that they had bowed (to God's will) in Islam.
And there is no free-will within Islam, only the will of the Al-Lah idol, a theme in direct opposition to the Catholic doctrine of free-will and rationality;
15:24, 24 And verily, it is We Who give life, and Who give death: it is We Who remain inheritors (after all else passes away). To Us are known those of you who hasten forward, and those who lag behind.
The Al-Lah thing rules. You are nothing.
Only 25% of Sura 15 called 'The Rocky Tract' demonizes Christians. Nice. Very moderate. Christians in Sura 15, as they are in every long chapter are linked to Satan, identified as polytheist criminals, and assigned to eternal hell-fire and torture. No ethical statements about tolerating the 'people of the book' can be found. Not one single 'nice' comment about Christians mars the supremacist text. Islam is uber alles. Follow Muhammad and his idol the moon deity Hub'Al Lah or else.
The Christianophobic hate speech verses are: 2-11, 42, 43, 50, 77-84, 90-94.
Christians are warned to accept Muhammad, since he represents the last of the prophets of what the Koran calls the 'Lord' [Al Lah means the 'One', or the 'Lord', it does not mean God and it references the moon deity Hub'Al of course]. This rant takes up much of the early part of the chapter [15:6 to circa 40].
Beyond this the Al-Lah thing comments using 'We' to describe his or its unlimited powers, its creation of man, the earth and all living creatures, and its omniscience over all matters. 'We' rules. The 'We' however is never explained.
15:16 It is We Who have set out the zodiacal signs in the heavens, and made them fair-seeming to (all) beholders;
15:26 We created man from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape;
15:47 And We shall remove from their hearts any lurking sense of injury: (they will be) brothers (joyfully) facing each other on thrones (of dignity).
15:49 Tell My servants that I am indeed the Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful;
The 'We' expects that humans should be merely servants of the Al-Lah thing – its slaves. Slavery to Muhammad and the Al-Lah idol is a common theme within the Koran comprising about 20% of the text. Again this is the opposite of what Christianity proposes, which is that each person needs to have a relationship to the Godhead, and not just be an unthinking slave devoted to mindless ritual and memorization.
As usual Christians are linked to Satan or Iblis.
15:31 Not so Iblis: he refused to be among those who prostrated themselves.
15:32 (God) said: "O Iblis! what is your reason for not being among those who prostrated themselves?"
15:33 (Iblis) said: "I am not one to prostrate myself to man, whom Thou didst create from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape."
15:34( God) said: "Then get thee out from here; for thou art rejected, accursed.
15:35 “And the curse shall be on thee till the day of Judgment."
15:36 (Iblis) said: "O my Lord! give me then respite till the Day the (dead) are raised."
15:37 (God) said: "Respite is granted thee
15:38 'Till the Day of the Time appointed.'
15:39 (Iblis) said: "O my Lord! because Thou hast put me in the wrong, I will make (wrong) fair-seeming to them on the earth, and I will put them all in the wrong, -
Anyone who does not prostrate himself to the Al-Lah thing is informed by Iblis, cursed, rejected and doomed on the Day of Judgement. This is a common message within the Koran. Satan is always in league with the Christians, since the followers of Christ reject the true sharia. They are inflamed by evil.
Much of the rest of the chapter is a chopped up incoherently presented story of Lot or Lut. But this is the Koran. How can the text ignore the hated Christians ? Christians are criminals because they associate 'false idols' with the Al-Lah thing. Thus 'We' have doomed them:
15:94 Therefore expound openly what thou art commanded, and turn away from those who join false gods with God.
15:90 (Of just such wrath) as We sent down on those who divided (Scripture into arbitrary parts), -
15:91 (So also on such) as have made Qur'an into shreds (as they please).
15:92 Therefore, by the Lord, We will, of a surety, call them to account,
15:93 For all their deeds.
How loving. Christians, Jews, and pagans can 'hide' in the Rocky Tract, but the 'We' is cunning. 'We' will find and destroy them:
15:77 Behold! in this is a sign for those who believed.
15:78 And the Companions of the Wood were also wrong-doers;
15:79 So We exacted retribution from them. They were both on an open highway, plain to see.
15:80 The Companions of the Rocky Tract also rejected the apostles:
15:81 We sent them Our Signs, but they persisted in turning away from them.
15:82 Out of the mountains did they hew (their) edifices, (feeling themselves) secure.
15:83 But the (mighty) Blast seized them of a morning,
15:84 And of no avail to them was all that they did (with such art and care)!
The above is pretty standard fare for the Koran. Gibberish, hate, bile, plagiarism, the demonization of the 'other', and the linking of Christians with Satan, doomed to death and torture. And the big brains call this cult a 'religion'. So too was Nazism.