Saturday, August 2, 2014

Christians wiped out in Iraq - and wither the Vatican ?

Say nothing, do nothing, believe in nothing....

by Ferdinand III

In both the confessing and evangelical Churches there are too many brain-dead apologists for the Meccan cult of death, dedicated as it is, to the complete eradication of Christianity. The rot in the confessing and professing Church starts at the top in the Vatican and streams down in great waves to the local clergy. The entire structure is terrified to criticize Muhammad's cult. Supine, stupid and stunned they gape while hundreds of thousands of Christians in the birthplace of their religion are being lined up for a faith-genocide by Moslems.

A report on Christians in Iraq and in particular Mosul, from Deacon Keith Fournier is Founder and Chairman of Common Good Foundation and Common Good Alliance. A married Roman Catholic Deacon of the Diocese of Richmond, Virginia, he and his wife Laurine have five grown children and six grandchildren, He serves as the Director of Adult Faith Formation at St. Stephen, Martyr Parish in Chesapeake, VA. He is also a human rights lawyer and public policy advocate.

He writes:

Since taking over Mosul on June 10, ISIS has destroyed, occupied, converted to mosques, converted to ISIS headquarters or shuttered all 45 Christian institutions in Mosul.The following is the complete list of the Christian institutions in Mosul, grouped by denomination.

Syriac Catholic Church:

1.Syrian Catholic Diocese - Maidan Neighborhood, Mosul 
2.The Old Church of the Immaculate - Maidan Neighborhood, Mosul (The church goes back to the eighth century AD) 
3.The New Church of the Immaculate - Maidan Neighborhood 
4.Church of Mar (Saint) Toma - Khazraj Neighborhood 
5.Museum of Mar (Saint) Toma - Khazraj Neighborhood 
6.Church of Our Lady of the Annunciation - Muhandiseen Neighborhood 
7.Church of the Virgin of Fatima - Faisaliah Neighborhood 
8.Our Lady of Deliverance Chapel - Shifaa Neighborhood 
9.The House of the Young Sisters of Jesus - Ras Al-Kour Neighborhood 
10.Archbishop's Palace Chapel - Dawasa Neighborhood

Syriac Orthodox Church:

1.Syrian Orthodox Archdiocese - Shurta Neighborhood 
2.The Antiquarian Church of Saint Ahodeeni - Bab AlJadeed Neighborhood 
3.Mar (Saint) Toma Church and cemetery, (the old Bishopric) - Khazraj Neighborhood 
4.Church of The Immaculate (Castle) - Maidan Neighborhood 
5.Church of The Immaculate - Shifaa Neighborhood 
6.Mar (Saint) Aprim Church - Shurta Neighborhood 
7.St. Joseph Church - The New Mosul Neighborhood

Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East:

1.Diocese of the Assyrian Church of the East - Noor Neighborhood 
2.Assyrian Church of the East, Dawasa Neighborhood 
3.Church of the Virgin Mary (old rite) - Wihda Neighborhood

Chaldean Church of Babylon:

1.Chaldean Diocese - Shurta Neighborhood 
2.Miskinta Church - Mayassa Neighborhood 
3.The Antiquarian Church of Shimon alSafa - Mayassa Neighborhood 
4.Church of Mar (Saint) Buthyoon - Shahar AlSouq Neighborhood 
5.Church of St. Ephrem, Wady AlAin Neighborhood 
6.Church of St. Paul - Majmooaa AlThaqafiya District 
7.The Old Church of the Immaculate (with the bombed archdiocese)- Shifaa Neighborhood 
8.Church of the Holy Spirit - Bakir Neighborhood 
9.Church of the Virgin Mary - Drakziliya Neighborhood 
10.Ancient Church of Saint Isaiah and Cemetery - Ras AlKour Neighborhood 
11.Mother of Aid Church - Dawasa Neighborhood 
12.The Antiquarian Church of St. George- Khazraj Neighborhood 
13.St. George Monastery with Cemetery - Arab Neighborhood 
14.Monastery of AlNasir (Victory) - Arab Neighborhood 
15.Convent of the Chaldean Nuns - Mayassa Neighborhood 
16.Monastery of St. Michael - Hawi Church Neighborhood 
17.The Antiquarian Monastery of St. Elijah - Ghazlany Neighborhood

Armenian Orthodox Church:

1.Armenian Church - Maidan Neighborhood 
2.The New Armenian Church - Wihda Neighborhood

Evangelical Presbyterian Church:

1.Evangelical Presbyterian Church - Mayassa Neighborhood

Latin Church:

1.Latin Church and Monastery of the Dominican Fathers and Convent of Katrina Siena Nuns - Sa'a Neighborhood 
2.Convent of the Dominican Sisters, - Mosul AlJadeed Neighborhood 
3.Convent of the Dominican Sisters (AlKilma Monastery) - Majmooaa AlThaqafiya District 
4.House of Qasada AlRasouliya (Apostolic Aim) (Institute of St. John the Beloved)


1.Christian Cemetery in the Ekab Valley which contains a small chapel.

All courtesy of Islam, the cult of death.