Thursday, September 25, 2014

Imam Barry Obama aka Soetoro declares Islam is peace and love......

1400 years of evidence confirms the opposite.

by Ferdinand III

Imam Barry Soetoro aka Obama whined at the UN that Islam is a great faith of peace. Yes indeed. 1400 years of Jihad. 10 million enslaved and dead Whites. 5 times that number of Hindus and Buddhists. Endless war and violence. Persecution of women, Christians, Jews and non-Moslems. Destruction of unIslamic artifacts and monuments. Beheadings, rape, child-slavery, polygamy, misogyny, racism, supremacism and a cesspool of inbreeding, lack of education, poverty and stupidity stretching across the Moslem-dominated world. Other than that, Islam created civilization, engineered science, rationality, technology and advancements; and saved the world from the 'Dark Ages'. Yep. So says Imam Barry, most academics and the mainstream media. It must be true.

Some recent examples from the Islam-is-superior-cult:


Muslims are told to emulate the example of Muhammad. Muhammad said in many places that he has been "ordered by Allah to fight men until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger." In the last nine years of his life, he ordered no less than 65 military campaigns to do exactly that. Muhammad inspired his men to war with the basest of motives, using captured loot, sex and a gluttonous paradise as incentives. He beheaded captives, enslaved children and raped women captured in battle. Again, Muslims are told to emulate the example of Muhammad. Muhammad directed Muslims to wage war on other religions and bring them under submission to Islam. Within the first few decades following his death, his Arabian companions invaded and conquered Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and Zoroastrian lands. For those of us in the U.S. still skipping around the maypole with rose-colored glasses on, thinking beheadings will never happen in our neck of the woods -- I’m sure that’s what the UK thought prior to Lee Rigby’s beheading last year.

Christianity is wiped out in Iraq

In the part of his Sept. 10 speech on confronting the Islamic State that probably drew the least attention, President Obama mentioned the need to help Christians and other minorities, expelled from cities and villages in northern Iraq, return from where they came. “We cannot allow these communities to be driven from their ancient homeland,” he said.

Obama got that wrong. Christians, of whom around 120,000 have taken refuge in Iraqi Kurdistan, will not be going home even if their tormentors suddenly disappear.

I spent 10 days talking with Christian refugees in Irbil, the capital of the northern autonomous region of Kurdistan, this month, and they are adamant they will not be returning to Mosul and nearby towns on what is known as the Nineveh Plain.

It is not simply that these Christians have gone through tremendous trauma. It is not only because they lost everything, including their homes and businesses, and in some cases spent days and even weeks in detention while being badgered to convert to Islam, where they saw babies taken from mothers’ arms to be held for ransom and busloads of young people ferried off into the unknown.

7th Century Christian Church destroyed in Iraq

According to a report by BBC Arabic, Islamists in Tikrit have destroyed The Assyrian Green Church, built in 700 A.D., and Forty Shrine, the oldest Islamic religious shrine in Iraq.

Islamists, most likely ISIS, planted explosives around the Assyrian Green Church, which is located inside the presidential palaces compound in the center of the city, and detonated them, completely destroying the ancient church, which belonged to the Assyrian Church of the East.

Toronto Moslem rally for persecuted Christians attracts....80 Moslems

On July 26 2014 Toronto’s Shia community mustered over 6000 participants for their Al Quds Day Anti-Israel Hate Fest held at Queen’s Park.

On September 21 2014 Muslims Facing Tomorrow managed to attract some 80 participants for their rally held on behalf of persecuted Christians.

Some patterns.

  1. Jihad is nothing new, but a 1400 war of Moslems against non-Moslems.

  2. Wiping out Christianity has been a 1400 year process, and includes the destruction between 632 AD and 710 AD of some 30.000 Christian churches in the Near East and Northern Africa during the expansion of the Moslem fascism out of Arabia.

  3. Beheading Infidel 'apes and pigs' with small knives is a savage act that emanates from the time of Muhammad and is sanctioned in the Koran [47:4 and other verses].

  4. Muhammad the sex-addled, robber thief and mass murdering psychopath is the main idol of emulation for male Moslems.

  5. Christian-hate permeates the Koran and this is the 'root cause' of Moslem wars against Christian communities.

  6. 'Moderate' Moslems who are against killing Christians are a small insignificant minority, versus the plurality of Moslems who demonize and loathe the Christian and Jew.

None of the above facts will make it into a political speech or a UN confab. Reality does not impose itself on the anti-Western Marxists and relativists who run our planet.