Thursday, November 6, 2014

Moslems in Iraq selling Yezidi and Christian girls, under 10, for up $170 each, as sex slaves

Islam demands sex slavery, sexual violence against young girls.

by Ferdinand III

Non Moslem women and female children are by Sharia and Koranic law; open for rape, sex-slavery and harem duty. Muhammad's exalted example makes this clear. Non Moslem women are sex toys which the 'right hand' of Moslem men 'own' and can do with as they please. Islam is in part, a sex cult for male Moslems. As written before a woman in Islam is a thing, not a human.

Worse the Koran openly advocates sex with pre-pubescent slave girls and sex with slave girls is encouragedKoranic verses 4.3, 4.24, 23.6, 33.50 & 70.30 allow a Muslim man to have sex with slave girls. A slave girl can be bought or acquired by killing infidels and capturing their wives and daughters.

Why then is anyone but Western Marxists surprised that ISIS following Koranic 'law' is selling NON-MOSLEM girls under the age of 10 into sex slavery.

IBT Times: 'Shocking' that ISIS is selling little girls for up to $170 as Sex slaves....