Thursday, August 29, 2013

Christianophobia – Islam's hatred of Christians: Suras 86-90

Threats, death and hell.

by Ferdinand III

Number of verses in Suras 86-90: 94

Number of verses of Christianophobia in Suras 86-90: 35

% of Christianophobic verses in Suras 86-90 of the total: 38%

The pagan-fascist cult of Muhammad is not religious but quite irrational and shall we say, stupid. Only big brains within the Western axis of self-loathing; politicians, academics, tv 'experts', believe that Islam is a spiritual enterprise, full of hope and change; love and compassion; rationality and natural law. That is why, like Darwinist-Atheists [the book burning people] they are so 'smart'.

The smaller Koranic verses were stolen by Muhammad, from the Meccan Kabaa shrine, to which various literates posted their cants. Muhammad was called the mad poet, since he usually mixed up, garbled and eviscerated the meanings of these poems, as he assembled his hand book of hate, Mein Koran, or Mein Recital, not knowing perhaps that Mein Kampf was a catchier moniker.

Hatred of the other permeates the Koran and even the stolen verses of poetry are twisted around to 'prove' [as other Atheist or celestial cults would later 'prove' their theorems], that Allah or the Lord of Mecca [ie Hubal the moon guy], was in partnership with Muhammad and only Muhammad. Obey the mad poet or be destroyed!

Sura 86 – the threat:

[86.14] And it is no joke.
[86.15] Surely they will make a scheme,
[86.16] And I (too) will make a scheme.
[86.17] So grant the unbelievers a respite: let them alone for a while

Sura 87: Abraham, Moses and perforce all Jews and Christians were actually Moslem. The tautological, supremacist theme, with hell the 'logical' end place of all Christians and 'deniers':

[87.11] And the most unfortunate one will avoid it,
[87.12] Who shall enter the great fire;
[87.13] Then therein he shall neither live nor die.
[87.14] He indeed shall be successful who purifies himself,
[87.15] And magnifies the name of his Lord and prays.
[87.16] Nay! you prefer the life of this world,
[87.17] While the hereafter is better and more lasting.
[87.18] Most surely this is in the earlier scriptures,
[87.19] The scriptures of Ibrahim and Musa.

Sura 88 follows 87 and evinces the lurid threats to the Unbeliever of hell and torture:

[88.1] Has not there come to you the news of the overwhelming calamity?
[88.2] (Some) faces on that day shall be downcast,
[88.3] Laboring, toiling,
[88.4] Entering into burning fire,
[88.5] Made to drink from a boiling spring.
[88.6] They shall have no food but of thorns,
[88.7] Which will neither fatten nor avail against hunger.


[88.23] But whoever turns back and disbelieves,
[88.24] Allah will chastise him with the greatest chastisement.
[88.25] Surely to Us is their turning back,
[88.26] Then surely upon Us is the taking of their account.

Sura 89 – the reason the Christian or pagan infidel will burn in hell and follow the ancient Arab states which were supposedly 'destroyed' by the Hub'al idol or moon deity of Mecca;

[89.6] Have you not considered how your Lord dealt with Ad,
[89.7] (The people of) Aram, possessors of lofty buildings,
[89.8] The like of which were not created in the (other) cities;
[89.9] And (with) Samood, who hewed out the rocks in the valley,
[89.10] And (with) Firon, the lord of hosts,
[89.11] Who committed inordinacy in the cities,
[89.12] So they made great mischief therein?
[89.13] Therefore your Lord let down upon them a portion of the chastisement.
[89.14] Most sure!y your Lord is watching.

Sura 90, is simply a restatment of your demise iif you refuse to follow mad Moh and friends:

[90.19] And (as for) those who disbelieve in our communications, they are the people of the left hand.
[90.20] On them is fire closed over.

How kind of the Moslem fascism. Follow us and all of our rules and irrationality or you will be tortured and destroyed. No immanent morality. No golden rule. No humility. No tolerance. All is war, ruin, death and excruciating dislocation. This is not a religion but a very obscene cult.