Lies, myths and innuendo which is spread about the Church and Medieval and modern Christianity, spread by the Atheist/Humanist class of Dhummies. A list would include:
1) Myths about Church doctrine / corruption
-The Bible is the opposite of the Koran or any other document [it defends free-will, the individual, universal ethics, reason and faith]
-The Bible has two very important and self-reinforcing 'books' [laws and historiography; and the gospel of the golden rule]
-Catholics do not worship Mary and other apocrypha
-Christ did die and was resurrected [miracles do happen, there is an immaterial energy]
-Sola Scriptura [Luther] is wrong [he denies free-will, individual conscience]
-Era of Papal corruption was defined and short [but real]
-Women were / are freed in Christian theology
2) Myths about the Church being anti-science
-'Enlightenment', Protestant, anti-Church lies based on a wilful ignorance of the past
-There is a long list of scientific accomplishments in the medieval era from 500-1500
-Apogee of Western art, architecture, literature, language was in the Medieval period – how to explain that in a 'dark age'
-900-1300 greatest increase in living standards in history until 1750 [industrialization]
-Galileo and Bruno myths [nothing to do with science]
-Evolution, Naturalism, Cosmological myths and non-science abound
3) The Inquisition
-2500 people killed over 250 years [about ¼ of yearly Moslem daughter slaughter]
-The State not the Church, killed those condemned
-In some areas the Inquisition was necessary [Albigensian, intra-Church corruption]
-Church canon law was superior to secular law [and informed secular law later on]
4) Crusade myths
-For 400 years Moslems destroyed Christian civilization from Syria to southern France
-Some 1-2 million Christians were enslaved, tens of millions forcibly converted
-The unending Jihad included rape, yearly campaigns of war, piracy, plunder
-Jerusalem retaken in 1099 was not 'knee deep in blood'
-List of Moslem atrocities against Christians is long and sordid
-Banking, Trade, Capital innovations – all occurred in Christian Europe from 900-1200
5) Myths re Church intolerance/anti-Semiticism
-Catechism by its nature is open, tolerant
-Jews made up the early Christian church
-Jews were not persecuted by the Church [eg Crusades, medieval Europe]
-1 million Jews saved by Catholics and the Vatican in WW2
-Church did not direct imperialism/genocide/subjugation
6) Hitler was a Christian
-Nazi theology was Darwinian/Evolutionary
-Hitler hated Christianity, so did the Nazi leadership
-Bible was outlawed in 1942, Church under Nazi control
-5 million Catholics were gassed during WW2
Today the pagan barbarity of abortion, Darwinism, Islam [it is a cult not a religion]; and other Atheistic-naturalist theologies are rarely condemned. 'Humanists' or Atheists and Marxists, have spent 400 years rewriting history. Lies are not facts. Neither is propaganda reasonable history.