Number of verses in Sura 29: 69
Number of verses of Christianophobia in Sura 29: 23
% of Christianophobic verses in Sura 29 of the total: 33%
There is no free will in Islam, a fact that most do not know, since in the general consciousness the Allah thing and the Christian Trinity 'are the same'. It is clear that Islam teaches that disbelievers in the Koran and Muhammad are to be destroyed by Allah in this life and the next. This is because they have 'transgressed' and 'caused evil in the land' by not following the Koran and Allah. All humans must be worthless slaves of the Al-Lah idol or thing, the only force with free-will. The Meccan idol will determine your fate. Denying free-will tantalizes the really smart people in the world. This is why clever people call the cult of Submission a 'religion'.
Sura 29 or 'The Spider' expresses nothing but contempt and hate for Christians. Out of 69 verses only 23 are Christianophobic hate speech. Christians are linked to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and other states who rejected the power of the Allah idol. As with the pagans of the Old Testament, Christians worship 'false gods'. Christians and pagans build houses like the spider – flimsy and of little value, which will not last in the face of the 'truth' of the Allah cult:
29:41 The likeness of those who take Auliya' (protectors and helpers) other than Allah is as the likeness of a spider, who builds (for itself) a house, but verily, the frailest (weakest) of houses is the spider's house; if they but knew.
Like the worthless spider, Christianity is a flimsy house – full of pagans and polytheists, and the Koran is clear that anyone who worships another idol including the Trinity, and who rejects the Al-Lah or Hub'al moon deity, must be destroyed.
Hate speech verses against Christians and pagans include: 16-25, 41-49, 52-54, 68. The Koranic intolerance against Christianity is nicely summarized here in verses 16-25:
And (remember) Ibrahim (Abraham) when he said to his people: "Worship Allah (Alone), and fear Him, that is better for you if you did but know.
[This means that the Jews are really Moslems and Christians by extension, since they originate from Hebraic-Judaism, must worship the Allah cult.]
"You worship besides Allah only idols, and you only invent falsehood. Verily, those whom you worship besides Allah have no power to give you provision, so seek your provision from Allah (Alone), and worship Him (Alone), and be grateful to Him. To Him (Alone) you will be brought back.
[Christians are polytheists worshipping the Trinity which has no power.]
"And if you deny, then nations before you have denied (their Messengers). And the duty of the Messenger is only to convey (the Message) plainly."
[Christians deny Muhammad, a crime within Islam].
See they not how Allah originates creation, then repeats it. Verily, that is easy for Allah.
[Christians deny Allah and his 'signs' including creation.]
Say: "Travel in the land and see how (Allah) originated creation, and then Allah will bring forth (resurrect) the creation of the Hereafter (i.e. resurrection after death). Verily, Allah is Able to do all things."
[The Koran denies the resurrection of Christ.]
He punishes whom He will, and shows mercy to whom He will, and to Him you will be returned.
[The Allah is the only free-will force, you must follow its will, not that of Christ or 'God'.]
And you cannot escape in the earth or in the heaven. And besides Allah you have neither any Wali (Protector or Guardian) nor any Helper.
[There is no Christ or intercessor to help you.]
And those who disbelieve in the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allah and the Meeting with Him, it is they who have no hope of My Mercy, and it is they who will (have) a painful torment.
[Christians will be tormented.]
So nothing was the answer of [Ibrahim's (Abraham)] people except that they said: "Kill him or burn him." Then Allah saved him from the fire. Verily, in this are indeed signs for a people who believe.
[Christ was not crucified and did not rise again. Allah saved him.]
And [Ibrahim (Abraham)] said: "You have taken (for worship) idols instead of Allah, and the love between you is only in the life of this world, but on the Day of Resurrection, you shall disown each other, and curse each other, and your abode will be the Fire, and you shall have no helper."
[Pagans, Jews and Christians have forsaken Allah. They are doomed to hellfire.]
The above verses along with many others in this chapter are quite clear. Any belief system other than Islam will result in torment and destruction. You must follow Allah and his 'messenger'. Whatever is in the Koran is 'right', and everything else a criminal thought and belief. There is no tolerance within Islam, and neither is there love, charity, or gratitude. It is a cult system of obedience, fear and wrath. Clever people term this set of irreligious ideals a 'religion'.