Number of verses in Sura 80: 42
Number of verses of Christianophobia in Sura 80: 4
% of Christianophobic verses in Sura 80 of the total: 11%
The Koran is not a manifesto which extols the Golden Rule, or promotes harmony with anyone who disbelieves the moon cult idol of Mecca, or the Lord 'ilah'. It presents a very clear Bronze Age-inspired division of the world between the 'good' – those who submit to the Meccan idol and Muhammad or Islam [submission] – and the rest; the criminal, the greedy, the stupid, the wayward, the immoral, the polytheist. Every Koranic page is filled with warnings for these untermenschen, tales of woe and grief which will befall those who reject Muhammad and his family deity Hub'Al or the Lord of Mecca.
80:17 Be cursed (the disbelieving) man! How ungrateful he is!
You the worthless human must venerate the Allah-thing, even if the Allah is never explained in the Koran and is attested to only as the 'ilah' or Lord. In Koranic-Muhammadan a-history the Allah-thing is the only free-will force in the universe. He or it, made males and females [80:19 From Nutfah (male and female semen drops) He created him, and then set him in due proportion]. In any event the Allah-thing is what you need to fear, and to please. You can only please it by following Muhammad and his Koran. Piety and submission are the important features of Islam – not intelligence, rationality, faith or morality. Blindly become a knave and do not question the cult.
80:23 Nay, but (man) has not done what He commanded him.
You must follow the commandments of the Koran, no matter how obtuse, ridiculous or irrational they might be. If 1600 Koranic verses say kill, exterminate, humiliate, crucify, attack, ignore, do-not-befriend and hate the Unbeliever than so be it. That is your duty. You are not allowed to use your mind or free-will to question any aspect of this cult. By so doing you are a criminal and will be punished in this life and the next.
80:40 And other faces, that Day, will be dust-stained;
80:41 Darkness will cover them,
80:42 Such will be the Kafarah (disbelievers in Allah, in His Oneness, and in His Messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him), etc.), the Fajarah (wicked evil doers).
Christians worship the Trinity and are Fajarah – evil ones linked to Satan. They reject the 'oneness' of the Meccan moon idol, recognizing its pagan antecedents and celestial history. Allah or Hub'al has no more in common with Christian ideals of God, than does the Baal of the Bible [a sky god], or the 10.000 idols of Hindu superstition.