Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Bukhari's Hadith: First half of volume 1 - the incitement to violence and supremacism

Just following Mein Koran. The Meccan cult is very intolerant.

by Ferdinand III

A list of violent Hadith from Bukhari, volume 1 the first half, courtesy of the Meccan moon cult named Submission. Submit to Muhammed who is always conflated with the Meccan moon god Hu'Baal or the 'Lord' [ilah]. If you don't submit to Mein Koran and the 1600 injunctions it contains advocating violence against Jews, Christians and less-than-pious Moslems; than Muhammad-Allah will destroy you. Bukhari's Hadiths, so beloved by Moslemophiles and assorted nitwits who pretend that a Bedouin cult is a religion, simply follow the Koran. Minutiae from Muhammad's toilet routine, to his passing wind during prayer, the fondling of his wives during menstruation, and other vital information, is punctuated by the usual dreary Moslem chants of Jihad and death.

Bukhari, a Jihadic intolerant recounts the wonderful ways of Jihad, as given by the deeds of Muhammad:


Allah's Apostle said: "I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform a that, then they save their lives an property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah."


Allah's Apostle was asked, "What is the best deed?" He replied, "To believe in Allah and His Apostle (Muhammad). The questioner then asked, "What is the next (in goodness)? He replied, "To participate in Jihad (religious fighting) in Allah's Cause."


The Prophet said, "The person who participates in (Holy battles) in Allah's cause and nothing compels him to do so except belief in Allah and His Apostles, will be recompensed by Allah either with a reward, or booty (if he survives) or will be admitted to Paradise (if he is killed in the battle as a martyr). Had I not found it difficult for my followers, then I would not remain behind any sariya going for Jihad and I would have loved to be martyred in Allah's cause and then made alive, and then martyred and then made alive, and then again martyred in His cause."


[Justifying the slaughter of the 'pagan' Meccans in 630 AD]...So anybody who has belief in Allah and the Last Day (i.e. a Muslim) should neither shed blood in it nor cut down its trees. If anybody argues that fighting is allowed in Mecca as Allah's Apostle did fight (in Mecca), tell him that Allah gave permission to His Apostle, but He did not give it to you....


...the law that no Muslim should be killed in Qisas (equality in punishment) for the killing of (a disbeliever).


Same as 104.


A man came to the Prophet and asked, "O Allah's Apostle! What kind of fighting is in Allah's cause? (I ask this), for some of us fight because of being enraged and angry and some for the sake of his pride and haughtiness." The Prophet raised his head (as the questioner was standing) and said, "He who fights so that Allah's Word (Islam) should be superior, then he fights in Allah's cause."


....One of them said to the others, "Who amongst you will bring the abdominal contents (intestines, etc.) of a camel of Bani so and so and put it on the back of Muhammad, when he prostrates?" ...Allah's Apostle was in prostration and he did not lift his head up till Fatima (Prophet's daughter) came and threw that (camel's abdominal contents) away from his back. He raised his head and said thrice, "O Allah! Punish Quraish." ...By Allah in Whose Hands my life is, I saw the dead bodies of those persons who were counted by Allah's Apostle in the Qalib (one of the wells) of Badr.


The Prophet said, "I have been given five things which were not given to any one else before me.

1. Allah made me victorious by awe, (by His frightening my enemies) for a distance of one month's journey.

2. The earth has been made for me (and for my followers) a place for praying and a thing to perform Tayammum, therefore anyone of my followers can pray wherever the time of a prayer is due.

3. The booty has been made Halal (lawful) for me yet it was not lawful for anyone else before me.

4. I have been given the right of intercession (on the Day of Resurrection).

5. Every Prophet used to be sent to his nation only but I have been sent to all mankind.


We conquered Khaibar, took the captives, and the booty was collected. Dihya came and said, 'O Allah's Prophet! Give me a slave girl from the captives.' The Prophet said, 'Go and take any slave girl.' He took Safiya ..she is the chief mistress of the tribes of Quraiza and An-Nadir and she befits none but you.'


Allah's Apostle said, "I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.' ..."Whoever says, 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah', faces our Qibla during the prayers, prays like us and eats our slaughtered animal, then he is a Muslim, and has got the same rights and obligations as other Muslims have."


Same as 331.

So in the first half of Bukhari's Hadiths here is what I learnt:

  1. Jihad is mandatory for all Moslems

  2. Jihad means killing any who oppose the Muhammadan cult.

  3. Jihad will be rewarded in this life and the next.

  4. A Moslem who kills the unbelievers cannot be punished.

  5. Sex slavery is fine, since Muhammad took the Jewess Safiya, the wife of the Jewish Khaibar tribe whom he had just eradicated; as a concubine.

  6. Moslems are superior and destined to rule the world.

These are simply facts elicited from the text. It follows therefore that Islam is violent, supremacist, and raving mad.