Saturday, January 31, 2015

The myth and nonsense of the 'Enlightenment'. Pure Atheist and Marxist propaganda.

About as truthful as Pravda or the BBC.

by Ferdinand III

The mythical age of the Enlightenment. The 'enlightenment era' is pure propaganda by Atheists and Protestants. Science, math, higher thought, civilization itself was developed during the Medieval or pre-Enlightenment era. Without the rationality of the Middle Ages there would be no platform of science for the Atheists and Marxists to clamber upon and declaim from. I can list the following quite partial list of pre-Enlightenment discoveries, science, and enlightened ideals all of which pre-date the 17th century:

-Mean speed theorems, gravity [dates back to the 13th c.], heliocentricity, earth's circumference calculation [with 1% error], impetus theory [14th c]

-Moon's gravitational pull on water and tides; cosmology, accurate galaxy maps, planetary orbits and ellipticism, comets, nebulae

-Elementary tables, alchemy [a necessary precursor to chemistry], chemistry, elements used in industry

-Axles, brakes, wheelbarrow, steam engines, carracks, caravels

-Blast furnaces, advanced mining, advanced composite-metallic creation

-Optics, eyeglasses, telescopes, microscopes

-Calculus, algebra [a Christian invention 2nd C AD], geometry, trigonometry

-Chimneys, windows, ballasts, wind mills, water mills, dykes, water pumps, automated saws, automated grinders, spinning machines, fulling machines

-Hospitals, pharmacies, nursing schools, homeopathy, dentistry, surgery, germ theory of disease [known during the Black death]

-Dome building, flying buttresses, ribbed arches, the pointed arch, advanced masonry, stained glass windows

-The scientific method [13 c]

The list is partial. So what did the Enlightenment offer us ? The elevation of science into a cult which demands mindless obeisance. Science never was in conflict with either the Church or with faith Galileo and Bruno myths notwithstanding. It is however, in conflict with reason and reality today. The 'Enlightenment era' also gave us:

-Witch burnings, Abiogenesis, Rousseau, The French Revolution, Napoleon, Darwinism [a non-science materialism], Atheism, Socialism, Darwinism [a non-science materialism], Hitler's Atheist Nazi Evolutionary dogma, Marxism, Stalin's Atheist Communist cult, Mao's Atheist cult, Globaloneywarming, GlobaloneyCooling [1970s], 19th c consensus that Mars, Venus and the moon [lunatics] had life, Flat Earth theorems [see here], and unlimited big government, and multiculturalism.

What is enlightened about the above ? Not a damn thing.