ISIS – the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria – is just following the Koran. Thanks to Obama and the US 'military' and 'State' department liberals, northern Syria and wide swathes of Iraq are now under the 'Arab spring' control of Moslem fascists. Nice work Obama.
ISIS has called for the death of Jews and Christians as per the Koran. Christian hate is just as prevalent in Mein Koran, as is the anti-semitic racism. Christians of course have been beheaded and crucified in both Syria and Iraq. The Western media apparently are ignorant of such atrocity. The mainstream media will likewise name ISIS a perversion of Islam, a freedom-fighting unit, or simply 'extremist'. It is none of these things. ISIS is the Muhammadan state par excellence, a true implementation of Mein Koran theology.
ISIS Video Calls to "Break the Crosses and Destroy the Lineage of the Grandsons of Monkeys" Link
ISIS Moslems slaughter donkeys to illustrate what they will do to Christians and Jews.
“Watching them slaughter the donkeys is like watching them slaughter human “infidels”—with all the triumphant theatrics. In one video, “Allahu Akbar!” is heard while a donkey is being decapitated. Jihadis habitually cry “Allahu Akbar” (Islam’ supremacist war-cry, which literally means Allah is “greater”) whenever striking down infidels—especially when ceremoniously beheading them.”
Koranimals, lauded by Marxist big-brains as a 'religion'. Lenin's useless idiots united.