Number of verses in Sura 53: 62
Number of verses of Christianophobia in Sura 53: 7
% of Christianophobic verses in Sura 53 of the total: 11%
Sura 53 is a jumble-mash of repetitive Koranic gibberish justifying the pre-eminence of Muhammad. Sura 53 is a repetition of 52. According to this chapter, Muhammad saw the power of Allah [by a tree 53:14-16]; was inspired by Allah to be his slave-servant; and was not insane, astray or misled as most contemporaries viewed him [2-5]. Allah is however correctly named in this Sura as Lord Sirius or the moon deity. Moslems worship a celestial object. It is doubtful if more than a tithe of Moslems understand this.
And that it is He (Allah) Who causes death and gives life; |
And that He (Allah) creates the pairs, male and female, |
From Nutfah (drops of semen male and female discharges) when it is emitted; |
And that upon Him (Allah) is another bringing forth (Resurrection); |
And that it is He (Allah) Who gives much or a little (or gives wealth and contentment), |
And that He (Allah) is the Lord of Sirius (the star which the pagan Arabs used to worship); |
The moon deity is uber-alles. Verse 62 demands that you worship the Allah thing or idol, alone. Any other object, being, or icon associated with Allah is forbidden with such conflations being punished by death including Christians and anyone not following the Koranic cult [53-57].
Furthermore, Christians who in Koranic intolerance are identified as pagan polytheists because they 'associate' Christ with God, pray to a Trinity, and affirm angels and saints; are to be shunned by the cult of Muhammad, for their impiety to Allah. Moslems should ignore Christians for the demise of polytheists is a certainty. The Allah-thing said so. The supremacist theme.
53:26-30 And there are many angels in the heavens, whose intercession will avail nothing except after Allah has given leave for whom He wills and pleases. Verily, those who believe not in the Hereafter, name the angels with female names. While they have no knowledge thereof. They follow but a guess, and verily, guess is no substitute for the truth. Therefore withdraw (O Muhammad SAW) from him who turns away from Our Reminder (this Qur'an) and desires nothing but the life of this world. That is what they could reach of knowledge. Verily, your Lord it is He Who knows best him who goes astray from His Path, and He knows best him who receives guidance.
Likewise, Pagan Arabs are warned that their millennial-old worship of Allat [sun], Uzza and Manat [Venus and Mars]; is in error, un-sanctioned by the Allah-thing, and thus invalidated.
53:18-23 Indeed he (Muhammad SAW) did see, of the Greatest Signs, of his Lord (Allah). Have you then considered Al-Lat, and Al-'Uzza (two idols of the pagan Arabs) And Manat (another idol of the pagan Arabs), the other third? Is it for you the males and for Him the females? That indeed is a division most unfair! They are but names which you have named, you and your fathers, for which Allah has sent down no authority. They follow but a guess and that which they themselves desire, whereas there has surely come to them the Guidance from their Lord!
Pagan Arabs are travelling down the path to destruction through their worship of celestial objects. The irony is that Allah is of course Hub'Al the moon deity of Mecca and 'Lord' of the Kabaa shrine of 360 idols. The Allah thing is the epitome of idol worship.
There is nothing edifying in this chapter [or in the Koran], which is connected to ethics, tolerance, the Golden Rule or metaphysics. Just more supremacist hate, and justifications as to why Muhammad is great, namely; because his creation the Allah thing or Lord Sirius, the moon deity, said so.