Monday, November 7, 2005

The Euro-Arabian civil war

Islam has started its civil war against Europe.

by Ferdinand III

France and Denmark are now being convulsed, not by civil unrest, but by civil war. French PM Villepin, the haughty arrogant Moroccan who told the US that invading Iraq was wrong and that ‘France is an old country and has learned from history’, should have added weak, corrupt, and hypocritical to his description. Maybe Villepin and the French will now realize that intolerant Islam has no love for European civilization. The arrogance of the pagan moon cult of Arabia is even greater than the insufferable arrogance of the Villepinians. Perhaps Europe will wake up and realize what is going on.

The liberals and Euro-lovers of course explain away the two weeks of rioting and looting in Denmark and France as ‘civil unrest’. They will add that real violence only happens in the poverty infested and divided USA, does it not? The socialist havens of old Europe should be immune from such violence and hate. European civility, its ‘old age’, and the morality of its blooming socialism render it immune from such ‘American styled’ violence. How blasé and uncultured to be American.

Anyone who has been to Paris knows it is a more dangerous city than New York. Whole areas on the outskirts of Paris are off limits to the unwary. Government built and mandated slums are testimony to the inadequacy of the cultural relativity mindset which feels that assimilation into Western culture is unnecessary. The multi-cult club has always screamed that all cultures are equal. So I guess they are rather proud of the product of their condescending and incredibly ignorant set of policies – covering the spectrum from housing slums to poor job prospects – a widespread Islamic civil war against European culture.

Paris and Denmark are burning thanks to Muslims. White Christians from the Left Bank were not torching cars in Paris. Neither were the white sandal wearing Vikings destroying private property in Denmark. The motive is clear – Islamic hatred of the EuroLand society. Far from loving the Euro socialist model, it appears that the Muslims, as one would expect from a pagan cult, would love to rip Euroland apart and install a Caliphate.

Daniel Pipes, an expert on Islam states on his site that the riots in France are a microcosm of the larger radical Islamic goal of gaining a solid foothold in Europe. It is hard to see what other motive is at work. "The great majority of Muslims in Europe see themselves as bearers of a superior civilization and see themselves growing prodigiously," he says on his site. "Through a cultural, religious and demographic confidence they feel scorn towards European ways and conspire to take it over." It is doubtful that Islam wants a ‘takeover’ of Europe. More likely it wants its complete destruction. It is hard to understand the absurdity of a religion so drugged on violence. It is not a civil rights or a job or an educational issue. The fundamental reason for the brewing civil war in Europe is that Islam totally and completely rejects modernity and Western styled society.

So in both Paris and Denmark you have Islamic youth screaming at police that ‘this is a war’. Whole areas in Paris have been marked by radical Islamic gangs as no-go zones for the police or any infidel for that matter. Islam has captured the imaginations of the disenfranchised millions, who have no jobs, no education and no assimilation. Europe has its socialist model of relativity, its caste system where moving up is largely impossible unless you are part of the old-boys network, economic stagnation and its obnoxious hypocritical double talk to thank for the creation of an Islamic movement that wants to destroy its host society. For nations built on the multi-cult model, maybe the rash of civil war eruptions across Europe will force compassionate, feminine politicians to amend their ways. Then again they might just rationalize the violence away and blame it all on the Jews or George Bush.

Muslims across Europe do not feel French, Dutch, Danish, Belgian or German. They feel Islamic. They believe in Islam not in Western or European values. The liberal socialists are blind to this fact. Muslims are Muslims first and only. Nations do not exist in the radicalized Muslim mind. They have no interest in the main ideals underscoring the prosperity of the Western model. Many are radicalized into a potent 5th column. From London, to Madrid, to Paris, to Hamburg, to Malmo to Amsterdam and beyond, Islam is gearing up for the great clash.

Maybe the violence in Europe will finally convince the arrogant Eurolanders and the Villepinians that the US is right and that fighting this pagan fascist moon cult is the only way to survive. Then again maybe like good Europeans, they will want to take a vacation, drink some café au lait, blame the Jews and Americans and have a nice sleep.