Sentient people must wonder why Moslem women and children go on Jihad to kill the Infidel ape and pig? Or why Moslems slaughter Infidel women, children, the aged, the crippled, the defenceless? Here is why. A 'scholarly' Shafi’i manual of Islamic law states this about Jihad:
“Jihad is also (personally) obligatory for everyone (able to perform it, male or Female, old or young) when the enemy has surrounded the Muslims… A woman too has a choice between fighting or surrendering if she is certain that she will not be subjected to an indecent act if captured. If uncertain that she will be safe from such an act, she is obliged to fight, and surrender is not permissible).”
Jihad is an obligation within Islam even for women and as stated below, children. A sixth pillar of the cult. A fact lost on quackademics, media personalities and sundry experts. From the same Shafi'i manual we learn:
Those called (to perform jihad when it is a command obligation) are every able-bodied man who has reached puberty and is sane. (p. 601)
There are rules of Jihad. For example Moslems must kill children, monks and old men of the infidel, if they are fighting Moslems:
It is not permissible (in jihad) to kill women or children unless they are fighting against the Muslims. Nor is it permissible to kill animals, unless they are being ridden into battle against the Muslims, or killing them will help defeat the enemy. It is permissible to kill old men (old man (shaykh) meaning someone more than forty years of age) and monks. (p. 603)
The 'great brains' of Islamic liturgy, the 'geniuses' who saved the world from a 'Dark Age' which never occurred, concur that not only can women and children participate in Jihad, but Muslims are also permitted to kill those innocents, aged, unarmed monks and women and children who fight against them. Within Islamic jurisprudence war is not the only method Infidel apes and pigs use to fight Moslems. Criticizing the cult, defaming Muhammad, querying the Koran, not following Sharia, or disobeying an Imam is also considered 'fighting against Moslems'.
Ibn Taymiyya (d. 1328), was a famous Hanbali jurist who was also called Shaykh-ul-Islam. This supposed Muslim 'scholar' had this to say about the obligatory fact of Jihad:
"Since lawful warfare is essentially jihad and since its aim is that the religion is God’s entirely and God’s word is uppermost, therefore according to all Muslims, those who stand in the way of this aim must be fought. As for those who cannot offer resistance or cannot fight, such as women, children, monks, old people, the blind, handicapped and their likes, they shall not be killed unless they actually fight with words (e.g. by propaganda) and acts (e.g. by spying or otherwise assisting in the warfare)." (Ibn Taymiyyah, in Rudolph Peters, "Jihad in Classical and Modern Islam", [Princeton, NJ.: Markus Wiener, 1996], p. 4 source)
A justifiable Jihad in Islam, includes fighting against anyone who dares to oppose the Moslem cult with weapons, force, words, criticisms, questions, or even indifference to Sharia Law. This broad definition of 'fighting' allows Moslems, with impunity, divinely guided by the moon deity, to slaughter whomever they wish.
Nice cult Islam.