Number of verses in Sura 58: 22
Number of verses of Christianophobia in Suras 58: 13
% of Christianophobic verses in Sura 58 of the total: 60%
The Meccan cult of Muhammad or Muhammadanism as it was rightly termed in the Middle Ages and beyond; is adamantly hostile to Christianity. The cult named Submission negates every aspect of Christianity including the Trinity, the divinity of Christ, the Gospel and the rites and practices of Catholic Orthodox faith. Christians are linked to Satan, named as criminals, polytheists, and sinners; and are commanded to convert or be conquered and subjugated by the chosen Umma of the Allah thing.
58:19 Shaitan (Satan) has overtaken them [Unbelievers]. So he has made them forget the remembrance of Allah. They [Jews, Christians, Pagans] are the party of Shaitan (Satan). Verily, it is the party of Shaitan (Satan) that will be the losers!
Sura 58, which starts off about the 'law' of divorce, contains 22 verses of which 10 are Christianophobic hate speech including: 5-8, 10, 14-21. Christians are allied with Satan and they are criminal hypocrites destined for hell.
58:14 Have you (O Muhammad SAW) not seen those (hypocrites) who take for friends a people upon whom is the Wrath of Allah (i.e. Jews, Christians)? They are neither of you (Muslims) nor of them (Jews, Christians), and they swear to a lie while they know.
Christians 'lie' about the Trinity, Christ's divinity, his crucifixion and the relevancy of their Gospels. All of which is rejected by the Koran and Muhammad.
The punishment for the Jewish and Christian liars ?
58:15 Allah has prepared for them a severe torment. Evil indeed is that which they used to do.
58:20 Those who oppose Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad SAW), they will be among the lowest (most humiliated).
Christians, Jews, Pagans and anyone who does not follow Muhammad, or who is not prostrate begging for mercy before the unknowable, never-defined Allah-thing; or who do not follow the exactitude of the Koran will be destroyed in this life and the next.
58:16 They have made their oaths a screen (for their evil actions). Thus they [Unbelievers] hinder (men) from the Path of Allah, so they shall have a humiliating torment.
58:17 Their children and their wealth will avail them nothing against Allah. They will be (the) dwellers of the Fire, to dwell therein forever.
Christians are indeed among the 'losers' according to many screeches, screams and ramblings within the Koran. Allah hates Christians. The perverted irony is that since Allah is the only free-will force in the universe he has willed the Christians into disbelief, so he can torture and kill them. What 'god' would do that ? Islam uber alles.
58:21 Allah has decreed: "Verily! It is I [Allah] and My Messengers [Muhammad and Moslems] who shall be the victorious." Verily, Allah is All-Powerful, All-Mighty.
Allah and the supremacist creed. Not one single jot or tittle of metaphysics is contained in this chapter, nor any expression about tolerance toward Jews or Christians.