Stark's wonderful treatise on why the 'West' won dispels any number of revisionist myth-making, drivel, and counter-factual fantasy. Why didn't Islam, the great conquering fascism which sprung out of Arabia in the early 7th century; and which had access to much more intelligent, sophisticated and richer empires than had ever existed within the Bedouin's peninsula, not stride on to EurAsian if not global mastery ? All of the 'geographic', resource, and intellectual property requirements and antecedents were there. From western China to southern France, the Moslem Jihad, attacked, murdered, enslaved, and dominated once thriving lands. Why didn't the Meccan cult strut to world dominance?
The answer is of course, culture. Culture is king. Moslem culture is irrational, pagan, brutal, savage, immoral and supremacist and racist. The Koran has 1600 verses of hate-speech directed at Christians and Jews. Over 40% of the Koran is a screaming screed against non-Moslems. There is no gospel, morality, higher ethics, reasonableness or rationality in the Koran, the Hadiths, or the life of Muhammad the fascist cult's founder. The Moslem culture, contrary to modern relativism, Marxist revisionism, and historical rewriting, has never exalted the rational, the moral, or the technological. Quite the opposite is true of course.
“Islam holds that the universe is inherently irrational—that there is no cause and effect—because everything happens as the direct result of Allah’s will at that particular time. Anything is possible. Attempts at science, then, are not only foolish but also blasphemous, in that they imply limits to Allah’s power and authority. Therefore, Muslim scholars study law (what does Allah require?), not science.”
There is no free-will within Islam. Ergo, science, enquiry, innovation and improvements are unnecessary. Only Allah's will shall be done.
“Islam’s conception of the universe and its resulting opposition to reason, science, and philosophical inquiry have had a profound impact down to the present day. Muslim societies today are manifestly backward in comparison with those of the West. As Robert Reilly points out in The Closing of the Muslim Mind, “The Arab world stands near the bottom of every measure of human development; … scientific inquiry is nearly moribund in the Islamic world; … Spain translates more books in a single year than the entire Arab world has in the past thousand years; … some people in Saudi Arabia still refuse to believe man has been to the moon; and … some Muslim media present natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina as God’s direct retribution.”
is all true. Far from creating anything, Islam seeks to destroy
everything that is not related to Koranic-Muhammadan theology. Islam
is nothing else other than a system of control, authoritarian
domination and by logical extension, a process dedicated to the
evisceration of the individual, the non-Moslem and the female. All
must be either dominated or killed by the Moslem male. This is the
ethos, the objective and the raison d'etre of the Moslem cult.
Moslem males following the dictum's of Allah's will must rule, the
rest of the world must simply obey.